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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Sort of agree, however the UK have very high vaccination rates to protect the elderly and also have on hand some excellent covid medications and antibody treatment for the vulnerable that are home delivered for them to take. Better than the stuff they have here.
  2. The Dutch and Germans are sending military aid to Ukraine to fight of the cowardly attackers who are keen on war crimes, thats all that matters
  3. They do though, they are published daily however even then you'd probably not be satisfied unless they had an accompanying death certificate and autopsy report to pick apart.
  4. Hopefully the mods will leave this one up seeing as its fools day................
  5. This should put to bed the false notion and lies that Putin was invading Ukraine to denazify it: Russia "denazifies" a country with the lowest level of antisemitism in Central Europe. In Russia it's 3x higher. The Pew Research Center survey was published in 2018. The next year Ukrainians elected with 73% of votes a president of Jewish origin - Volodymyr Zelenskyi. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/28/most-poles-accept-jews-as-fellow-citizens-and-neighbors-but-a-minority-do-not/
  6. If this was a comedy sketch it would be funny but its for real so its hilarious...lol Russians running from the Ukraine after being spotted by a drone, after hiding in a forest they jumped in the troop carriers and drove of in the snow so fast that some fell out and they left them there. Turn the sound up, must watch video... "The Russian Army doesn't leave its soldiers behind. (They run from the 93rd Ukrainian Army brigade.)" https://twitter.com/MrKovalenko/status/1509004018030460928
  7. Your opinion, not that of those Thai's who have been waiting for over two years to get their livelihoods back on repeated promises from the government of large numbers of incoming tourists coming to save them.
  8. I live in Phuket as you know tourist reliant and I can assure you there are plenty of Thai's complaining.
  9. Yea right, Reuters, WHO and CDC all sing from the same tune but your thinking is the correct one even though you admit you can't remember. Sideways comments get you nowhere
  10. Its in the article why................. "March 27 (Reuters) - Ukraine has asked the International Committee of the Red Cross not to open a planned office in Russia's Rostov-on-Don, saying it would legitimise Moscow's "humanitarian corridors" and the abduction and forced deportation of Ukranians. The head of the ICRC said on Thursday after his talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that agreement between the Russian and Ukrainian armies was needed before civilians could be evacuated properly from war-torn Ukraine"
  11. If you had bothered to quote my full post instead of taking it out of context then you would have read why ????
  12. Not many people remember things from when they were a baby or toddler...........................by the way. I never quoted Reuters in any post CDC recommends that children get four doses of polio vaccine. They should get one dose at each of the following ages: 2 months old, 4 months old, 6 through 18 months old, and 4 through 6 years old. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vpd/polio/public/index.html#:~:text=CDC recommends that children get four doses of polio vaccine,4 through 6 years old. CDC recommends children get two doses of MMR vaccine https://www.cdc.gov/rubella/vaccination.html#:~:text=CDC recommends children get two,through 6 years of age. Smallpox is administered subcutaneously as two doses separated by 4 weeks (one dose at week 0 and a second dose at week 4) for primary vaccinees (individuals who have never been vaccinated against smallpox or do not recall receiving a smallpox vaccination in the past). https://www.cdc.gov/smallpox/clinicians/vaccines.html#:~:text=Unlike ACAM2000® and APSV%2C JYNNEOSTM is administered subcutaneously,smallpox vaccination in the past).
  13. Not true, they are indeed real vaccines. No vaccine has ever been 100% for any disease and many also require 2 or 3 doses
  14. PCR test positive cases, total of 28,379 official new infections. 92 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 22,331 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 50,710 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 30th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  15. Common sense for me states that's a very wise move and if successfull it could be repeated considering: "But The Independent understands there are still major logistical hurdles, including guarantees of safety, before the evacuation can go ahead." The Red Cross who is there co ordinating said: “Past attempts at corridors have not worked,” he said, explaining that they had come under shelling from Russian forces. “If this is successful, it will be the first proper evacuation from Mariupol.” "On Wednesday, Ukraine claimed that Russian forces had struck a Red Cross warehouse in Mariupol amid intense shelling." Or perhaps send a 40 mile convoy and hope for the best? We already know what sort of common sense you have. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/mariupol-buses-evacuation-b2047940.html
  16. AFP: Ukraine says it is sending dozens of buses to evacuate civilians from Mariupol after a Russian ceasefire announcement, but dismissed Kremlin promises to scale back attacks on the capital saying forces were simply regrouping to target the east
  17. Sounds about right, Putin's got to regroup and carry on his dirty work after his failed first attempt. Kind of makes any effort for further talks just a waste of time: Putin said timing premature for Ukraine ceasefire- Draghi ROME, March 31 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin told Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi that conditions were not mature yet for a ceasefire in Ukraine, Draghi told a news conference on Thursday when asked about a telephone call with Putin the previous day. https://www.reuters.com/article/ukraine-crisis-italy/putin-said-timing-premature-for-ukraine-ceasefire-draghi-idUSR1N2T3014
  18. No this does not suggest all the deceased were double vaccinated, it suggests exactly what it says that nearly all covid deaths are in those who have not had a booster shot. In todays count out of the 85 deaths only 1 person had the booster. For the numbers on the double, single and non vaccinated the last one I saw a few days ago was around 48% non vaccinated but they do not release this info daily.
  19. Some Thai media has morals. Aside from Channel 5 that is.
  20. South Korea, another example similar to Honk Kong that did well to contain the outbreak through the 2 years and was looked on as a success in its model but no experiencing extremely high death rates more than at any other time. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/south-korea
  21. Common sense went out of the window when Putin attacked Ukraine. Better ask the Russians why they bombed to death 300 civilians sheltering in the threatre at Mariupol. Or killing hundreds of civilians in the widespread indiscriminate shelling of apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, opera houses and theaters; forcibly deporting tens of thousands of residents of the besieged city of Mariupol to Russia; using cluster munitions and banned anti-personnel mines; and opening fire on peaceful protesters.
  22. Not really, just part of Putin's killing and abduction machine Russia accused of shelling Mariupol evacuation route as civilians flee Sumy “The enemy has launched an attack heading exactly at the humanitarian corridor,” the Ukrainian defence ministry said on Facebook, adding that the Russian army “did not let children, women and elderly people leave the city”. Ukraine says Russia forcibly relocated thousands from Mariupol. Here’s one dramatic account. A young Ukrainian woman said she and her family were transferred to what the Russians called a ‘filtration camp’ before being sent to Russia Convoy of 160 cars leaves besieged Mariupol as ceasefire allows first humanitarian corridor out
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