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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Thanks for your opinion. It does not stop states and prosecutors gathering all the evidence for charges to be announced on Putin and those directly responible for pulling the triggers in Ukraine.
  2. Its complicated but not impossible, article here covers some of the options, its a good read: How would those accused of Ukraine war crimes be prosecuted? "Poland, Germany, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, France, Slovakia, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland all opened independent investigations into Russia’s activity in Ukraine within the first month of the conflict. They can do so under the legal concept of “universal jurisdiction,” which allows countries to use domestic courts to prosecute individuals for grave violations of international law, like crimes against humanity, torture and war crimes – even if they are committed abroad by foreign perpetrators against foreign victims." https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-africa-united-nations-war-crimes-europe-6bdb1d4ea6d13830fdf048e46ec8199e There is also another initiative going on here: High-Level Launch Meeting of the Group of Friends of Accountability Following the Aggression Against Ukraine The GoF will serve as an informal forum for states dedicated to ensuring accountability for international crimes committed following the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the aim of: Information sharing among states and relevant international organizations, institutions, and civil society in order to optimize the process of accountability and the delivery of justice. Including and engaging smaller states, whose capacity to follow the development of accountability measures may not match the importance they attach to the respect for the rule-based international order. https://www.ipinst.org/2022/03/high-level-launch-meeting-of-group-of-friends-of-accountability-for-ukraine They're not going there to waste their time: International Criminal Court team head to Ukraine for war crimes investigation A team from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has left for Ukraine to start investigating possible war crimes, its top prosecutor has said. Hours before their departure on Thursday, Prosecutor Karim Khan said he would start collecting evidence as part of a formal investigation launched after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. "Yesterday I formulated a team and today they are moving to the region," Mr Khan told Reuters. https://news.sky.com/story/international-criminal-court-team-head-to-ukraine-for-war-crimes-investigation-12556564
  3. In respect to Putin using the excuse of Nato for his crimes and murders in the International court then yes that is not a defense. The here and now is still no excuse either for the crimes and murders that are continuing. Right?
  4. Such a shameful apologist for Putin. No excuses can justify these indiscriminate murders of civilians or the illegal invasion. Your excuse for Putin does not stand with the International Criminal Courts
  5. PCR test positive cases, total of 25,821 official new infections. 84 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 22,476 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 48,297 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 25th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  6. Nonsense, Ukraine's people and spirit along with help from allies with arms have stopped him. He said he was going there to liberate Ukraine, however he forgot to ask them first. Long term Ukraine will remain a sovereign country and as such has a right to have its own military with a size and arsenal as it see's fit. They kept to their promise years ago to ditch nuclear weapons. There is no way on earth they will agree to a downsizing of their own army in any peace talks.
  7. Ukraine army, air force, defense volunteers with military equipment help from EU, Nato and the US has already stopped Russia in their quest for a total invasion, didn't you hear?
  8. BBC world also carries this: Escalating up would mean either rebuilding the army from scratch or "opening up a can of worms" by resorting to chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. "Either they escalate down or escalate up, but what they have now can't do the job,"
  9. Well just to put some context around that. Out of over 250,000 Ukraine soldiers there are only around 1,000 Azov, it was estimated back in 2015 that around 10 20% of them were far right but also in 2015 their leader left. They have fought well in Mariupol but Putin was determined to flatten the city and he has as you know destroyed it and hundreds of its civilians. Very good explainer here in this 9 minute video from the BBC just yesterday with historical links though to the present day role of Azov in Mariupol. "You’ll have seen the multiple false claims that Putin and his supporters are making about ‘Nazis’ in Ukraine. We’ve looked at them in detail." https://twitter.com/BBCRosAtkins/status/1507264052938129412
  10. We all know of the risks to healthy people as opposed to the more elderly or those with underlying conditions, we've known about that for nearly 2 years, what your rehashing is not new...................so no I have no desire to discuss whats been discussed thousands of time already
  11. If you want to look at available data for Thailand then do so with up to date data not a Thai report from July 2021. Here's a starter for you....... https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  12. How does a report from 19th July 2021 relate to the current Covid epidemic? Those reports that the Disease Control dept used to issue on a daily basis were stopped with the last one being in Jan https://ddc.moph.go.th/viralpneumonia/eng/situation.php
  13. Video of it here in the linked article taken when it was unloading supplies before it got hit.............. Russian Military TV Dispatch Showed Vessel at Ukraine Port Prior to Attack https://sg.news.yahoo.com/russian-military-tv-dispatch-showed-010613686.html
  14. PCR test positive cases, total of 26,234 official new infections. 67 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 21,697 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 47,931 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 24th March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  15. Kremlin TV Descends Into Screaming Match Over Putin’s War Failures In January, experts on the same show estimated that Russia could overtake the entire neighboring country in a matter of 11 minutes. Their current predictions have shifted from minutes to decades for the Russian armed forces to achieve Putin’s goals in his senseless war against Ukraine. ... The resistance from the Ukrainian side is neither stopping nor weakening.” Tretyakov pointed out that despite the Russian media’s attempted depictions of Zelensky as a drug addict, he is being perceived by the West as a leader of a country that has been attacked. He also questioned the wisdom of “liberating” Ukrainians who don’t seem to want to be “liberated” and vehemently hate seeing the Russian troops on their territory.
  16. It sounds logical to you, no surprise there then...............lol
  17. If they measure success on calling Phase one complete and getting spanked and humiliated by the Ukraine defense then yes I agree it was a success. Utter failure on Putin's intended objectives now the spin starts and its hilarious........... Twitter thread from an F.T. correspondent and Reuters investigative team. "Russia's military held a big briefing this afternoon, announcing the war was entering a 'second phase'. Here's a summary of how Russia, at this point in the war, is depicting what it set out to do, why, and where we're at. (relaying their words, pls don't shoot msnger)" "Firstly, the generals said Russia had always intended only to 'liberate' the Donbas, that was what it set out to do. It had two options: fight a war in the east, but allow Kyiv to replenish its forces, or start off by knocking out Ukrainian military capacities across the country." "Russia had never intended to capture Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities, the generals said - these are not setbacks in other words, it's all part of the plan. And the plan was to distract Ukrainian forces while Russia/ Donetsk/ Luhansk made territorial gains in the east." "Numerous statements made about not targeting civilian infrastructure, avoiding civilian casualties." "Defence ministry briefing also shared a new official figure for the number of Russian soldiers killed, the second statement by Russian side during the course of this war. Said 1,351 were killed - figure is far below Ukrainian and international estimates." "Here's the full english text of the briefing per military's translation just now" (I have removed the link here but its in the twitter thread)
  18. What do you expect from a state controlled TV channel.............. "Army-run TV5 is described by Facebook as "Thailand state-controlled media" which is rather misleading as rogue generals often stage military coup and control the state."
  19. Death toll keeps going up...: #BREAKING 300 feared dead in Russian strike on Mariupol theatre: city hall https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1507284508466421760 Mariupol City Council: Around 300 people killed in Russian attack on Mariupol Drama Theater. Russia bombed the theater, which was known to house hundreds of women and children, on March 16. The City Council says that witnesses report a huge number of casualties. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1507286032286466060 Same figure also just mentioned on the BBC
  20. PCR test positive cases, total of 26,050 official new infections. 69 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 26,655 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 52,705 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ OWD rolling 7 day average, cases and deaths up to 22nd March https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  21. Need a laugh? Read this.........................???? Lieutenant-General Rangsi Kitiyanasap, the Managing Director of Channel 5, said the reason why the army-controlled TV channel will air news from Russian, Chinese, and Iranian governments is because they are free. (1/2) He also said he does not believe that these governments would provide propaganda because it will damage their credibility. (2/2) Channel 5 cancels presser on Russian cooperation, to meet with Ukraine embassy https://www.thaienquirer.com/38891/channel-5-cancels-presser-on-russian-cooperation-to-meet-with-ukraine-embassy/
  22. You're right, it absolutely rampant and the official figures are a complete sham. Daughter's got it, turn's out that she caught it from travelling back from a football match at another school. The majority of the team who were in the mini bus have tested positive. She had a rough night last night with high fever sweats and chills, still asleep now. She's been double vaxxed with pfizer. Now just waiting to see if I get it. Official dashboard not updated yet today so no idea what the ATK count was yesterday.
  23. This idea as you put it is straight from the stories told on Russian tv. Nice to see you're following me on an alternative account however and your first post....???? welcome to the forum. 'What should be our reaction? Tactical nuclear weapons,' Russian state TV continues to promote war Russian media analyst Julia Davis has shared more disturbing footage of nuclear attacks being promoted on Russian state TV. In this clip, military expert Igor Korotchenko says, in part: "The West will never lift the sanctions from Russia... This is war. What should be our reaction? Tactical nuclear weapons as battlefield arms... Re-arming Iskanders with special munitions..." Source & Source As a guest on Soloviev’s Sunday show, Prilepin stressed that the Russians shouldn’t try to convince the West of their humanity and good will. He argued that Russia’s approach towards the West should be as harsh as possible: “If they’re seriously afraid of the conflict with Russia, of WWIII, of nuclear war or the escalation of the conflict, we should be convincing them that we’re ready for it, that we love it, that we like to make war.” Source Meanwhile on Russian state TV: military expert Igor Korotchenko says, in part: "The West will never lift the sanctions from Russia... This is war. What should be our reaction? Tactical nuclear weapons as battlefield arms... Re-arming Iskanders with special munitions..." Source + video Biden will take up with allies “how to deal with the rhetoric and the commentary coming out of Russia on this whole question of the potential use of nuclear weapons.” Source Poland too Russian lawmaker Alexei Zhuravlyov on state TV threatens nuclear strike on Warsaw, Poland and NATO forces or any peacekeeping contingent that might try to enter Ukraine. Source + video
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