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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The aggression continues................... 03 Mar 2022, 08:36:30 PM IST Protect Ukraine civilians 'for God's sake', pleads UN aid chief The United Nations' aid chief pleaded Thursday for the protection of civilians in Ukraine and for unhindered humanitarian access amid the spiralling violence, in an interview with AFP. 03 Mar 2022, 08:03:23 PM IST 'All of humanity' at risk from nuclear threat over Ukraine: UN The UN human rights chief on Thursday slammed Russia's invasion of Ukraine, warning millions there were seeing their rights trampled, while the rising nuclear threat put all humanity at risk. https://www.livemint.com/news/world/russia-ukraine-crisis-live-news-ukraine-updates-biden-putin-moody-s-fitch-due-to-sanctions-11646273854106.html
  2. Ukrainian official says ceasefire talks with Russia started Breaking Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed no let-up in his invasion of #Ukraine on Thursday, even as the warring sides met for ceasefire talks and Kyiv appealed for relief supplies to reach shattered cities - latest
  3. The ban lasted for nine months A Proxy Propaganda War For its part, Russia has been conducting a proxy propaganda war against Ukraine dating back to the country’s independence in 1991. One of the nation's weapons has been books, and Russian publishers are known to have flooded the Ukrainian market with cheap paperbacks in an effort to undermine any growth in the local publishing industry. Back when Russia subsumed Crimea in 2014, Oksana Hmelyovska, one of the coeditors of Chytomo, a Ukrainian website covering books and the media market, said that “we hope that culture and publishing play not the last role in defense of our independence.” https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/international/international-book-news/article/88619-russia-s-war-of-words-with-ukraine.html
  4. None of your business how I'm dealing with it, you said you have no opinion, I do, it echos the majority of the world in the condemnation of Russia's pure aggression and killings in Ukraine with over 1 million refugees leaving their homeland, a humanitarian crisis in real time while the dictator Putin just announced a few moments ago that he may well add extra conditions to the peace talks. Enjoy your history reading, I'll wait for your opinion in anticipation or perhaps carry on sitting on that fence.
  5. While you read up on history. The real world is dealing with the here and now. Taken sides and condemed the invasion.
  6. About time you got off the fence, However I notice your are very good at giving your opinions such as this "no need for Thailand to get involved in someone elses dispute"
  7. The Wagner Group, fine bunch of Russian Neo Nazi's in Ukraine now doing Putin's dirty work photo source
  8. The whole world has divided, the vast majority have picked their sides already including Thailand with the vote cast at the UN General Assembly. They could have abstained but they decided and all agreed that Russia's invasion has to stop. "140 countries voting in favour of the resolution to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, while 5 voted against and 35 abstained." Your opinion is in the minority and on the wrong side of what will be a dark history. Putin invading Ukraine on the pretext that he was going their to denazify it was false and remains so. Instead he's there to invade the whole country and while doing so carrying out war crimes with an estimate of 2000 civilians already killed.
  9. That was an accusation made by the Russian Embassy in India and reported by TASS news, try sourcing more credible accounts such as the Indian Foreign Ministry Spokesman India says no report of its students being held hostage in Ukraine "We note that with the cooperation of the Ukrainian authorities, many students have left Kharkiv yesterday," Indian foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in a statement. "We have not received any reports of any hostage situation regarding any student." Ukraine has also denied holding back Indian citizens. https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-says-no-report-its-students-being-held-hostage-ukraine-2022-03-03/
  10. Thanks, useful stats but also sad that there are still so many unvaccinated elderly here in Thailand. The majority of those deaths could have been avoided
  11. Have they made an official invite for Thai's to come over?
  12. Hit Reuters now also In a single day this week, a Thai-language online group gathered more than 2,000 names of people interested in volunteering for Ukraine, the group's organiser told Reuters. Chanaphong, 28, said he felt upset for the Ukrainian people, particularly after reports of Russian attacks on civilians. "I have been involved in demanding democracy in my country ... and opposing tyranny," Chanaphong told Reuters in an interview. "They (Ukrainians) are also fighting for democracy and is now invaded by a superpower and a tyrant, so I asked myself what I can do for them," he said. https://www.reuters.com/world/thai-democracy-activists-sign-up-fight-tyranny-ukraine-2022-03-03/
  13. Actually speaking of children, its just been reported by the BBC correspondent based in Moscow that teachers are being instructed to tell children that the operation in Ukraine is a peace keeping one. Russian education..............
  14. Nice spin. Parents sending babies out to protest. It was primary school children laying flowers at the Ukraine Embassy with a sign saying no to war. Quite apt considering the children that are being killed by bombs in Ukraine
  15. I saw that a few mins ago also.........???? brilliant! No wonder there's reports of them all heading to Maldives now
  16. Ukrainian Embassy in Bangkok appeals for people to join fight against Russia Volunteers will, however, have to pay their own travel expenses to Ukraine, estimated at about 30,000 baht. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/ukrainian-embassy-in-bangkok-appeals-for-people-to-join-fight-against-russia/
  17. 01:39 Ukrainian troops with the support of aircrafts destroyed columns of military equipment, three planes, two helicopters, and Russian manpower in Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, and Kharkiv regions — Ukrainian Armed Forces report. https://war.ukraine.ua/
  18. The West has used crushing sanctions on Russia. The implications are huge The measures the West has imposed on Russia are so potent that they have triggered chaos in its $1.6trn economy and prompted the president, Vladimir Putin, to issue nuclear threats. The instant immiseration of a big economy is unprecedented and will cause alarm around the world, not least in China, which will recalculate the costs of a war over Taiwan. The West’s priority must be to win the economic confrontation with Russia. Then it must create a doctrine to govern these weapons in order to prevent a broader shift towards autarky. https://www.economist.com/leaders/a-new-age-of-economic-conflict/21807968?
  19. 19:30 Minister of Foreign Affairs: There is an urgent need to strengthen the Air Force. Ukraine is working with a number of countries to close the skies over the country and there is already some progress in this regard. 19:23 Ukrainian Armed Forces isolated and cut off the retreat of Russian troops advancing in Kyiv region by blowing up the bridge in Bashirevka. Live verified updates from the Ukraine government dedicated website https://war.ukraine.ua/
  20. There's more...........the Ukraine Embassy. "The Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Thailand opened two special accounts in Thai baht for supporting Ukraine and saving lives. Each donation matters!" https://www.facebook.com/ukr.embassy.thailand Also on their facebook page it gives a link to verified info with live updates on the situation there. https://war.ukraine.ua/
  21. Thailand made the right decision in this vote. U.N. General Assembly in historic vote denounces Russia over Ukraine invasion UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Reuters) – The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia for invading Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces, an action that aims to diplomatically isolate Russia at the world body. The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly’s 193 members, passed in a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council while Ukrainian forces battled to defend the port of Kherson in the face of air strikes and a devastating bombardment that forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee. The text of the resolution deplores Russia’s “aggression against Ukraine.” The last time the Security Council convened an emergency session of the General Assembly was in 1982, according to the U.N. website. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/u-n-general-assembly-in-historic-vote-denounces-russia-over-ukraine-invasion/
  22. Think again. That's not what Ukraine's top diplomat in Thailand says "We must be honest. We must not be afraid to call a spade a spade. I appeal to all people in Thailand, including mass media. Please, start telling the truth about what happening in Ukraine! Stop calling the aggression against a sovereign country in the centre of Europe a “conflict” or “situation”. Ask Thai people who are returning from Ukraine what they feel about the war. The unprovoked aggression against Ukraine should be condemned in all possible ways and actions taken immediately to stop the war." https://www.thaienquirer.com/38073/the-crimes-of-the-russian-invasion-must-be-publicized-ukraines-highest-ranking-diplomat-in-thailand/
  23. Russia should get its own house in order before their out right lies that they are just in Ukraine to get rid of nazi's. Meet some of Moscows finest Russian Nationalists photo source
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