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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Icu and ventilated patient admissions are rising rapidly, so we can expect to see a continued increase also in the rising covid deaths. Still nowhere near the previous detla wave however when there were over 300 at the peaks. https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=main
  2. PCR test positive cases, total of 21,323 official new infections. 39 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 16,890 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 38,122 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 21st Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  3. A lesson in misinformation and how it is easily spread, this particular one referencing retracted study on hydroxychloroquine and another treatment Hundreds of peer-reviewed papers have cited a retracted study on COVID-19 February 21, 2022 Amid the madness of spring to summer 2020, it was impossible to keep up with the influx of publications about COVID-19. (It still is today, but that time was particularly exhausting in terms of knowing what to pay attention to.) Two high-profile studies in that maelstrom — one on hydroxychloroquine and one exploring COVID-19 outcomes in patients taking ACE inhibitors for heart disease — were ultimately retracted because they used likely fraudulent data from Surgisphere, a company claiming to have a huge patient database available for researchers’ use. A total of 652 articles (all listed here) were verified as peer-reviewed publications citing the retracted study. The findings carry a lesson for journalists covering medical studies. https://healthjournalism.org/blog/2022/02/hundreds-of-peer-reviewed-papers-have-cited-a-retracted-study-on-covid-19/
  4. Yes I read that, although its a targeted group only of the most vulnerable in society as a precaution for them and of course is not part of any required booster shot update to be fully vaccinated. adults aged 75 years and over residents in a care home for older adults individuals aged 12 years and over who are immunosuppressed, or have weakened immune systems "We know that immunity contracts over time and that this is usually more pronounced in older people, who are also most likely to develop serious disease. Therefore, giving these people an additional boost to their immunity makes sense to help protect them disease." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60465983
  5. Buriram has closed all entertainment venues and restaurants with live music, a day after closing most in-person schools. Order was written the 19th but effective yesterday. This basically means "restaurants" have to close here, due to rising Covid19 cases. https://twitter.com/The_PattayaNews/status/1496043414642700291?t=iEcIYvQP6uYWYJMzE-LRKw&s=19
  6. Sure i accept you are aware of more details, just pointing out that prior heart problems are a high risk underlying condition that covid can make worse and covid itself can cause new heart problems and even a heart attack. Its certainly not a case of what I believe, its what reputable scientific studies and health professionals state. Not sure they have incentives to skew those facts
  7. Well if you are more sure than a qualified doctor and think they are intent on upping covid numbers then I'll not debate the matter further.... Having a proir heart disease if that was the case and then catching covid and dying as a result is more common than you think. Coronavirus: what it means for you if you have heart or circulatory disease Our medical experts answer questions about how the Covid-19 coronavirus can affect people with heart disease https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health#:~:text=Anyone with a heart condition,re at particularly high risk.
  8. It may shock you, but the people who manage death reporting systems are aware that death is not necessarily a simple event. Detailed death certificates, which capture both the eventual and underlying causes of death as well as comorbidities and significant underlying conditions that may have contributed to a death. A heart attack brought on by covid is certainly possible. COVID-19 diagnosis raises risk of heart attack, stroke https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/covid-19-diagnosis-raises-risk-of-heart-attack-stroke
  9. You were reply to a cruise ship post, your comment on restaurants is also just as important on a cruise ships where they have extremely large ones that you visit at least 3 times a day..............oh dear.......
  10. Cruise ships are a high risk area and proven to facilitate the spread of covid. Health Information is not private for any employee, they are bound by the Seafarer's Medical Examinations which even include sexual health screening. Health and Safety onboard is paramount due to its very nature, access to healthcare may be limited on-board so this is a very good example of where a vaccine policy mandate along with any medical exemptions, for passengers and crew.
  11. Yes probably if they had access to boosters but this is Thailand and they don't. By far the majority have not been boosted yet. Latest figure is 27%, its too slow for those who want protection. I've been boosted, paid for it for a moderna full shot, but I don't wear a mask all the time only where appropriate.
  12. So that's one data point. Anymore? It does go to show just how important the booster is for protection against Omicron, its been drummed home in just about every country in the world that has gone through the Omicron wave, Thailand still only has around 27% of its population boosted and then we have no idea of what age group that is but obviously not that particular 74 year old.
  13. I agree with one sentiment they fear it will be misinterpreted, however not by the masses but by a small group of anti vaxxers as Scotland did due to evidence of that happening.
  14. Not sure how that is related in anyway to Thailand and this topic but my guess is because of those tin hat anti vaxxers using it out of context for misinformation purposes. Much like Scotland also had to withdraw certain reports: Anti-vax 'misinformation' forces official block on Scots Covid deaths data PHS has stated that the data in the report was never to be used as a measure of vaccine effectiveness but it is now aware of "inappropriate use and misinterpretation of the data when taken in isolation without fully understanding the limitations..." https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/homenews/19932203.anti-vax-misinformation-forces-official-block-scots-covid-deaths-data/
  15. Its going like wildfire through Phuket, schools being seriously affected. In my daughters class 3 active cases already and multiple cases throughout the school she goes to. I need to test her when I pick her up later as she's just sent me a message that one of her close friends in another class has also just tested positive and gone straight home into isolation, she has a lot of interaction with her. Just as a note, none of these cases are followed up with a PCR, its all home isolation and they would not have a PCR unless they enter hospital treatment.
  16. The generals are in fight mode and pulling out all the stops to curb free speech and access to every persons right to information available. This is not looking good. Amnesty International, Thailand, also getting kicked out last I heard.
  17. Very similar sentiment currently from Fauci just over a week ago Scientists said we’d take annual COVID jabs like flu shots. Now Fauci says it might be only every 5 years “It will depend on who you are,” Fauci told the Financial Times, “but if you are a normal, healthy 30-year-old person with no underlying conditions, you might need a booster only every four or five years.” https://fortune.com/2022/02/09/scientists-said-wed-take-annual-covid-jabs-like-flu-shots-now-fauci-says-it-might-be-only-every-5-years/
  18. PCR test positive cases, total of 18,363 official new infections. 35 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 14,605 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 32,968 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 20th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  19. Yep, I think he has the right sentiment and may even be able to nail a few scum but whats needed as we all know is a professionally trained Police Child Protection Team that has offices nationally and works consistently without fear of reprisal or corruption. Yea I know.........dreaming but its such a shame how this all goes on in the land of smiles with no effective force to curtail it.
  20. In Thailand real hospital covid beds are rising rapidly, more so than at any other point in the pandemic, in the middle of the Delta wave in Aug 21, Thailand had 61k+ cases being treated in hospitals, this does not include field hospitals, community care centers or hospitels. Todays recorded covid hospital bed count is just over 77k, again not including other accommodation including home isolation which was not allowed then for mild or asymptomatic cases. It would be interesting to have the data on the vaccination status considering the different brands of vaccine that have been used here and the lesser amount of boosters administered. EDIT. Source
  21. Children do actually happen to be under 50. Tell me, why do you think Omicron has overtaken all variants in the world if it was not more transmissible? Anyway here's some material you may want to start on. However you need to read past the headlines if you want to actually digest the actual content. transmissibility Omicron COVID variant 105% more transmissible than Delta, French scientists find https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/01/07/omicron-covid-variant-105-more-transmissible-than-delta-french-scientists-find However the original Omicron is now being ovetaken by the even more transmissable BA.2 Sudden rise of more transmissible form of Omicron catches scientists by surprise https://www.science.org/content/article/sudden-rise-more-transmissible-form-omicron-catches-scientists-surprise vaccine evasion Omicron extensively but incompletely escapes Pfizer BNT162b2 neutralization https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04387-1 unvaccinated hospital status https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#covidnet-hospitalizations-vaccination I'll ask you one more time, what point is it your really trying to make? A reasoned and substantiated reply would be appreciated.
  22. I provided 4 links to substantiate my specific claims including one from the British Medical Journal and your take away from them was ^^^^^^ I can only now assume you are trolling. What point is it you are actually trying to make?
  23. Maybe you're just not getting it. Together with its increased transmissibility, vaccine evasion ability and the unvaccinated the sheer numbers of Omicron cases admitted to hospitals has been more than any other wave in many countries, take a look at the US and Denmark where all age groups have been affected, you falsely claimed it was not affecting the under 50's Omicron wave was brutal on kids; hospitalization rates 4X higher than delta’s https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/02/omicron-wave-was-brutal-on-kids-hospitalization-rates-4x-higher-than-deltas/ Omicron Wave Leads to New Highs of Hospitalized Children Who Have Covid-19 https://www.wsj.com/articles/omicron-drives-covid-19-child-hospitalizations-to-new-highs-11642242603 Omicron drives record cases of child Covid hospitalisation https://www.ft.com/content/28be9d3f-0b12-4c33-bda9-fbff375c0b7e Covid-19: Omicron variant is linked to steep rise in hospital admissions of very young children https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o110 https://ourworldindata.org/covid-hospitalizations
  24. Yet you claimed: "32 deaths from covid today. It will be another 120 from excess sugar (Diabetes and High blood glucose), 80 from road accidents, about 90 from pollution (at least). Just sayin" Now you are proving yourself wrong by the WHO statement being an an average of 65 road deaths per day not the 80 as you stated, you've not even acknowledged that, its quite a difference over a year. So according to WHO 2021 Thailand had around 22,941 road deaths. To make a comparison with covid deaths in 2021 that was well over 22,000 so not so much of a difference now is it. That's without the added Excess deaths which will bring it far higher and over the road deaths count. As for this year like I said before averaging and guessing your numbers, better to stick to the official tally, both road deaths and covid deaths are published daily.
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