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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The risk of catching covid while vaccinated is real, we all know vaccines do not protect you 100%. So yes unvaccinated people can pass on the virus to vaccinated. However getting vaccinated reduces the risk of infection and so onward transmission. "There may be additional benefit, beyond that due to prevention of infection, if some of those individuals who become infected despite vaccination are also at a reduced risk of transmitting (for example, because of reduced duration or level of viral shedding). Several studies have provided evidence of reduced risk of household transmission from vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated cases" https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1050721/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-4.pdf
  2. That was then but things moved on........................... The WHO's Chief Says It Was Premature To Rule Out A Lab Leak As The Pandemic's Origin https://www.npr.org/2021/07/15/1016436749/who-chief-wuhan-lab-covid-19-origin-premature-tedros
  3. The majority of normal colds are rhinovirus yes but around 20% are also coronavirus Cold viruses have a lot in common, but each type has its own style, too. Rhinovirus. This bunch is most active in early fall, spring, and summer. They cause 10%-40% of colds. You'll feel plenty miserable when you catch one, but the good news is they rarely make you seriously sick. Coronavirus. These tend to do their dirty work in the winter and early spring. The coronavirus is the cause of about 20% of colds. There are more than 30 kinds, but only three or four affect people. RSV and parainfluenza. These viruses cause 20% of colds. They sometimes lead to severe infections, like pneumonia, in young children. https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/cold-guide/common_cold_causes Its is also suggested that those who have suffered from a coronavirus cold can also have some immunity against covid-19
  4. Going to be a long time coming for China to allow tourists in or create bubbles, they are still in the zero covid strategy mode. This just 2 days ago: The Chinese city of Baise in #Guangxi (population 3.57 million) has been locked down because of a #Covid outbreak. It has reportedly been sealed off; people can't enter or leave. Officials are saying that this is the #Omicron variant which has spread from #Shenzhen.
  5. Pretty simple, an unvaccinated person poses a greater risk of transmitting the virus to others than a vaccinated person.
  6. Shake your head all you want, I definitely get your point but I see its easier for you to dismiss my post with a throw away statement rather than respond to its content.
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,398 official new infections. 17 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 3,899 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 14,297 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 6th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/
  8. The chart does exclude boosters as the chart or any appended info does not state it does. What yo are trying to do is assume it does, you're forgiven.
  9. I personally made it up....LOL. It does not say it because it is not it........ Look at the chart, its a comparison with all the different variants against the effectiveness in both infection and effectiveness against severe disease. If you want up to date statistics on full doses + booster against Omicron only, both BA1 and BA.2 then the latest from the UKHSA was published on the 27th Jan Vaccine effectiveness (VE) against symptomatic disease after Omicron BA.2 shows that VE remains unchanged - VE against death after Omicron BA.1 shows VE is 95% at 2+ weeks after booster Full report here: COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1050721/Vaccine-surveillance-report-week-4.pdf
  10. Amazon sells a Song class sub in model kit form, bargain at just $818. I suggest getting this first and see if they can form a committee to make the actual kit before venturing to fast with this. https://www.amazon.com/ARKMODEL-China-Submarine-Song-Class-Single/dp/B08JFXZM2Z?th=1
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,470 official new infections. 12 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 4,527 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 14,997 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 4th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. To be frank how I see it is that anti vaxxers have jumped on the Omicron variant as a further excuse to justify why they refuse a covid vaccine, when in fact they've been refusing for over a year now and jump on any excuse to highlight their freedom cause. The majority of people throughout the world have taken action to help stop this pandemic and keep themselves as safe as possible via vaccinations offered. Inequity in vaccine supply is an ongoing problem in some countries and helps to prolong the pandemic and facilitates emerging variants, yet where vaccines are readily available we have this vocal minority group shouting and demonstrating that their freedom is affected. We are all working towards getting rid of restrictions, one way is through vaccination, the anti vaxxers for me are just taking a free ride because of their politics, beliefs, conspiracy theories or whatever they are into, or any excuse to reject the sound science on vaccination. Some people have no idea what freedom is about. Sometimes it has to be worked for again for the good of all. Not prolong a bad situation because you refuse vaccination.
  13. Yes ok, I thought that is what your point was and thats why I responded. Like I said, a business owner cannot control what anyone does outside of his premises but he can take control within his domain. Rather like a car driver can insist that a passenger wears their seat belt even if that passenger normally jumps in the back of a truck at other times. Hotel business owners in Thailand routinely ask for vaccination proof before accepting a booking. My wife is a business owner and deleted an email this morning from a guy from the US who wanted to come to Thailand and rent one of our villas for a couple of weeks. However he stated he refused to be vaccinated and asked her the best method for entering the country.
  14. Very sad when it gets to the stage that the health workers have to take measures to keep safe during these protests. BREAKING: All hospital workers in Vancouver have received memos from their health authorities telling them to hide inside and avoid showing any signs they’re healthcare staff during an anti-vaxx/restriction convoy tomorrow. Vancouver health authorities warn staff to shelter and hide medical credentials during anti-vaxx convoy Vancouver’s two health authorities are urging health-care workers to take defensive measures to avoid clashes with a convoy of anti-vaccination and anti-restriction demonstrators heading toward the city on Saturday. Memos obtained by CTV News and sent to staff of Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health hospitals on Friday afternoon make similar suggestions not to engage with the protestors and reminding them that British Columbia now has legislation protecting health-care facilities from being impacted by demonstrations. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vancouver-health-authorities-warn-staff-to-shelter-and-hide-medical-credentials-during-anti-vaxx-convoy-1.5769041
  15. PCR test positive cases, total of 10,879 official new infections. 20 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 4,632 bringing the total of PCR and ATK results to 15,511 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average chart from 4th Feb https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  16. The business owner can't control what goes on outside of his own premises but he can control what goes on inside. A private International school for instance can insist its teachers and pupils are vaccinated. A private hospital can insist on its staff being vaccinated, both of which are privately owned businesses.
  17. One of the worlds largest real time studies on covid cases and symptoms is the Zoe app which has nearly 5 million contributors with a million weekly updates from them every week. Funded by the UK gov it gives real time data and statistics. On the question of non vaccinated but with previous infection immunity vs Omicron here is what it says. "Many people have also previously had COVID, providing a certain amount of protection (although less than vaccination), which all adds up to a higher base level of immunity than we’ve had in previous waves." “Furthermore, variants do not emerge in a linear way, and the two variants that are the most different from each other are Delta and Omicron. This means that even if you were infected by Delta and are still unvaccinated, you aren't very well protected from Omicron." This is the latest update 4th Feb that has some very interesting points and statistics from the real experts with good data. What does Omicron mean for the future of COVID?
  18. Yea seems a little crazy. According to statistics on some days those testing positive do so on the 5th day test so they've already been on holiday in Phuket for 5 days. More than likely caught it here. "According to the latest statistics for international arrivals, 3.77% of Test & Go arrivals and 3.88% of Sandbox arrivals tested positive. For some nationalities, the rate is much higher. Most are testing positive on their second test after holidaying in #Thailand for five days." https://twitter.com/ThaiNewsReports/status/1484064530233978880 https://twitter.com/RichardBarrow/status/1485398107726954498
  19. Here is what I was responding to in your post: "Countries or areas with strictly enforced mandated masks had the same infection rates as places without. What a scientist mocks up in a lab does not work in the real world in this case." My response is to the fact that you claim what is mocked up in a lab is not the same as in a real world study. The real world studies I posted directly refute your claim. Would you like to respond to them or yet again ignore them? Or as I suspect go back again to a UK MP which I have no interest in and which has nothing to do with the evidence I've presented and you have not acknowledged? If so I have finished my discussion with you. Here's one: Largest study on masks and Covid-19 demonstrates their effectiveness in the real world https://egc.yale.edu/largest-study-masks-and-covid-19-demonstrates-their-effectiveness-real-world Here's another: “These data from real-world settings reinforce the importance of consistently wearing face masks or respirators to reduce the risk of acquisition of SARS-CoV-2 infection among the general public in indoor community settings,” the CDC said in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/02/04/covid-mask-effective-n95/
  20. I don't care about a UK minister I care about those real life studies I posted. This was my whole point and why I addressed your comment on lab studies not the UK MP.
  21. Fake PCR tests before departure, I suspected that could be just one of the reasons. I was speaking to a couple of Russian tourists, young couple in a cafe last week, they said many who come over from Russia just have fake vaccination certificates.
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