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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Yes and the fact the five local cops were moved before any kind of investigation had taken place makes it look like some kind of cover up.
  2. I have seen these being used in bars, in Jomtien and Pattaya, depends on how much the police get paid to look the other way ! Whenever the police from Bangkok come the local police warn all the bars to be "careful"
  3. Ive worked in Indonesia, Jakarta, also Taiwan, Taipei and Dubai. Jakarta for an expat is pretty good, depending on the company, but most get accommodation, car and driver etc. They have pretty much everything, shopping malls, bars, restaurants. But hospitals are not good and medicine is expensive. Bali is good for a vacation as many Australians will vouch for. Taiwan at #3 baffles me. Very very few people speak English, except in the good hotels. So its extremely difficult to even go shopping, eating in restaurants, never mind getting Taxis etc. Its very expensive, for just about everything, food clothes. So for a vacation its strange its on the list at all? Dubai as an expat is OK, tax free salary, shopping is great, same restaurants etc, can buy alcohol if you are a resident and have a card. But its a Muslim country so have to be a bit careful, not to run foul of the laws.
  4. So the "Police" knew it was operating illegally? They just took the money and turned a blind eye? If that is can be proven, they should be indicted too.
  5. Quite so and they should all be inspected at regular intervals. like every year!
  6. Correct numbers of "tourists" and how much money it brings in?
  7. Maybe both. Until an investigation is carried out it seems very premature, but maybe they know something we dont?
  8. Totally agree, but if the owners are "connected" you can bet they will get away with a slapped wrist, if that?
  9. I tend to agree with you, but everyone should understand different countries rules on drugs. I actually believe she made an honest mistake and she admitted it. But thats obviously not what the Russians believe?
  10. Its called sarcastic humor and is nothing to get offended at! ????
  11. You are correct, Fanny in American is your Ass, In England and Europe its something else entirely!????
  12. "The police said consuming such liquor is highly dangerous." Its only "highly dangerous'' because the Government and police didn't get their cut? ????
  13. Whats worse than a drunk driver, a drunk driver with a loaded gun?
  14. "He was not at the nightclub when the fire broke out but said the front door was the only entry and exit point for customers. Musicians would enter and exit via the back door, which would be locked during performances, he said." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/04/asia/thailand-chonburi-nightclub-fire-intl-hnk/index.html No Fire Exits?? How do these places get a license to serve alcohol and have live bands?
  15. "Sittra publicly exposed a video, leaked by a police whistleblower, showing Thitisan and his subordinates using several plastic bags to cover the head of drug suspect Jirapong Thanapat during an interrogation at the police station on August 5th last year. The victim fell unconscious and was rushed to hospital, where he was pronounced dead. An autopsy later showed he died of suffocation." Its murder and Ferrari Joe should be executed! It won't happen though, he has too much money!
  16. You believe what you want. "Interpol issued an international wanted notice against him, but it no longer appears on the site. Vorayuth's whereabouts are officially unknown." https://edition.cnn.com/2020/08/11/business/red-bull-heir-intl-hnk-dst/index.html Anyway its a moot point now. There will not be a Red notice on him for reckless driving, as thats the only charge current?
  17. There was a Red notice issued, but it magically disappeared.
  18. I love the sarcasm, but you really shouldn't give them ideas! With the clowns at the wheel in Thailand anything could happen.????
  19. I like your choice!!
  20. Here we go again....... "Thais advised to avoid sexual contact with foreigners" This will definitely bring in the tourists?? ????
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