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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. When I were a lad , several years ag in England , when learning to drive a car and to warn others that driving was a new experience we had to attach L plates to the car. Imagine that over here , the locals would be aghast ! Admitting you were a mere learner , 'eaven forbid a total loss of respek innit .
  2. I am sure there are lots of Fruits walking the streets of Patts. right now . One or two out up here.
  3. We felt the earth move in Maechan , quite scary as beyond our control. The later rumble at 4 ish we slept through.
  4. Yes and we still use mental arithmetic. EG 6 apples at 4B = 24 B. I went to a place nearby that I often visit for a coffee. Coffee 40B cigarettes 70B and out comes the calculator , I like it when I have the right money while they are looking for the calculator. My wife said the girl down the road is good at school with her maths. I said " How is she doing with her 12 X tables. ? "
  5. Can't take away what a big percentage of drivers don't have in the first place.
  6. ......some penile enlargement was a foot . Yep that should be enough.
  7. I think around 1968 The Turtles had a big hit with Happy together. If it rose from 6 in the charts up to # 1 There must be a combination of numbers .....................sorry , I am an old rambler.
  8. A nice item after the gloom and doom.
  9. Food glorious food hot sausage and mustard , while we're in the mood cold jelly and custard. But not tonight , that will be Chicken Tikka Masala.
  10. How can you crank the engine with no battery power ?
  11. Yep I blame the roads , my driving always good.
  12. I will look again later to se how many ' Them are likely ladyboys , can't be all girls innit '.
  13. ..........................led by Indians , the Cowboys will arrive very shortly.
  14. ' She recognises now what she did was wrong ' Yes ! She got caught !
  15. 2 o'clock in the morning , 10B for food , 10B for rice , nothing else available . Stop yer whinging woman !
  16. The picture of his dwellings reminded me of Daniel v 7 . My shack , your shack and a bungalow . Look it up.
  17. I put gasahol 95 in my Forza , I think a bigger bang is more efficent than using 91 so I like to think that the bike runs better on 95 so the 27 or so Satang means the bike may well go further. Just my view.
  18. I think I will be 87 and will be taking less interest in football than I even do now.
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