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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. I was thinking that but if driver is on some app. he would miss the bollard , I say miss ' What 'appen '.
  2. I have 3 large paintings that were bought in Hua-Hin several years ago. One we picked out of a book and watched the artist paint it. so clever. Is that little soi there still ? 25th March '06 it says on the bottom of a pencil sketch of my wife and I. Such talent.
  3. ' What a day for sticking a cucumber in the vicar's letterbox and shouting The Martians have landed '.
  4. Your last sentence . Agree , Leo8 is ok on a warm evening , not sure it will be ok tonight though as now on the second day of continual rain. Chang draught is ok but Singha not so , but we are all different . Truth is I like beer not bottled lager. Hick's Special Draught in Cornwall .................ah them were the days.
  5. Lacessit you were right . Disconected the battery .....re conected and yellow light no more lights up , cheers.
  6. Thanks Lacessit , going outside right now to disconect the battery. Went to Big c in Chaingers and no problem. Wife is still full of doom and gloom and says it should go in tomorrow ....AGAIN !
  7. With you there , love winding folk up. ' Where you from ? ' Maechan. ' No before that '. Oh that would be Hua Hin.
  8. More people would live to a ripe old age if they weren't too busy providing for it . ( Old git wit ). I have the book sent to me by my bro. several years ago when I was 65. How many of us get up from their pc , walk off then can't remember what for.
  9. A bit of a sore subject right now , my Vios is about a 2006 model , the yellow light came on a couple of days ago , you know the one , little yellow engine warning. The independent mechanic that always looks after the car could find nothing wrong , he plugged in his computer gubbinz could find no fault , took it round the block and said car is ok. Today in about an hour we are going to Chiang Rai in it , 'er indoors is very worried of course as they always do.
  10. ...............a spare thesaurus , I thought they all died out along with Brontosarus and Diplodocus.
  11. Ant that the truth . all the breast , keep in crutch.
  12. With you there. I'm 75 and ride my Forza daily and I don't dilly dally on the way. I have asked mates " If I was back in England would I still have my Enfield 500 ". Likely not as too damn cold or too damn wet !
  13. Labs. swim very well , put one on each end of sub. They would then become sub woofers. Ok i'll get me coat.
  14. What has the education of adults in Morocco got to do with LoS ?
  15. First para. exactly the same as you. Out of the shower into A/c room then around 2 am A/C off and fan on with a window open. Second para. A couple of days ago I got back to the car and it was very hot inside so I opened the window on driving off and put the a/c on , lovely too.
  16. " Ships from overseas ". I thought the topic was about boats. My bad , more time wasted.
  17. I'm closing now so as I can google OCD and find out what it is !
  18. Just what I was thinking. Masked balls , Let yer junk feel the cool air I say.
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