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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. I'm guessing you haven't seen the footage otherwise you could say according to the millions that saw it live/have seen it. Oh well. You just keep on grasping at those little anti-Trump straws you can't get rid of.
  2. I'll tell you what's "GENIUS". You're satire. Brilliant. It is satire isn't it?
  3. One very big thing this article failed to mention was Swift being loudly booed and Trump being loudly cheered.
  4. Taylor Swift being booed and Trump being cheered. Now there's a highlight.
  5. So a dozen or so charging stations so far for $5,000,000,000 of tax payers money is a positive? Learn something new every day.
  6. Hence the laughing emoji. Vaping is very widespread. The only enforcement will be on tourists. Bit like the old discarded cigarette trap in BKK.
  7. Sadly idiots populate every nation on earth. Some of them travel to other countries and take their idiocy with them.
  8. The more you post the more you show yourself to have absolutely no idea what your talking about. "Russian forces advanced 430 square kilometres (166 square miles) into Ukrainian territory in January and are headed towards the logistics hub of Pokrovsk, according to an AFP analysis of data from the US-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW). This marks a slight slowdown compared to previous months, after a record advance of 725 square kilometres in November and 476 square kilometres in December. More than 80 percent of Russia’s advances in January took place in the Donetsk region, where Moscow’s troops are trying to capture the key city of Pokrovsk. The Russian army also advanced about 50 square kilometres on the northeastern front around the city of Kupiansk." https://www.kyivpost.com/post/46493 Your posts are purely "emotional" based on absolutely nothing of substance.
  9. I think you'll find that the numbers of volunteers has reduced dramatically and conscription age is 25. This is why there is a problem with the numbers available to go to war. Desertion and AWOL is also a factor.
  10. Let me once again say this and make it perfectly clear to you. Saying Russia is winning the protracted war of attrition in no way equates to being a Russian apologist, a Russian shrill, a Putin stooge or anything else your tiny brain can come up with. Facts are facts. Russia has the upper hand. Russia as of now is winning the war. They advance more westerly every day and are taking strategic towns. Ukrainian troops will be depleted well before the Russian economy. Troop replacement as it stands is not a problem for Russia. Weaponry and ammunition is not a problem for Russia. Territory taken will be kept by Russia although there may be a small concession made for Kursk. Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO. Putin will not march into other European countries because no way Russia can match the might of NATO as a whole. This is using reason not being an apologist. Sadly it seems you don't have the required mental capacity to realize this.
  11. Being that the battle field is very much like the trench warfare of WW1 it's no surprise. Artillery was used then and is still being used and Russia has A LOT of shells stockpiled. Add to this FABs, thermobaric weapons and drones. This is what Ukraine needed instead of F16s and Abrams of which there are few. Artillery being the most important.
  12. You are kidding. Here's a couple of regularly update maps. Deepstatemap and Suriyakmaps latest. https://deepstatemap.live/en#7/48.4802044/36.6613770 https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1V8NzjQkzMOhpuLhkktbiKgodOQ27X6IV&ll=49.872928489795804%2C37.70398701452603&z=13 ]
  13. Pretty much the case I reckon. As for Kirsk, as it is the Russians have regained a fair bit of what Ukraine initially took and the troops there may be in danger of being cut off. The Kirsk move was a strategic mistake. The highly trained troops sent in there along with the weaponry was and is needed on the Eastern front which continues to creep westward.
  14. I'm not being a Russian shill. Anyone who can see what's happening is called "a Russian shill". Well you need to look at a bit of reality. Ukraine will run out of soldiers before the Russian economy collapses. How you can possibly think Russia will run out of soldiers first is an outstanding piece of denying reality. Problem with Ukraine is the stop the conscrition age at 25 or 26 can't remember which. Russia is paying people to join and paying big money. Russian conscripts are well trained, Ukrainian conscripts aren't. As for running out of equipment that too is well off the mark. Russia is employing FAB bombs with great success and has a huge stockpile of soviet era bombs that can easily and cheaply be converted. Artillery shells hundreds of thousands. Cheap drones and now optic cable drones. My guess is you haven't looked at one single war map so you have no idea how much territory is being lost. I suggest you do so you can get an appreciation of what's happening on the Eastern front of Ukraine. Zelenskyy most definitely does not have the upper hand in any negotiations. As it stands Russia is in a position of dominance both on the field of war and at any negotiation table. Like it or not this is the current situation.
  15. You are joking aren't you? I hope so. Putin is well and truly in the position of strength. Russia is winning this protracted war of attrition. Ukrainian ground is captured daily as the Russian forces push west. What makes you think it's Zelenskyy that has the upper hand in any negotiation. If you think Ukraine is winning you really need to question where you're getting your information from.
  16. Good to see big Pharma once again well represented by our resident Big Pharma, Anthony Fauci, MSN fanboy. I'd expect nothing less. Let's hope Trump and hopefully RFK Jnr. start tearing this narrative apart and start soon. Interestingly the CIA has now confirmed with other agencies the most likely cause of the origin being the Wuhan Lab. What was once completely denounced by our resident Big Pharma, CDC and MSM narrative ideologue as conspiracy theory and also censored on this forum would appear to be no longer a conspiracy theory.
  17. Parts of Ukraine are already gone. Ukraine cannot win the war. Ukraine is losing the war. So maybe not a good thing but if the end result is a ceasefire and an eventual end to the war it has to be better than the current situation. As for Gaza being given to Israel this is unfounded speculation.
  18. Sadly it seems that your comprehension skills are lacking. Let me explain. The post I responded to said " Nothing Trump does or says he'll do is a "good thing." As such Trump saying he will bring an end to the Ukraine war is a bad thing. Why would bringing this war to and end be a bad thing. Do you think the continuation of this protracted war of attrition is a good thing and saying he will stop it is a bad thing? Saying you will do something is of course in the future tense so there is no possible way I have inferred the war has finished which would be in the past tense.
  19. Here is the post I responded to. Too bad you failed to notice this before posting your attempt at sarcasm.
  20. You're ignorance is outstanding. The entire idea about smoking rooms and smoking areas is specifically so "folks who don't wish to breathe in other people's foul, disgusting, cancerous smoke???" aren't exposed to the 2nd hand smoke. Get a grip.
  21. Ending the war in Ukraine is a bad thing then.
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