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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Well so you can't prove your accusation against me. No surprise. Everyone on here knows your form. All mouth no substance.
  2. If you can back this up with evidence then I'll put my hand up to and admit you are right. If you can't then it's you who is trolling. My posts on the majority are intellectual and supported with references and most importantly do not rely on puerile emojis each and every post.
  3. Only the trolls would call me a troll. The vast majority of members on here are not trolls and have thoughtful and intellectual input minus emojis every single post.
  4. Thing you're missing is any push against the narrative was not allowed to be posted on here. If it was maybe your opinion might be different. Many experts were simply cancelled through censorship. You just sucked in all the info that was allowed and that supported the narrative without question. Religious people are the same. Cannot and will not listen to any rational argument that challenges their faith.
  5. Ah! Interesting comment. So those of us who challenged the narrative are gaslighting. Why or is this just an empty argument from you? This wouldn't of course be gaslighting it would be trolling unless you have some substance to your comment. My guess is you haven't.
  6. Exactly. Great cut and paste. The sheeple believed the narrative and still do.
  7. Fair enough. There are people who don't have their heads buried in the sand, there are those that will accept they're wrong and take their head out of the sand and then there's the obstinate that believes100% in what they are told is the truth. You are the latter.
  8. Thank you for posting an excellent example of a sheeple response.
  9. People who did not trust the mRNA tech were all tarred with the same brush. They were demonized. You are an antivaxxer conspiracist. Complete fabricated nonsense. It's the mRNA bit that wasn't trusted as with the propaganda that went with this will save us all.
  10. Testing the waters. After I posted this I went out and just got back and it's still up. I'm amazed. When this came out no way would this have not been immediately taken down.
  11. This was early in the piece when Campbell supported vaccination. He changed his view on this when the truth started to come out. I'm wondering if this post will stay up but it certainly is interesting.
  12. I bring you back to the case of early onset intervention and late onset intervention. If a study is set up to fail as in late intervention then the results will be constant.
  13. This was before the Ivermectin doesn't work official narrative. As I remember positive results were shown from Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (which were being used) when administered at very early stages of onset.
  14. My guess is there were studies of the efficacy of Ivermectin when given early and the results were positive but it got buried in favour of the negative result study when Ivermectin was administered too late. An almost free solution does not make billions of dollars for big pharma.
  15. The thing that justified the killing of Ivermectin as a treatment was a study that used the prophylactic too late into the onset of the disease where it's efficacy is much reduced.
  16. I'm no right wing conspiracy theory diehard. Indeed I'm not right wing but I have rational, independent thought and what this tells me is the conspiracy comes from big pharma, Fauci and the WHO not those who questioned the "mainstream science".
  17. Restricting freedom of speech to only that which agreed with the narrative was certainly part of the plan. A very big part of it I would suggest. Pushed by CDC, pushed by legacy media etc. this has to be the 2nd greatest con job of all time and I'm NOT saying Covid isn't real. It is. It was made in and escaped from the Wuhan lab. Religion is still a clear 1st greatest con of all time.
  18. Sorry my mistake. I meant gene therapy.
  19. Your post is interesting. The Great Reset. This of course is a conspiracy theory. OR IS IT? One really does have to wonder.
  20. It depends on how road fatalities are measured. I've heard died at the scene I've also heard died within 24 hrs. of the crash. Either way it definitely skews the number downwards.
  21. Of course what this doesn't say is how many idiot car drivers were involved and/or caused the motorcycle crashes.
  22. If there's a 24 hr. sun in Antarctica the world must be a rotating globe. Oddly this is what science says is the case. I guess the 100's of thousands that have seen it for themselves will also say it's the case.
  23. Sorry. I must where you answered the question does a 24 hr sun occur in Antarctica during the summer. Maybe you could post again. Yes or No. As for your explanation as to how an Antarctic 24 hr. sun works on the Gleason map. Remember that the flat earth grifters tell you it's not possible. Well at least they used to. I'm sure they've been working on a new model since TFE was announced because they knew what the result would be. A 24 hr. sun because the earth is a rotating sphere. They know it is.
  24. Evidence like a 24 hr. sun in Antarctica. You still haven't explained how this is possible on the Gleason map.
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