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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. There's a lot of Russians in a bad place right now. Maybe smile and try to be nice would be the right thing to do?
  2. It doesn't need to be there all year but right now you can get about 5% on US T bills and then your money is locked in. Not only is there a risk of loss from bank failures but an opportunity cost to make a profit. Total crap deal.
  3. Can't they just make some loophole like when they slaughter pigs?
  4. How many would leave if they doubled it again to 1.6 million baht? They should start a poll here and see what people say. How may people have $46,000 USD cash in the bank anyways and if you have the money in other assets are you willing/able to sell and leave it rotting in a Thai bank?
  5. I'm back in the states now and I've already been reprimanded for using the naughty "r word" aka "retarded". It's always something with these people, oops, I was reprimanded for saying that also, "these people". Puritan pukes.
  6. I'm in Colorado now. Everyone smiles and greets each other in public. Much more friendly than the people in Chiang Mai where I live. Not that Thai people are not friendly but they're withdrawn in public compared to Americans.
  7. I think Mae Hong Song is really charming. Stop one night at the mountain Om Goi along the way for some nice weather and vistas.
  8. They don't offer it. If they want to tax tourists who work on laptops they can setup a formal visa and make them apply. Until then they're just another tourist but instead of brining in all their money they earn it while they're in the country. No victims and Thailand gets revenue through their spending. I fail to see any problem with this.
  9. What planet are you living on this is literally the exact kind of people they want.
  10. The best city to work illegally according to many people who post here.
  11. There's so system in place to tax foreign income earned by random foreign nationals. If Thailand wants to tax your income they'll need to implement some sort of formal visa and make people apply. Until then it's no ones business where your money comes from. At most they'll ask to see bank statements when applying for certain visas and if they ask too may questions tell them you make interest on investments.
  12. If you work from home Thailand has no visa for this purpose so just don't tell anyone where your money comes from and get whatever visa you can.
  13. Modern man has more experience with abstract thinking due to technology. This is the primary reason? Mutational load has been increasing in the genome due technology which is keeping alive people that would have died in the past and failed to produce offspring (Dysgenic breeding.). In many countries there are welfare states which are subsiding dysfunctional people and allowing them to have more children then they could afford otherwise. More dysgenic breeding. Moreover, population level IQ in America and other nations in Europe is falling due to 3rd world immigration. It doesn't seem like anything is getting better or people are getting smarter to me. Everything seems to be going backwards with the exception of a narrow range of technologies.
  14. how did you install those? could you post a picture? I'd very interested to see what you used.
  15. BS. make a test which shows a lis of all dog breeds at random and people will have something like a 95% success rate of selecting the pit bull. here's a question for you, in America which races prefer which breeds? I don't have the data but I'm certain blacks and hispanics prefer pit bulls at a much greater rate than whites and asians. 0% chance all races prefer all breeds equally.
  16. Not true. I hardly ever see middle class people with them. The owners are part of the problem here too.
  17. Because the same type of white and black person owns pit bulls??? Maybe you're different but pay attention to who prefers these breeds. That's a large reason we have so many problems with them.
  18. You've lost the ability to see shades of gray. Purple doesn't exist because it's between red and blue? Race doesn't because it's a social construct?
  19. If you live in America you'll know the type. Middle class people of any race doesn't keep pit bulls on literal chains and clip their ears etc... it's a always a specific type of thug.
  20. This is nonsense, you don't need an absolute standard with 0% margin of error. People know full well what a pitfall is and what types of owners are especially worrisome when they keep them. The dog genome is well documented and you could classify the breed with precision if you really wanted to.
  21. Nice try. Urban "youths".
  22. I've come to believe the common man needs religion to live a moral life. Western nations are falling apart and I think the wholesale rejection of religion by the upperclass has been a major factor.
  23. "unfortunate death" says the guy who didn't almost get killed.
  24. 1) The general inconsiderate and oblivious nature of the people 2) Reckless driving (see #1) 3) Thoughtless city planning that makes daily life a hassle (all roads are mixed used, no parking, congestion etc..). Moving out of any city fixes this though. 4) Roaming dogs (see #1) 5) Noise pollution (see #1) 6) Concrete, hot, congested housing developments with micro sized plots and nearly touching roofs. I thought suburbs in America were terrible but Thailand is next level. This problem is getting worse as Thailand "develops". If those were fixed (they won't be) I wouldn't feel the need to leave the country every year.
  25. We need to find the Soviet blueprints for how to build a gulag so Thailand can start construction immediately.
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