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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. I only used it yesterday on home computer www.lloyds.com and have asked ask lloyds on Twitter and nothing works but so many times your connection is not private? How to fis too technical for me but could do transfers before Thanks
  2. There always seem to have big problems when instructing my bank to transfer monies, yes the small amounts for my Thai Family. Keeps saying the LLoyds website no secure or private and then look for instructions which don't work Anyone else having problems today and in particular Lloys or any other bank Thanks
  3. Seajae exactly well said and yes even those and genuine pets do not take them for walks and of course allowed ti mingle with the diseased soi dogs and as you say do not feed them or care if they bark all hours of the night and day but like in life until something serious, nothing is ever don after a cracksown for one day at most.
  4. Thanks Tropicalevo On reflection agree with you but did send Thinking of you all today and know what today is and think very appropriate and do send other nice ones also to one or two members of the family. Thanks again and have a nice day and the best today and future ok
  5. Yes this might seem a silly question and my gut feeling is why not? I know normally people do not send greetings but this changing but advise please is it ok ore will it be frowned on if sending one to a close Thai family on the first occasion of a loss of a loved one? In the end down to me but appreciate andspelling advise Thanks
  6. Yes do use a few sites and thanks for the help but it is useful coz some people believe it or not do not have an email account but yes I do but good point about emailing someone but all too technical for me.
  7. I know these days on all subjects one is ever so lucky to talk to a human being and everything seems to have standard questions and answers on site or via google. Often not all answers are covered and not very easy to understand as many of us are not up to scratch as regarding modern technology and computers. Cut to the chase it seems being on Facebook and so many people having problems with security and lock outs etc. Yes have a 2 id authentication on my setting and recently been using Google Chrome asmy browser and sometimes us other ones but though my own home computer keeps locking me out and reiterate not bean blocked. I am trying just to keep to one browser but even then just in the last 2 weeks getting locked out. I know so many instructions on google and Facebook but do need it for a few sites and so on. Anyone having trouble and wondered if I take off this 2 factor id it will cause problems and yes even with the 6 and 8 digit codes and yes a new password and then trying to take a photo which does not fit or come out clearly. Yes had some help with someone taking a picture of the id on the mobile phone and managing to send to Facebook. To say the least so many problems to seemingly doing the simple things and like the banks and other institutions security is paramount and do accept it. Bad enough when extended family thieve or cheat you out of monies and then say it was a gift and not a loan. Thanks all
  8. Yes, just about everyone has one and personally do not have one but share the one with my wife for contacts but anyone ever thought about mobile phones going off in a funeral and also next we shall be hearing them in coffins!!!
  9. Same everywhere and so called pets allowed to mingle with all the soi dogs and bark at all hours in the evening and the Owners could not give a monkies, as usual.
  10. Yes, love the phtograph and then talk to friends and family what they have already seen before but a talking point.
  11. Thailand love your sense of humour and agree with you 200 per cent. Even when out in the car the youngsters still on their phones and never take in the beautiful places and not just in Thailand but even when younger family and friends would not speak much but remember people talked a lot in the pubs and yes we also found out things by enquiring. Ask the younger ones what is happening in Country and overseas they probably could not answer. In these days of course modern technology and personal contract is not in evidence at all and get any customer support and actually talk to a human being very very rare, if at all. But to be fair the older person put their mobile phone on (if it is not on already) first thing in the morning and yeah on loudspeaker.!!!
  12. Thanks scuba and yes tried but getting the same problem sending my id and no help whatsoever from F/b
  13. Thought that but sure I saw when put my email address in and stated you already have an account but maybe I am missing something
  14. Yes, have been reading of many people having major problems and yes have followed the proceures to a Tee. Initially you get 2 lots of codes sent to email account and always no problem but then asks for an ID ie a copy of drivers license, passport or Government ID's. Can deliver on the form and everything these days is done only via computer. I have uploaded the first 2 options and I myself can see my Photo, my account numbers and my date of birth and yes it is difficult to line up on to my computer and get the same bog standard reply from security@facebookmail,com and list the same things each time, not bright enough or can not see the required information. Obviously no one reads any emails to the above email address and they have enough information on me in any case. I am not banned but just somehow locked out. Anyone who can help and the Thais and others stating awaiting translation and have had to do this a few times in years gone by. Indeed amazingly there are individuals who do not have an email account and rely on F/B and yes members of a few valuable sites which I also need Many queries on the Twitter account and how a company does not have a proper help desk who can answer is beyond me. Thanks anyone who can help and got a feeling it might be the light but difficult to fit the passport on the screen but the drivers license ok.
  15. To a point but yes the currency speculators but believe the Thai Baht is over valued as are other currencies.
  16. Still the GBP not at lowest yet but very near it and 41 to the pound and was as many know 73 to the pound 15 years ago and we on frozen state piddly state pension
  17. Sorry if in wrong section but tries financial. In general use my debit card SCB very rarely and never have had problems before and usually for computer subscriptions ie protection on viruses and Pc clean I know have used both methods and LLoyds Bank. My UK bank LLoyds have confirmed 3 times that my card is not blocked and have also tried to use my SCB debit card and both transactions will not accept and yes checking all the details are correct. Please anyone else having these troubles and yes security seems to be even more strict and anyone having trouble with a compmay Pc Cleaner or PC Help Soft. What else can I do except get a new computer when money is tight. Thanks anyone John w
  18. Hi I had an old Skype account and it is recognises it and have just had a new one month trial smf think one has to pay for calls now. How do you cancel it before month end as not sure it is working for me. Yes just purchase 5 dollars credit on one number but can you use it on the others. Cheers and modern technologyy grrrrrr LOL Thanks
  19. Yes, can understand all aspects but many of us with Thai families have all not got a pot of gole like so many think we have and yes for most it is a real struggle also with the cost of everything sky high and on a fixed pension but so many Thais on sa fixed income too.
  20. Yes my thoughts indeed and do we all get the discount up to 300 units and oviously over that we would pay the increased tariff. Onr thing in the article it is not showing the correct fuel surcharge currently in use.
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