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Everything posted by jwest10

  1. Hi Have tried the travel section but apologise I can't see the answer to my question Yes my family want to go on a short holiday within Thailand and are double jabbed and do we need the test and go or what. Thanks and believe this is for incoming tourists or am I wrong. Thanks in advance
  2. thanks skatewash and yes just trying to translate to English and most have a language box but can't find it yet lol Thanks again.
  3. Yes wanted clarity ok but thanks for replying and as you say yet again. So we come to you then and expert in all subjects. Thx again
  4. Well good job you don't live in a proper Thai village where the 99.9 per cent are wonderful people and the burning season.
  5. Same as so-called pets who are not only allowed to mix with the disease ridden Soi dogs and yes someone mentioned well this is Thailand and not one but in the past 2 dogs barking at all hours of the night for a long time and no one bothering to come out. Yes people seem to care more about the dogs than human beings and yeah one could mention it but they do as they please but when it disturbs sleep it is not on. No there is no option for you at all and yes one side the property is attached and sometimes a rattling on the metal back door and the wall can do something and just saying!!!
  6. Thanks for your help moonlover and others too nd might wait until nearer the maturity date.
  7. Yes can anyone help me and googled everywhere the DLT Headquarters in Kanchanaburi Province but no joy and see this for site for renwing licence but questions and a video and done that a couple of times. Anyone know an email address I can use and no telephone available at the moment. Thanks My present licence runs out on 22nd May and don't want to apply too early but maybe go in their offices nearer the time Thanks again
  8. I have asked before and led to believe that one can go in person to the DLT in my case Kanchanaburi and my existing Thai licence matures 22nd May. Yes I believe one can but can someone please confirm or otherwise. In addition, to take the existing license, yellow book and pink Id card and of course a fit certificate from the doctors. Anything else and can one go in in the week before maturity of existing one or are there grace days. Thanks so much
  9. Moonlover Is this a general Thailand and believe in 2022 one can go to the dlt and mine matures in May and in Kanchanaburi and did post a while ago and yes need a doctors certificate and when one renews normally they take their own photo at the Head office. Thanks for any more help and well done.
  10. Hi All Yes my Thai drivers license matures on 22 May 2022 and yes can one do this before this date and realise one has to have a doctors certificate and the phtos still done at the DLT HQ in Kanchanaburi. Thanks and the fees please and can you confirm one can go to the offices and did notice in Bangkok up until end of 2021 one had to have booking. Can anyone help me with the queries and thanks so much
  11. Bkk 6060 Well stated indeed and yes my Thai wife mentioned this and I knew about this and yes run the risk of being stranded in old Blighty and no thanks and they may be covered for Covit 19 but I am not. I just do not understand why we and we provide the majority of funds and get them properties and look after them with food etc on the table but after several attempts can not get on their family medical policy. I am not complaining but these are the facts. Perhaps get a discounted one LOL by going to the same company as my Thai family. Very unfair practice but not likely to be changed in the near future and yeah another avenue for funds for them. Saying this a couple of years ago and spent 3 or 4 nights at a local Government hospital and TBF they looked after me so well and the cost was very reasonable and at first booked me in with my Thai resident card but on paying the bill it was a mistake, despite my dear wife has sisters and other family working there.
  12. Yes my province has always been Kanchanaburi and just wondering it there offices are open but surely they must be but the usual day to day precautions.
  13. Be careful Travel Insurance does not cover ok and found out on Saga who supposed to look out for people aged over 50 years old. Sorry can not help you on your quote but yes on the face of it what you posted seem reasonable but yean many over 70 get very high premiums quoted and not sure if and when one makes a claim whether your insurance the next year will rocket
  14. Sorry if in wrong area I knew last year there were a bookings website but thing getting better in 2022 My Thai drivers license matures in May 2022 and yes before I used to go in person in Kanachanaburi, DLT in my province and yes think have to get a doctors certificate that my health is good and fit to drive. Any other information do I need and yes was hearing in 2021 the booking process was not clear but talking about Bangkok but not Kanchanaburi. Appreciate any advice and help and thanks
  15. So very sad indeed and yes RIP and normally it would be the other way around and accepted that loud music would be played at a wedding or special occasions and that would be no problem and a get together of a few friends. There are also very many other instances of very annoying noises at all hours of the night by bike riders but also and not just from the Soi dogs but so-called pets which are not properly trained and allowed to bark and bark for a very long time and disturb a lot of peoples sleep and people do get very upset and most sleep at night and not during the day as these dangerous dogs do. I do hear of people rattling their metal doors and also understandably occasionally some swearing and yes even from the most mild mannered. Sometimes, I really believe that they care more about any animal before any human beings and yes including their own family but yes of course the proper pet lovers look after their dogs and family too. So cheap the price of life but same as when one is owed a substantial amount of money and then you hear it was given as a gift but they drive top of the range cars and own loads of land.
  16. Yes, indeed and when we come up for extension renewals it is always a bit stressful and until the new stamp is put in your passport one can not relax completely and yes have had visits before at home from the Authorities but also when my wife was at home. One might have a wonderful Thai family and we look after them as best we can and yes lol we have not got pots of gold but it is not our country and despite providing for most of the expenses will never be Thai. However, in my experience in the the main they do appreciate and love us and also have a lot of respect.
  17. Thanks Billd 766 and yes as mine fell on a working day it is the next day and yes very small other amounts if due on the w/e goes in on a Friday and will check ATM again today 19 Jan All the best
  18. You like it but you had any trouble and yes noticed it before when a bank holday in either country , normally an extra day to hit account in Thailand.
  19. Seeing a lot of people having trouble with their state pension and mine was due today 18th but realise it was a bank holiday in the UK and Thailand at the beginning of January and yes checked ATM 5pm and yes usually goes in the next day. I have not had any trouble before but do not trust anything the UK does, yes even the simple things. What a country!!!
  20. Thanks again Ubonjoe and yes until passport is stamped for new extension, one can never fully relax.
  21. Sorry in wrong area and just wanted to check for extension of stay based on retirement and I know the information required from the passport. A silly question but going to ask it but forgot does one have to take a copy of all the blank pages in the passport and think not? But to confirm the front page with photo, current visa stamp a TM6 . The other financial reguirements of course are in place. Thanks all
  22. Dmaxdan I agree with you 100 per cent and live with my wonderful Thai Family in a village too and yes my biggest draw back is my lack of Thai and have a few words and not through lack of trying but we all have our mannerisms with our hands and expressions. However, in the main I am accepted but like everywhere in the world there is good and bad. Yes, one can only do the best that we can for our Thai families and yes my dear wife knows quite a few Thais who are frankly very wealthy but in the past people think you have pots of gold and some still do LOL!!! And can not get on the families medical insurance but have a sort of reserve for this. Yes, just stating that not everyone of us ex-pats are loaded and have a fixed income and a frozen state pension from the UK and the diminishing very small savings. I do the best that I can and that is all one can do and yes provide the majority of the funding and always worried about visas etc and until the passport is stamped Yes, indeed many of us have no family or in fact no property back in the UK. Indeed one has to enjoy each day as it comes but in the main happy but can not compete anywhere near some of the very rich locals. I am not complaining and we do have a lot more than much of the locals but again we have to be a bit careful and provide property but all in all life is very good but yes accepted and a cheery hello goes a long way too and I know my family love me.
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