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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. He means the signature quote. Check out the other thread he made saying they're stupid and telling people to stop it!
  2. Ah. You can turn them off. Click the drop down arrow next to your profile pic on the top right; click "account settings"; under "overview" on the left click "signature"; then you'll see a toggle switch under "view signatures" in the list of options which you can click. Once the toggle is to the left and is grey, you should no longer see signatures. Edit: even easier, you can click the arrow to the right of the signature and an option to hide signatures appears, click that.
  3. I don't see anything there. Maybe you can turn quotes off? OP, try to find out if you can turn quotes off in the settings somewhere.
  4. They may be the same as in they look better at 30 than they do at 60, but they're still going to look better than a Western woman. True, but he is still the millionaire he once was. Aren't there a lot of "you care for me until I die and I leave you everything" type deals going on in Thailand?
  5. The first three groups are fighting against the Border Guard Forces? Including the Myanmar military?
  6. As Oscar Wilde is often misquoted as saying: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
  7. I think it can go one of two ways; humble upbringing leading to appreciating the simple things in life and disliking pomp and extravagance, or being incredibly materialistic and wanting to have the most expensive things all the time.
  8. It's obviously a reference to the trans person involved in the recent school shooting. So they weren't threatening actual murder, they were suggesting a trans person is likely to carry out another shooting. As I said, both sides should leave the kids out of it.
  9. Tell him that you'll tell a Thai person if he doesn't leave. He should know that foreigners have few rights and little protection in Thailand.
  10. Who has posted on here claiming that child abuse is normal and acceptable?
  11. I'm not saying that it has anything to do with men being in charge of what women do, but while modern women are "doing their thing", it's making them unhappier. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/may/18/womens-rights-happiness-wellbeing-gender-gap https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-the-sexual-revolution-has-hurt-women-11660921139 https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-fertility-gap-and-womens-happiness https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/Stevenson_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdf https://nypost.com/2022/10/29/why-60-years-of-feminism-has-not-made-women-any-happier/
  12. It's interesting that you should say this. Do you know how common age-gap marriages were in Western countries in the past?
  13. I think you're perfectly within your rights to hold this opinion and to express it. I won't say it's ideal, but I don't go as far as thinking it is abuse. If they're both adults, etc.. I think the main thing is what happens when the guy is 70 and the woman is 50. That might be a little awkward. The thing is, you're talking about a culture where the romantic type of love doesn't really happen in many cases. Often Thai men even have a wife and a girlfriend on the side. And it's not uncommon in any country to see a very ugly man with a beautiful woman. Men and women are different, and surely women are able to be with men who are not particularly attractive for the other things they provide. What's the harm if the unattractiveness comes from age rather than genetics? If a Thai woman is happy with the age difference and the fact that their partner will die twenty years before them, who are we to judge if she is able to get a much better partner and provide a significantly better future for her children? The alternative might be much, much worse. Both people are then happier than they would be if they were not together, so why say it shouldn't be so? An age-gap relationship is not the only type where this "mutual exploitation" takes place. What you say above might be true in some cases, but if both people are happier with it than they would be without?
  14. They want to make it about 14 year olds because they know that they don't have enough on you with a 16 year old. They need to massage the facts to give them fuel for the character assassination. So it "kids" instead of "adolescents" and suddenly 14 is slipped in to make it sound worse than 16. It's an odd obsession. As I said before, criticise someone all you like for what they have actually done, but throwing in a load of different facts to try and make it sound like someone did something different to what they actually did is not on, imo. It's obviously all aimed at one user. And you have these two patting each other on the back talking about paedophiles and actual children being abused as if that is the same.
  15. I don't think it's to deter crime. I think it's aimed at making foreigners look bad.
  16. I have no experience of it, but I believe that is the case. I wasn't suggesting that a 16 year old girl was legally allowed to be a bargirl. It simply seems like the waters of discussion are getting quite muddy when that is brought in, since the user very likely wasn't aware of it, along with speculation about coercion.
  17. I don't think anyone would say that anyone being coerced into sex, regardless of their age, nor that of the person they are having sex with, is OK. But I'm not sure that is quite the principle being discussed here. Would coercion suddenly make 16 a child but without it not? I'm not sure that the user in question would have known if that was the case either, so it might be a little irrelevant in terms of someone making accusations against him. It certainly factors into what people should consider before acquiring the services of a sex worker though. I wonder, do you ever consider before one of your regular liaisons with the opposite sex (where you apparently "get sex for free with no kind of deception") whether the reason that the girl is going home with you and wants nothing in return is because of some kind of emotional/mental problem, and you might in fact be taking advantage of her? A kind of "self-coercion through past trauma"?
  18. Once you turned 20 you never found any 19 year old girl sexually attractive?
  19. Some people apparently need to label someone having sex with anyone under 18 as being the same as raping an 8 year old. I don't condone either (although i think in most places 16 is legal), but I feel everyone has the right to have their actions represented fairly and accurately. It's a shame the user cannot focus a little more on what has happened and less on what they think they can make it sound like happened in order to make accusations.
  20. So what do you think about the age of consent being 16 in the UK? What about a 16 year old having sex with another 16 year old? Or an 18 year old having sex with a 16 year old? Still child abuse?
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