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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm not sure what this has to do with my comment. 🤷‍♂️ I think with your eagerness to "correct people", you sometimes forget to think properly about what you are saying.
  2. Totally agree. A pardon for what? She hasn't committed any crime. She was being choked, so she stopped her attacker from potentially killing her. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Could be about to bring a new meaning to the word "Armitage Shanks".
  4. You don't think rapists and murderers are different to people who walked into a building and took some selfies? What kind of a twisted mind do you have?
  5. I agree that not being allowed to go to the bathroom is inhumane, but handcuffs? What is wrong with handcuffs? Aren't they criminals being forcefully deported?
  6. same as the UK: "Revealed: 'Migrant hotel king' who cashed in on asylum seeker crisis rakes in £4.8m a DAY and is on course to become first immigration industry billionaire" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14034971/Migrant-hotel-king-cashed-asylum-seeker-crisis-immigration-industry-billionaire.html
  7. The above article, quite surprisingly given the source, doesn't actually present a different perspective, simply a bit more info. They aren't US citizens, they are Colombian citizens, of course America can kick them out and Colombia has to take them. What does that have to do with colonies?
  8. And even if you do have the highest level of Thai citizenship available to a foreigner, speak fluent Thai, have a Thai wife and Thai kids, you will still be treated like a tourist and discriminated against by most. Hardly a great motivation to attempt to assimilate.
  9. You're welcome. It's surprising the number of times people comment on CPR like it was a waste of time as they were already "gone". That's kind of the point, you do it when they aren't breathing, in case they can be saved.
  10. Lack of free speech? An enormous sense of White guilt due to our past successes? The fact that once triggered most British people completely distance themselves from anything anti-immigrant due to a fear of being called racist? A total hatred for the working class? Diversity is our strength? It's not looking good.
  11. They know it isn't true, they just don't care.
  12. "smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a religious ceremony"???
  13. Unfortunately, the UK is not the US. Things aren't that simple. It would be nice if we could say that Starmer is our Biden and Farage is our Trump, and he's going to save us from wokeism, immigration and inflation, but that really isn't the case. We really need a third choice. That's where our Trump would come from.
  14. Foreigners: bad. Thai pollution: good. 🙄
  15. You inner peace increases...
  16. I don't want to poke the bear. I already moaned about it once. 😬
  17. Boredom, keeping up with interesting news, seeing the opinions of others, contributing to the overall debate on something. Other places you can comment on are things like YouTube or Reddit, but YouTube is kind of random and not any chance of a debate and Reddit is a left wing hell-hole. It seems kind of standard these days to watch or read something online then comment on it. I actually find myself thinking of a question or comment to post while I watch Netflix, only to remember that it has no such feature.
  18. I very much doubt that it is restricted to positive reactions. It's more likely about overall engagement. If you look at the "popular" posts on a topic, you often see a post that is being reacted to negatively.
  19. FYI, even if someone is "gone" CPR should still be done until emergency services turn up.
  20. Without making a big thing out of it, it seems that under 18 but over 15, the girl might be able to consent, but she (or perhaps her parents) can withdraw that consent at any time. So it sounds like this is the approach the court is taking, even though he claims that he thought she was over 18. But who knows? Seems best to stick to over 18 (and apparently ask for ID).
  21. She definitely didn't consent because she was 17 and is now saying that she didn't consent? That doesn't sound like a especially strong case, particularly if she lied about her age and is now lying about giving consent... 🤔
  22. Because there is not the same level of Thai ability in the UK. You can live in Thailand and get by speaking very little Thai. You cannot live in the UK and get by without speaking a reasonable level of English. Pretty simple... 🤷‍♂️
  23. it sounds like what it is, hypocrisy.
  24. It seems unlikely that the father would have known that the child would go under the boat and be injured by the propeller. You would have to have advance boating knowledge to know that and to deliberately throw the boy in a way that would likely cause his death. It's not unreasonable to suspect that he viewed throwing the boy off the boat as something rather harmless (whether for fun or to punish him), not dissimilar to throwing him into a pool, and intended to save him when he jumped in.
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