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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It seems like the Thai fertility rate falls as their attitude towards foreigners worsens. I wonder what the connection is... 🤔
  2. Yes. Before it was a guy whose girlfriend ratted him out and he got locked up for a few days overstay. Do they perhaps feed the images into AI and let it write a story? Most strange!
  3. That's a beautiful bike. Thanks for the input.
  4. Just pointing out your lies. That is the only factual thing I see in this exchange.
  5. I noticed that some riders have small yellow spotlights mounted to the front of their bikes, on some sort of frame or crash guard. They seem to make the bikes a lot more noticeable, even in the bright sunlight. Does anyone have any expert knowledge of these? Lazada seems to have some at 100 Baht all the way to several thousand Baht. How much wattage and how much money is best? Are they even legal?
  6. I feel your pain. I normally see my arms in mirrors and have to lean over to get a good look. You can get the above, you can look for longer mirrors, and you can also get the thread adaptors but can opt for them to not adapt, which then just extends.
  7. Lie after lie, as you do generally on the forum... 🙄
  8. It was effectively what you were saying. Another wild claim from you. Dare I ask you to back it up with evidence???
  9. Not sure what you're talking about. I'm afraid you'll have to add a little more to your fantasy if you want others to try to understand it.
  10. To the far-left, who hate freedom and democracy, yes, the fact that it is now open and fair is a negative for you/them.
  11. How is that a wild claim? It's literally what happened!
  12. Are you seriously making the wild claim that Twitter is not now far more free?
  13. Elon Musk this year, then Joe Rogan next year. They were both instrumental in increasing freedom of speech and Trump getting re-elected.
  14. If they tariff the oil, and use US oil instead, what will that do?
  15. If you put in place a policy of hiring people based on anything other than suitability for the job, people are going to ask questions when something goes wrong. Apparently they actually wanted to hire people that sound like they are less suited to physically carrying out the job than others due to certain DEI quotas.
  16. Quite right too! Musk literally spent billions to change Twitter from a left-wing propaganda hell-hole into a platform for freedom and openness. He didn't have to do that and it's had an unmeasurably positive impact on the world.
  17. I don't know why the loony left is so against the current use of the word. It's almost as though they think that by disallowing the new meaning, they prevent the highlighting and criticising of their negative, hypocritical and oppressive ideology. Oh, look at that, I do know why they don't like the new meaning! 🤭 "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas." --Joseph Stalin
  18. I'm not sure if you're being disingenuous or you simply don't know, but that isn't what "wokeism" is, so your whole comment is irrelevant.
  19. If you weren't mentally disturbed by the very existence of Donald Trump, you wouldn't be boasting about a woman dying. Just have a think about it. You read the news of a woman being killed, a mother of two, and you felt joy, simply because it meant you had something bad to say about someone that you tenuously link to Donald Trump. Think well, but be warned, you might not like the conclusions that you reach about yourself.
  20. How can you possibly know that it isn't true??? You know the identities of all the parties involved, seriously??? You think there aren't people who would do this to smear Trump, or even just because they love to riot? How can you be this ill-informed? A woman died! How can you celebrate that??? You never-Trumpers are sick!
  21. My, look at the time, it's a quarter to coup!
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