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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Why? Nothing but good things are happening! Do you support racist DEI policies or the endangerment of women and girls? Or do you hate women's sports? I can't think why any decent rational person would see anything bad in what is happening now, unless completely blinded by personal ideology.
  2. The is zero chance that there won't be masses of people watching Trump's every move, waiting to lie about him, just like always. 🤷‍♂️
  3. What about the son of an intel person who doesn't want his father's reputation ruined?
  4. What's really twisted is she felt completely comfortable admitting to not being able to do the job and saying men deserve to die in fires. 🤦‍♂️ No wonder people voted for Trump.
  5. The humour here comes from the fact that the donkey believes that DEI had anything to do with preventing discrimination. (Its effect was actually quite the opposite.)
  6. Apartment or house? 🤔
  7. People literally go on holiday while pregnant to try to get their kids citizenship. Madness!
  8. It's weird the way "woke" has been used recently. First it was a positive thing, then it was abused and became a negative, now people are getting woke to how bad wokeness is...
  9. This is a lie. They don't want mercy, they want special treatment at the expense of others. That's what got us in this mess in the first place.
  10. Absolute madness. I know you are in danger driving in Thailand, and that people often don't follow the rules, but attacking other road users for doing so is a new one.
  11. That may be the case (although I think he's probably lying), but that doesn't extend to being able to command younger people to ride out into oncoming traffic which has right of way.
  12. To be fair, this isn't exclusive to politicians in Thailand.
  13. There is a problem, that problem is finally being addressed and treated seriously... that's very positive. The only negative seems to be coming from your imagination.
  14. You seem a little confused, or perhaps simply blinded by your "ideology". Someone who has come to do good and has a serious face when contemplating it, is a very positive thing. Do you think the allies that fought to liberate Europe were all smiling?
  15. I'm sorry that you choose to view things in that way. For me, it really seems like the end of a fairy-tale, when the dragon (wokeness) has been slain and the villagers come out of hiding. Hopefully the good times will continue.
  16. Exactly. This is where we're heading under Trump, finally. 🫡
  17. Nazis, thousands of 'em (Tried to add a pic from the movie, but alas I cannot. :()
  18. Unfortunately, they're likely filled with blind rage and unable to think about any consequences to their actions. He probably regrets it now.
  19. How do you feel about a male dressed as a woman being in your wife or daughter's toilet or changing room? How do you feel about being forced to say that someone who is clearly male is a woman? That's where the problems come up.
  20. The news is very positive, everyone is standing to applaud everything Trump says, people are standing up and fighting back against woke fascism. Does anyone else feel like it's just a really positive time right now? Like we're emerging from some sort of dark time in history?
  21. I don't recall ever accusing myself of trolling. 🤔
  22. Yes. Correcting your mistakes, as is the custom. 🙄
  23. No, even if Thai people accept something, it can still be wrong. If there are a set of rules that monks are supposed to live by in Thailand, and one of them breaks that you, anyone is free to point that out, even if some Thai people do not care. "Who are we too..." is a rhetorical question that means "We are not in a position to...", so yes, you did say that we cannot/should not question.
  24. An interesting take, but it is in no way true. You can watch the video and see. 🤷‍♂️
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