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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Thank goodness someone was there to get it on video and broadcast this incredibly sad and private moment to the whole world... 🙄
  2. You see multiple incredibly dangerous actions/near misses per trip in Thailand. Every now and then those that perform these actions encounter each other.
  3. Not to discus criminal charges for all the terrible crimes he has committed??? 🤦‍♂️
  4. Interesting, but hardly surprising. I think we all know that "foreigners" doesn't quite apply the same to all non-Thais. There's definitely an element of other Asians not being considered quite as alien as non-Asians.
  5. Good plan. It seems like this has really solved things for him. 🙄
  6. In part two, a security guard takes his keys and he says he's wating for the police to come. He even took a crocodile head that he found in there. He didn't show the interaction, but he put a message up at the end saying everything was OK. The security guard wasn't too happy, though.
  7. Sounds like he was going to do something crazy like kill them all due to the break down of his relationship. Scary.
  8. Kind of interesting, but it did feel a little like watching a junkie ransacking a squat. He could be a little more respectful.
  9. That's the only thing that stands out for me. He's only 21. Perhaps he's just not very good, or his parents earn a lot.
  10. It's wild that Biden was allowed to remain President after pulling out of the election due to being unfit to govern.
  11. What's to debate? Don't let males compete against females in female sport. It's insane that there is even anything to debate.
  12. Funnily enough, I stopped reading literally just before those last two paragraphs... 😬 That sounds fairly likely. I wonder what they didn't like about the Netherlands. A lot of young people seem to want to leave Thailand, although the grass isn't always greener.
  13. But people watching porn don't stoke the fire. They can only really look at the mantlepiece.
  14. Don't they need to be fairly attractive? Presumably there is some sense of competition, and that means the hottest girls are going to be the most successful. What edge could an unattractive person really have? Weird stuff? It all seems quite standard, really.
  15. The issue being that men over about 30 don't want age appropriate women.
  16. It was cycling pals, last time. 🤔
  17. Now you're just being silly. Read the article. The first thing she wanted was for him to simply realise that what he did was bad, apologise and not do it to anyone else. That's hardly an indication of a fragile ego or a cash grab. Get a grip.
  18. I think you explained the reason in the first sentence. He obviously thinks that all Thai women are the same as bargirls and are his to play with. Shame.
  19. "But I am often a disgusting creep and always got away with it in the past. Why should I be held accountable now?" Idiot.
  20. Not exactly a stunner. Isn't this all against the law? There are often stories of adult content creators being arrested. Why can she discuss it publicly?
  21. Cue the usual parade of AN posters who get outraged whenever anyone shows any outrage... 🙄
  22. Paying a premium for ethically sourced, environmentally friendly products doesn't seem like something that would be popular in Thailand... 🤔
  23. You can kind of see why the guy would be so trusting. In most Western countries, someone could very easily go to the police if someone stole from them and the police would take action, which acts as a deterrent for such crimes.
  24. The connections probably have little to do with it. She's relaxed about it because she took land/money from a foreigner and there is little he can do about it.
  25. They don't like the fact that they rely on tourists.
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