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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. What's shameful is the people lying about it. There's a video showing Musk not making a Nazi salute, yet people are lying and saying that he is. There's nothing shameful about pointing out lies.
  2. Because there's a video and it shows that Musk wasn't making a Nazi salute, so the author of the story has chosen a freezeframe that he obviously thinks looks the most like a Nazi salute, so that he can lie about it. As I said, shameful, but, sadly, not that uncommon.
  3. Watched it this morning. Great news. Seems confident and alert. A really positive step for America. Shame so many on here need to lie... 🙄
  4. I see a lot of doubt here. In fact, it seems like the story is made up. You should be ashamed of yourself. It's a shame that people are allowed to post straight up propaganda lies on AN.
  5. Just because something is common, it does not make it right or OK. We are free to question anything we want. If we want to share an observation or opinion on Thai politics, crime or religion, who are you to say we cannot?
  6. Indeed. Especially after all the crooks that the lying scheming criminal Biden has been pardoning. Sadly, you just know that loony-lefties will be saying that it's different when Biden does it and only Trump is the "convicted felon".
  7. Come on man, they walked through the building taking selfies. We almost lost America that day!
  8. It looks dirtier and hotter in Thailand, certainly, but it looks a lot less rapey... 😬
  9. Hahahaha ROFLMAO classic scene from Bottom that! "So you are a veteran then?" "Don't be daft someone else was looking after the Pony's" Top class! Eddie: "What did you do then?" War vet: "Well, I'd rather not talk about it." Eddie: "Why, is it embarrassing? Sh*t your pants, did you? Cry, did you? Hey?" War vet: "Quite the opposite, actually." Eddie (confused): "What? You sucked water in through your eyes?!" One of the best jokes on a TV series.
  10. They ran off and left them to it. They just left them to riot. This rarely happens. Possibly never. They could have gone back in greater numbers, but they clearly decided to leave them to it. In the non-immigrant riots, they did not run off and leave them to it. They were clearly treated in different ways.
  11. Yeah. The link says the police ran away.
  12. I said I didn't make those claims, not that I didn't share that link.
  13. I didn't make any of those claims. Are you replying to the correct person?
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Harehills_riot
  15. I was toying with the idea of starting a dark post-punk alternative band called "José Bidino's Rampaging Dementia". Never got round to it, though. 🤷‍♂️
  16. They have equality, but they claim to be oppressed, so they can get an advantage. It was putting women and children in danger. It seems that people don't care that much about what happens to men, but male bodies in female spaces made people wise up fairly quick.
  17. It's been gradually snowballing over time. Initially, people were scared of being seen as a bad person, so they relented and let the loony-left get their way. After a while, they could see how bad their policies were and how much harm they caused, and gradually woke up to the fact that they didn't care about anyone other than themselves and their own ideological ends. It's like the old Orwellian notion that the do-gooders don't actually support the oppressed, they simply want to wrestle power from those in control. Completely self-interested and out for themselves. Straight from the Stalinist playbook. It didn't take long to see how many people were being made to suffer or being put in danger. Thank goodness things have gotten better. And hopefully they will continue to improve.
  18. That's really nice to hear. What a good guy his neighbour is. We hear so much news about Thais being apathetic to the suffering of others.
  19. The only saving grace for this guy is the fact that this is probably all in his head and the girl doesn't even know he exists.
  20. And the "crush" apparently started when he was 29 and she was 13... 😬 I think the guy's probably mentally ill, TBH.
  21. Can you actually support this with anything? Bacteria feeding on the food left in your teeth causes tooth decay, not the food itself, and it isn't about excess anything. You sound woefully uninformed.
  22. "The Welcome Decline of DEI: A Step Forward for America"
  23. Very sad. So much damage for the sake of not waiting behind a slow moving vehicle. I hope the other two people make a full recovery.
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