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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You're the one who made a mistake, not me. 🤷‍♂️ Are you sure you aren't related to Joe "my dementia is a speech impediment" Biden?
  2. And your English doesn't seem to be too great... 🙄
  3. They're used to being able to simply call someone a fascist, racist, etc., with zero evidence, and having everyone in their echo chamber agree, with anyone who questions them being simply labelled as also being fascist, racist, etc., and being "cancelled". They really haven't come to terms with the election.
  4. How is Trump violating the constitution?
  5. Why is he mentioning Elon Musk in response to a question about a coup?
  6. How is Musk taking control of the US?
  7. You must be using that alternative definition of "coup de tat", where the elected person does what he has been elected to do. 🤦‍♂️
  8. But they are bigger and stronger and therefore better able to handle a motorcycle. They also likely have slightly better mental capacity. His age more than likely made a difference.
  9. No. But I remember left-wing nutcases saying that if Trump was elected he would never leave, then people pointed out that he was fine the first time. Please stop lying.
  10. True, but the roads/traffic are a lot better in the UK. Also people are less likely to commute daily by motorcycle. You can't really compare the two.
  11. If they were trying to murder the guy, why stop stabbing and drop to the floor after one stab?
  12. This is probably a key part of your survival. The reason there are so many accidents in Thailand is that so many people are driving dangerously and even more are simply not paying attention. You need to try to drive safely and constantly be alert and ready.
  13. To be fair, the guy had done nothing wrong up until that point and was probably pretty traumatised by the accident.
  14. I think the scammers are used to targeting Thais, so assume that everyone will believe the same kind of scam. A lot of Thais seem to fall for someone who messages them in Line, tells them they are under suspicion of money laundering, and they need to transfer millions of Baht to the scammer so they can "inspect" their money. 🤷‍♂️
  15. My thoughts also. I saw someone on a scooter the other day, he wasn't so much riding while quickly checking his phone (dangerous enough) as literally playing with his phone and occasionally looking at the road. Utter madness and totally avoidable.
  16. How small? Phones are pretty big these days... 🤔
  17. He's simply following your lead... 🙄
  18. The first honest thing you've said in a long time.
  19. A good point. You would think they would have enough money to run the place for a few weeks or months. They must have stopped operating immediately to make sure there was as much cash still available for funnelling off before it ran out completely.
  20. It's very sad, but supposing the aid money, which the US has no obligation to give, is now going to help an American family improve their lives, is that so bad? Why not report all deaths outside of the West and point out that Western countries could have helped if they gave more money?
  21. First they came for the straight White men But I did not speak out because I was told that straight White men were bad. Then they came for the women But I did not speak out because I was told that trans people's feelings mattered more than women's safety. Finally they came for the children But this was the last straw, and Donald Trump was called upon to save the children.
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