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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Trump is a far better choice than Harris, so the people haven't made that bad a mistake.
  2. What I mean is, if the video shows you staying in your lane, then being hit from behind, then it should be clear that you didn't cut someone off. Obviously this is tricky if the person is behind you, as it might not be believed that it is the same incident. When I say turn around to look at them, I mean after the impact, to show that that is what the video is showing, but, as I said, they might not really believe you (and hard to do if sprawled on the floor with an injury).
  3. Just the fact that you said stuff like this, while supporting Biden (a man who was medically unfit to govern due to dementia and was lying to the people about it) shows you have zero morals.
  4. The thing is, all this nonsense about Trump being a "convicted felon" only really matters to people who hate Trump. They say it, then other people who also hate Trump say "Yeah, that's right!". Meanwhile, anyone with half a brain knows that the action was politically motivated and Biden could have been up on multiple charges if those in power had wanted to charge him. Nobody cares and these daily sore loser posts are just pointless. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Admittedly, the air-quality is sometimes worse than other area's of the world, but it is also often no worse. A quick look shows at the moment the Air-Quality in Bangkok is only slightly higher than that of London and Paris - other cities will be cleaner, many others worse. But, to suggest Air-Quality might be a deciding factor (for most) is flawed - just look at the amount of extremely wealthy people who live in LA. And.....Thailand does most certainly not only serve the middle and lower end tourism market - you are just unaware of the higher end of the tourism market. These sweeping generalisation of what the wealthy get up to are ridiculous - just like anyone else people have their preferences and dislikes - some wont find Thailand an attractive option, while others find it an amazing choice and thats why Thailand caters to a full range of visitors from back-packers to the ultra wealthy (which for some reason are being called 'Elite' in this thread). Not that I agree that Thailand is going to be successful in their aims, but rich people would probably happily stay in a luxury resort with private beaches. They would be getting the white sandy beach and tropical weather, along with Thai hospitality, without much of the inconveniences that lower market tourists tolerate. They're also not averse to "slumming it" when the mood takes them, before hopping into a taxi to their exclusive hotel. (The rich can straddle both worlds, the poor cannot.)
  6. No, no. It's more that we have a kind of, how to put it, weight that we should carry, based on, I don't know, the place that we come from? To lift others up by kind of "taking over" and showing them "how it should be done". Yes. That's it.
  7. Obviously a front facing helmet camera is quite quick and easy to use, it's not too expensive, and most accidents are probably going to be something happening in front of you. But, is it helpful in the even that someone rear ends you and then tries to blame it on you? Presumably, you will have footage of you driving in a straight line, prior to the car hitting you, but this obviously might not include that car, unless you manage to turn around and look at them, and even then it might not be acceptable. Is a front facing camera useless in the event that someone hits you from behind? Or does it still have a chance to save you from a sticky situation?
  8. I think it's because they know they'll have grandads on Waves swerving around at 40kph in front of trucks travelling at 120kph.
  9. This incident took place on a dirt road? It's a normal road in the picture.
  10. Plenty of people die from one punch and then their head hitting the floor. Any size of bike, even a pushbike, could potentially kill someone if they hit their head when they went down.
  11. While I hope this is the case, "guilty until proven innocent" often seems to be the way with foreign people. And if he cannot prove it wasn't his fault...
  12. Not a wise move tussling with cops, but perhaps he had seen multiple Thais (or anyone, really) releasing lanterns, and felt that he was being targeted unfairly. He seems to be gesturing at something while shouting. 🤷‍♂️
  13. She'll no doubt be championing changes to the laws around foreigners owning land in Thailand...
  14. Gee, I wonder where he got the sense of entitlement that caused him to demand people identify themselves to him and show him their phones, before attacking them with a knife... 🤔 Seems like the Thai youth is trying to turn the place into London. 🙄
  15. "But that's different, I was talking about Thai people."
  16. It's funny you should say this. It often seems like people follow the "I don't want to be seen as one of the bad ones, so I will aggressively shout them down to distance myself from them" pattern when stories about foreigners come up. It's typical witch-hunt behaviour. It's quite scary, as they often call for them to be physically assaulted or face much harsher penalties than are normally expected.
  17. You seem to be unaware of your own claim and imagining that I made one when I did not. My shared my opinion and I explained it. If you don't even want to be straight about what you are saying, you're going to come across as little more than a troll.
  18. I've told you already. I presume that they are legal. You seem to be disagreeing with that. 🤷‍♂️ If you're going to make a claim, at least have the decency back it up. 🙄
  19. They should put that on the back of the bus.
  20. The ones who have the H-1B visas presumably are.
  21. So they're lying about not having enough good candidates in the US already?
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