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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. While this is true, and it is very annoying for some, you can explain to them that you want to open the packaging.
  2. They need to ban these things. They appear to explode in flames every time they are involved in a crash.
  3. How does that help? If it doesn't work what do you do?
  4. Are you saying you live a nocturnal life, sleeping in the daytime and wandering the streets of Pattaya all night, because it's cooler? 🤨
  5. Interesting, but, what is someone who doesn't go out much, doesn't drink, has never been in a bar in Pattaya, with PTSD from being attacked in Pattaya, doing wandering around a party area at 4am?
  6. What is someone who "doesn't go out much", with PTSD from being attacked in Pattaya, doing wandering around a party area at 4am?
  7. Not everyone shares your opinion of this being a positive thing... 🤷‍♂️
  8. Take a walk, drink a coffee, read a book, maybe all three?
  9. Why are you replying to someone's post (incorrectly) trying to correct them? Didn't you just post a rant post the other day about other people replying to you, saying they must be mentally ill? You've actually often said how you would like people to mind their own business and not reply to you (normally when they disagree with you), but here you're happily doing so. What's up with that?
  10. Ok, so the second class one is additional and you get it online from Roojai. Got it. Thanks.
  11. Essentially, she probably wants to be a modern woman but be with a traditional man. This means she doesn't have any of the traditional female gender roles, while the man still has to pay for everything, plan everything, open the door for her, and so on. A great deal for the woman, but not such a great deal for the man.
  12. Do you get to choose this at the licencing place when you renew?
  13. It would be interesting to know exactly how saying that Black women are ugly is a violation of their human rights.
  14. Hardly unspoken. It's pretty much common knowledge. A man literally has to pay a load of money to marry a woman in Thailand.
  15. Although obviously a scam, the logic would be that if you loan them some money now, they will repay you what you loaned, and much more, once the funds are released to them. You would have no effect on the actual release of the funds.
  16. They're not criticising him, they're trying to push a certain narrative, in the hope that it will drive a wedge between Trump and Musk. They hope that by claiming "Elon Musk is the real president and Trump is his puppet" Trump will distance himself from Musk. They're scared because they know that Musk is going to be a really positive influence, and they don't want this to happen, as it will make Trump look good. It's kind of sad that the left wants America to fail, simply to make Trump look bad, but that's the political climate we live in these days.
  17. Open face simply means no chin covering by the helmet. They can still have a visor.
  18. The problem is that speed restrictions are ignored by most people. It's so bad that even if someone wants to drive slowly, it becomes unsafe to do so. This means that people are often driving at 90kph+ in a 30, 50, 60 and so on, so when there's suddenly a sign saying they need to slow down, it is ignore like all the others, at least by people who are unfamiliar with the area. It's very likely that the reason "danger curve" is so dangerous, is that people travel round it way too fast.
  19. Was "this process" the woman in question, or was it simply "this process" as in paying a fee in advance, meeting at the airport, then working abroad?
  20. Ridiculous. The article talks like fourteen year olds are no longer relevant, infants are suddenly the main focus of our society, and that people born now will grow up in the same society that we see around us currently. 18-34 is the "key demographic", due to their position in society and "Gen Alpha" aren't nearly there yet. "Gen Z" are still the current generation to focus on, along with the younger millennials.
  21. But think of all the minority group fee-fees that were protected through all these measures that put the majority in danger!
  22. To be fair, even in literal "witch-hunts", the charges were considered legitimate... 🤷‍♂️
  23. Sadly this is very true. It must be weird rooting for the bad guys all the time yet feeling like you have moral superiority... 🤔
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