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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm not sure I understand the last part. Are you asking me to explain it? I don't exactly disagree, although I think he was just arguing and storming off. It looks like the Thai turned it physical (unless something happened in the car).
  2. Then what's the issue? The subjects they choose to study? US: gender studies, India: really hard maths and science?
  3. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
  4. He does what Elon Musk tells him to do. Trump wants to close the Southern borders to illegal immigrants and expel illegal immigrants from the US. You're lying and trying to pretend that meant he wanted skilled migrants out as well. We can all see through your pretty pathetic attempts at propaganda.
  5. Both statements claim that college education in the US is substandard, so what's the problem? If college education wasn't woke, there wouldn't be the need to look overseas... 🤷‍♂️
  6. No excuse for the "Thai style" attack, but seems like the Norwegian may have been a little drunk and this could have contributed to what happened.
  7. That's the driver. He was thrown out of the tuk tuk then got up.
  8. One of the many issues caused by the Thai practice of simply pulling out in front of other vehicles forcing them to slow or stop to let them out. Presumably the rider was simply going too fast to take action, possibly he froze, or he might even have not been paying attention. I believe the Forza is a 350CC bike, so quite powerful for a 17 year old to be riding in Thailand. Very sad as it is completely avoidable.
  9. In front of the tuk tuk for several seconds. I guess the driver just wasn't looking where he was going. The pedestrian didn't seem to be looking either. Not a great combination.
  10. If they chose not to prosecute before, then they likely will not now. He's only become more unfirm as time has gone on. It's only a shame that Trump was charged and not Biden, giving idiots the opportunity to say "Trump the criminal", when they know full well that Biden should also bear that moniker.
  11. I think a lot isn't actually monitored. Or they join groups through some sort of app. That always seems to be the case in reports in Thailand, they're in some sort of group chat.
  12. The issue I have with it, is that people are going to have a certain image in their mind when someone says "rape" and I don't think digital penetration deserves to have that label applied to it. They are both bad but, and excuse me for being graphic, the image of a man holding a woman down, forcing his penis inside her, then having sex until he climaxes, is not the same as a man inserting his finger into her. The reason it seems misandrist to me is that it feels like some people specifically want that label/image to be attached to a man who has not actually done that thing.
  13. Perhaps they should head down to Pattaya to help keep some of the unruly locals in check! 🤔
  14. I didn't realise the monkeys were so organised... 🤭
  15. Wasn't it fairly narcissistic of Biden to run for office knowing full well that he has dementia and is not fit to serve?
  16. Don't worry. Things have been bad, but they're about to get better. Come Jan 20th, things will finally be heading in a positive direction.
  17. They guy's a total hypocrite. Asks for evidence to back up any claim, then refuses to give evidence to support his own claims. Starts trolling people once he starts to lose an argument. Leftism personified.
  18. I think it's probably the same as the way bad people are attracted to things like religion. They think that doing something very openly and publicly considered to be "good" will cover up the fact that on the inside they are really bad.
  19. Possibly a booking agency from his home country? They seem to like to use their own people. Might be better to stick with the big companies. A Thai attacks you. You fight back. A gang of Thais attack you as a result. Welcome to Thailand. Not great PR. Hopefully they all lose their jobs and do some jail time.
  20. A sad thing to happen, but it could have saved lives and taken a few guns off the streets. Who knows what these guns were going to be used for?
  21. I wonder why leftists always lie about what "right-wingers" do... 🤔
  22. Perhaps a better question would be, "Why are toxic people so attracted to the Democrat party?".
  23. Pitt Bull type dogs are bred to fight, are more aggressive and do more damage than other dogs. There is a reason they attack people more than any other breed. They should be banned, as the owner really doesn't make that much difference.
  24. He meant the second photo after the first paragraph.
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