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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Also passengers often see more things outside of what is on the road ahead because they are free to look around without worrying about oncoming vehicles. Combine that with the Thai attitude of "don't concern yourself too much with what other people are doing if it doesn't effect you", and I guess they might seem more uncaring than they really are.
  2. His feelings were battered by the thought of the woman going back to her husband. Surely murder is the obvious and justified method of self-defence in such a situation? ????‍♂️
  3. Did you misread it as the guy who brought the knife was the one killed? The one who brought the knife was the killer, and was unhurt. I'm a little confused by your comment, as it would appear to be counter to what actually happened yet started with "That is why...".
  4. I think it's more that covid never really properly arrived in Thailand until Delta, for one of many possible reasons.
  5. So less than 13K per month to put a kid through uni? Or were there other sources of income going to him?
  6. To bastardise the "Are you sure this will help us sell more [product]?" meme: "Are you sure this answers the OP's question?" "Answer the OP???"
  7. Do you know the details re. deposit and monthly payments?
  8. Awful. Cut across the lane and straight into an illegal U-turn and fled. The motorcyclist didn't stand a chance. I wonder if they didn't see them or simply didn't look at all. Either way, terrible driving. The car driver should be paying for all injuries and damage.
  9. If his first 90-day, won't he have extended already and supplied tm.30 then?
  10. Could the complaining make them happy? Maybe they really love living in Pattaya and complaining about it every day?
  11. 90-day in CW should be passport, departure card, 90-day receipt from extension, and the 90-day form. No copies needed. Don't know anything about money.
  12. I think I took one or two small things back on the same day to exchange OK.
  13. Is there someone we can call to check on him? He seems to be having a bit of a moment this morning... ????
  14. Or on your deathbed: "I'm glad I chose to do the thing that made me happy every day". If you think about what you're saying, you could well be suggesting that people do something they don't want to do and that makes them less happy than the thing they would rather do, simply to live up to one persons opinion about what makes the best life. The idea that doing new or different things constantly is better than doing the same things every day is a subjective opinion. Someone else might think: "There's nothing better in life than figuring out the things that make you the most happy and then doing those things every day". Why do what other people think is better, if you think that what you choose to do is best?
  15. Maybe he tried all the different beers and this is his favourite? Why would you drink beers that you enjoy less simply to add "variety" if it doesn't improve your experience? Perhaps he enjoys this? or could have crushing psychological problems. Hard to tell. As with the beer, they know what they like and enjoy the most and repeating these brings them the most pleasure from eating. I'm not sure what this means. If you mean someone who gets one tattoo and then chooses to get another 49, isn't each tattoo something different? Aren't they changing and renewing their appearance with each additional tattoo? Or perhaps they are simply changing their body to a point that makes them happy. Not much to say about this one. Can't say I agree with it, but I would simply avoid people like this anyway. I think you might find the following of interest on this subject: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/utility.asp
  16. The theme would appear to be "I hope they are doing something illegal and get in more trouble than they already are as a result".
  17. Probably more to this than what is being reported. Still, whatever the circumstances, it simply isn't worth brawling in the streets, if it can be avoided. Even if you win, the other guy can end up dead or crippled from hitting the ground.
  18. What do you think of the idea that you only feel this way because you come from a culture shaped by Christianity and the idea of punishment or reward after death?
  19. He probably could have gone with: "Yes, I have experienced the double menu thing, but I don't see it as an issue. I either use the Thai menu or go elsewhere." Some people seem to like to build up some imaginary strawman of negativity and anger in order to say "I can take it but you clearly can't, I'm more Thai than you, you should probably go home". Kind of sad.
  20. Seems to me like The Philippines is pretty much matriarchal. The guys seem kind of infantilised.
  21. Yes. occasionally the veil slips and they lose their shizz. I think that's one if the reasons foreingers comment on it so much. It's such a contrast. Rather than a constant bubbling of discontent, it's uber-tolerance and explosive reaction over something minor. And I'm not saying this to be negative.
  22. You can instruct people in what the government or education system says Thainess is in an effort to build a certain type of citizen, sure. But you have to accept that this is only an ideal, not necessarily reality. "ThainessTM" if you like. I would imagine most Western countries had similar a few decades ago, but would now be considered problematic, for various reasons. "Diversity is our strength", etc. It probably shouldn't be viewed as completely negative or completely positive. Nobody is perfect, and if we were to view Thainess as descriptive rather than instructional, wouldn't there need to be negatives as well as positives? If Thainess means "how Thai people should behave", then we would hope it would all be positive. If Thainess means "how Thai people actually behave", there will inevitably be negatives.
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