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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If she has some sort of genetic mutation that means her body is similar to that of a man, the fairest thing to do might be to not allow her to compete. Apparently she has XY chromosomes, which mean she is male. Even if she has a womb, it might put her in the intersex area. It's not unlike the whole trans in sport issue it's important to keep women's sport safe and fair for women.
  2. Why do you call everyone who says something you don't like a "right-winger"? Just to try to discredit people so you don't have to engage with what they say? Or do you hope that it will silence people as you hope they will want to avoid the label? Lots of non-right-wing people have issues with this kind of thing and it is in no way restricted to right-wing people. Either way, what you're doing is quite underhanded. It also very obvious.
  3. Rewatch the video, as you've clearly misunderstood it. They're a very small, slightly incompetent company, trying to fulfil a very short notice order from a demanding client in the low-tech industry of box printing. They keep messing up then using apple features to help them fix things. It's totally on theme for them to be facing the same challenges that working class Thais do. You're going to stop repeating your mistaken wrongness to me??? Oh no!!!
  4. I think you're projecting. No one who enjoyed the advert is looking down on anyone. It's just normal life for many people in Thailand. You're looking down on working class Thai people, along with anyone else you can. Most foreigners don't have your weird obsessing with the elite 20% of Thais. Again, your own biases are coming into play here. As above, these aren't wealthy people in a high-tech sector. You're making that up due to your lack of tolerance of working class Thais. You seem to have this weird problem where you'll kind of acknowledge that it reflects reality for 80% of Thais, but then come back to trying to make out that talking about it is bigoted. No one is bigoted, except for you, and no one is viewing Thais negatively, except for you. You might want to take a step back from this and think for a while.
  5. Indeed you do view things from a miopic viewpoint. Most Thais experience what is in the advert. A few don't, and they aren't happy about it being made to look like they do. But reality is what reality is, even if you don’t like it.
  6. I suggest you rewatch the video, as the ad doesnt contain any whataboutism, it's about people from a very small conpany ordering boxes (pretty low-tech), and they're facing challenges that working class Thai people face due to the demands of their client. Even if you don't like the reality of Thailand being shown, that's what happened. You should probably look up "negative selection bias" when you look up whataboutism.
  7. I think the problem stems from your need to look down on others. That isn't what the add is about. The backlash is about insecure people who are unhappy that a certain slice of Thai life is being shown, and they don't like the idea that people will think that's what all of Thailand is like.
  8. It's not negative, though. It's just how normal Thai people live. You're the one putting the negative spin on it.
  9. Or apple said "give us something funny in Thailand", and they obliged.
  10. The 20% don't want the rest of the world to know the truth.
  11. Are you seriously comparing the average lifestyles of working class Thai people with drug addicts and human feces? Or has an attempt at whataboutism caused you to become a little derailed?
  12. I guess they don't mind that, as they probably feel that they're laughing and looking down on cultural stereotypes, but when it's the world laughing at them and they think the world will see them like that, suddenly they don't like it. Kind of "it's OK for us to ridicule the lower classes, but we don't want the world to think they represent us".
  13. It's actually all pretty standard stuff, I just don't think some Thai people want a certain side of Thailand shown to the world. They'd rather they only showed the higher quality stuff that only a few people enjoy. Its not going to make a very interesting advert to show a middle class business man going to work on the BTS and then shopping in a nice mall. What do you think you don't see every day in Thailand? I thought they used a bit of artistic licence with the immigration queue, but that was about it.
  14. Why didn't they make this complaint when The Hangover 2 came out? What would actually make them happy?
  15. Are you trying to say you don't see most of the stuff from the add in the day-to-day in Thailand?
  16. Guaranteed incremental pay rises and a pension. His friends might be making more now, but wait a few years. He should also get preferential loans. Also, it's very unlikely that the has the same workload as someone in the private sector. Try to stay positive.
  17. I wonder if she was glued to it as she made her way across. Looking both ways should be the bare minimum here, but they just don't like to teach kids to be safe.
  18. The problem is, if those tourists are Russians, they may well not be genuine tourists and they may be patronising Russian businesses. So they won't generate the subsidy fund that previous tourists did.
  19. Thailand is a heavily subsidised society, so they have come to expect it. Unfortunately, there isn't currently the same level of tourist spending to provide for the subsidies.
  20. How do you feel that the person you are responding to came across as thinking they're special and unique? They don't seem to have said anything about themselves.
  21. Sounds like Trump attended in good faith, was ambushed with accusations, defended himself and pointed out the mistreatment, and now the MSM is doing their job of trying to spin it like he's the bad guy... 🙄 A typical biased hit-piece.
  22. I take it you wear a mask whenever you go outside in Thailand?
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