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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. You've given no definition at all. You've said that "MAGA is people who buy a MAGA hat", which means very little. Your explanation of what "MAGA" is, leaves people wondering what MAGA is, which makes it a very poor explanation. So, what is MAGA? Are you really so scared to share the answer? Or do you simply not know?
  2. Lol. Could you imagine! Intact people are perfectly happy being intact and would not change a thing. None of the problems you mention actually exist. Performance, smell, infections, they just aren't an issue. And, obviously, intact people know this is all false from their own experience, and they know how great sex feels with an intact penis! (Imagine how much you would enjoy food with half your tongue missing.) You imagine these things because you cannot deal with the reality of what you have lost. So you have weird fantasies about dirty smelly penises.
  3. I can just imagine how he badgers the poor women unfortunate enough to end up being taken home by him... "Hey, bet you're glad I'm circumcised, huh?! Aren't cut dicks better than intact ones? Huh??? Huh??? How gross are intact dicks? My one is so clean! Tell me about the intact dicks you've had and how gross and dirty they are! Yeeeah!!"
  4. Lol. I'm sure they sensed that you desperately wanted them to tell you that intact penises are gross, and were only too happy to tell you what you wanted to hear. It's really not an issue at all, outside of your head. Your stats are meaningless garbage. Societies where men are intact don't have these issues. The proof is there. Lol. I'm sure you are so messed up that you would like to circumcise as many men as possible. You can't stand the thought of them having fully functioning penises that cause absolutely no problems whatsoever.
  5. It's all so ridiculous. There are many countries where most people are uncircumcised, and these things just aren't an issue. They literally don't happen. It should really be definitive proof. Unfortunately, a lot of circumcised men suffer from mental issues linked to their circumcision, and cannot accept objective facts, and a lot of people want circumcision to keep going, for some twisted reason.
  6. Exactly. And that isn't right for men or for women. It isn't OK to try to control people's sexuality through mutilating their genitals for no reason. Male or female, medically unnecessary circumcision, purely to control sexuality, is not OK.
  7. So, what makes you think that intact men have dirty smelly penises? Have you been inspecting them? Couldn't they clean them to stop them from being dirty and smelly? Why do you need intact penises to be dirty and smelly? What's the real issue? You seem to actually be angry with and hate intact penises. The STI thing is flawed and largely irrelevant. Most countries don't circumcise and don't have these problems. It's basically propaganda. Intact penises are fine, and you get full sensation. I'm sorry that you experience greatly reduced sexual sensation for nothing, but you need to try to come to terms with that.
  8. All propaganda from men who have mental problems due to circumcision. Countries that don't circumcise simply don't have these problems. It's an unnecessary procedure that has its origins in religion and control of men's sexuality. It is barbaric, serves no purpose, only has downsides, and, thank God, is on the decrease.
  9. How can a definition not define what something is??? That's insane! Saying everyone who does something is something, doesn't explain what that something is. Think about it... 🙄
  10. Washing is basic hygiene. Circumcision is genital mutilation. There's no need for it. It has no benefits and can only do harm.
  11. So what is it??? If it's easy, why haven't you provided a definition? "What is MAGA?" "MAGA is anyone who buys a MAGA hat." - What does that even mean?
  12. I have no idea what that means. If you can't define it, then that seems to back up the idea that it doesn't exist. It's just a left-wing fascist talking point.
  13. This is a myth. There is no benefit and it halves your sexual sensation. You just clean your penis when you shower like every other body part. It's very easy. Don't buy into the propaganda from people with mental issues due to their own circumcision.
  14. MAGA doesn't even exist. It's just a left-wing talking point. Can anyone even define it?
  15. They're practically married at this point. 🤷‍♂️
  16. Scared they would circumcise any male children I had with them. I wouldn't want that fate inflicted on any of my children.
  17. You get this in Vietnam also. Temporary Resident Card. It's very convenient going in and out of the country, and it makes you feel kind of "welcome". Two reasons I can't see it catching on in Thailand.
  18. This would be very popular with a certain demographic. They could put it on a lanyard and wear it round their neck at all times. The little sleeve could be clear on one side, then have "I'm not a tourist - I speak Thai" on the other.
  19. If a Thai woman is with a foreigner, it's very likely to be mutual exploitation.
  20. One big problem. Circumcision is pretty much mandatory over there.
  21. If you answer the question, "what is British food like?" with a list of all the types of British food you can remember, you're going to look pretty silly. Someone asking you what something is "like" is more like a description of that thing, rather than an exhaustive list of examples.
  22. Of course. MalcolmB is a troll. He only says things that he thinks will aggravate people.
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