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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. How does Police Captain "translate" to Inspector?
  2. It's a troll account. Of course his comments are going to be stupid.
  3. I think he means he hasn't got his family watching over him and he can order drugs or prostitutes online easily.
  4. It appears to be a new tactic of the left to try to drive a wedge between Trump and Musk, by saying that "Musk is the president". Presumably hoping that Trump will break off any kind of political relationship they have. I guess that's a glowing endorsement for Musk. They're scared of him and the success he might bring to America. It's very sad to see, but the left really has an "if we can't have her no one can" attitude when it comes to America. They want Trump to fail, even if it means bad things for the US, and if they can make that happen, they will.
  5. It's wild the way some people try to misrepresent things in order to manipulate people. Very few people have any issue with a skilled person coming to their country, getting a good job and living a respectful and law abiding life.
  6. I think it was the "paying for it" lifestyle he was enjoying... 🫢
  7. Is "Thai Rak Thai" being replaced by "Thai Scam Thai"?
  8. Is this a mistranslation? She works in transportation, not hospitality. The whole thing stinks. It really sucks to be a woman in Thailand sometimes.
  9. More completely absent parents? Possibly a local tough who they didn't want to let down?
  10. There is an issue around the idea of being able to do bad deeds, but then go to the temple, give some food to a monk, pay to let a bird out of a cage, and all is right with the world. But, people tend to be less violent in Buddhist countries, certainly in Thailand, so it doesn't quite add up.
  11. They seemed to stab him in the head. It's lucky he didn't get hurt worse than he did.
  12. So they don't and they do? At the same time? I think you got confused. Based on your comment, you're saying that the answer is yes they do, but it is a small minority.
  13. Perhaps they knew the unlikelihood of police actually turning up. Or thought that the drunken men who were trespassing on their property would be reasonable because they were Thai. A lot of re-educating of the Thai people is probably going to happen over the next few years...
  14. Would anyone actually pay to have sex with someone they found repulsive?
  15. People pay for prostitutes, the customer's looks don't come into it.
  16. I think when the question of "can foreigners make friends with Thai men" came up before, a lot of people who claimed to have Thai male friends, appeared to really only have acquaintances.
  17. It's quite interesting that people think it appropriate to judge others based on their behaviour on this forum, when they themselves appear to troll others to such an extent that, if they were to do so in real life, it would look quite similar to goading someone as if trying to provoke a fight. I sincerely hope Transam doesn't behave offline as he does on this forum, he'd either be completely friendless or getting his face punched daily.
  18. Any chance of a foreigner coming across this in a Thai?
  19. You should read How to Win Friends and Influence People. One of the key takeaways is that people like to feel important. You might also have heard "people don't care what you do, but how you make them feel". Friendliness supposes a certain amount of respect. If someone is "friendly", they're making time for people, taking an interest in their lives, making sure they are safe and happy. That's fairly high on the making someone feel important scale.
  20. Not really. Making a claim and then, when questioned, simply inviting people to read the entire history of Thailand just doesn't make for a solid argument. You should be able to summarise what it is that you think makes Thailand's history as you claim.
  21. So you can't? That doesn't make your argument sound very convincing.
  22. If you're talking about prostitution, nobody says this. Everyone knows that there is a choice, but some choose the easy, high paying option.
  23. No, you weren't? In know you believe it does. You said so. I was asking if you could give a quick summary.
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