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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 66 seconds  
  2. This is why Thais are so "kind and easy going", and generally don't get involved with anything that doesn't directly affect them.
  3. Quite. Typically the cycle is something like: non-left-wing person says or does something, left-wing propagandist distorts or completely concocts what they want to have happened, left-wing press and commentators take that as proven fact and repeat it.
  4. Literally all the left has is lies and smear campaigns. Kind of pathetic, really.
  5. Because the good outweighs the bad and they're just venting and not "Thai bashing" and you need to stop being so negative?
  6. A nice idea, and true in many cases (charitable donations, for example), but most people at least expect an acknowledgement and a thank you for doing somehting to help another. It's just the polite thing to do. If you go out of your way to help a friend or family member, and their reaction is one that suggests contempt and entitlement, most people would find that unpleasant and might not want to help that person again in the future.
  7. There used to be a guy called "the good farang" on YouTube. He was in a relationship with a Thai woman who seeker to hate him and would become abusive when drunk, but he seemed complelty oblivious. He seems to have disappeared now, though.
  8. How did this manifest itself? I thought foreign teachers were primarily there to provide exposure to the language. Were they bad at English?
  9. You've just described communism, unfortunately... (No gulags though, yet.)
  10. It's tricky, because in both Thailand and China, rules, laws and warnings aren't really considered binding. They need some sort of caveat like "No, we mean it this time, this isn't one of those signs that we put up then everyone ignores and we never enforce, you will die."
  11. It seems very complementary. If anyone was expecting that the story would go that the Americans would travel to Thailand, realise that it was lightyears ahead of them in terms of technology, infrastructure, business, and culture, then spend the rest of the advert performing some kind of worship, then they're a bit crazy.
  12. They mentioned resuscitation, so presumably they were performing CPR for 30 minutes until they could get him proper medical care. Possibly the CPR didn't work properly for whatever reason and he ended up brain damaged. Not sure why they think he's going to recover. Perhaps he can breath unassisted even though there's nothing going on in conscious part of the brain?
  13. Depends who you ask. Maybe good for average Thais but bad for those in charge.
  14. I actually think that if Thailand was still like it is portrayed in the ad (fun, chilled out, relaxed, and welcoming to foreingers), tourism would not have gone down as much as it has. I'm not sure if the ad is enough to fool people anymore. The 90s was a long time ago.
  15. It's very difficult to learn. This is really an opinion piece. If Thai was replaced by English, it wouldn't have any tangible detrimental effect, as long as everybody learnt it (it would probably improve communication). People wouldn't like it, though, as they would likely feel like their national identity was being taken from them. They would also probably feel that it meant foreing people and foreign ideas would be too refill embraced.
  16. Hardly anybody studies anyway. Even with the best internet, they just log on and play a game or sleep.
  17. Thailand and Thai people come over very well in this advert. I just went and watched it. You can see that the team wanted to go a little bit retro, harking back to a time when tourism was more popular and Thai people were a lot happier and more welcoming. They obviously wanted to use unusual transport to make the advert more interesting and the story more challenging. They didn't use any vehicle that you don't see on a Thai road on a daily basis. The Thai tourist authority should take notes, not criticise. I realise that Thailand wants to move away from being seen as a tourist destination, and they would like it if the world viewed it more like London, New York or Singapore, as some sort of modern business hub, but that's being a tad unrealistic. You have to put the work in before people will recognise it.
  18. It seems a lot like it was simply done to "own the conservatives". Also doesn't really show much imagination. "The world sees us as a left-wing laughing stock, let's double down and troll them. How about we pick a famous Christian painting and make a drag version..." Very low-effort, and we know they wouldn't do it to any other religious group.
  19. Lol. Great trolling. I'm sorry you're mad at being circumcised, but don't try to put all that anger onto me.
  20. I feel for you, truly. You didn't ask for it. You weren't able to say no. But they did it anyway. And now you're stuck hating on foreskin with your friend Malcolm, trolling people who are still intact. I hope you find peace.
  21. It's on you to explain your points if you want any kind of response from people.
  22. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your parents thought they were doing the right thing and just didn't have all the knowledge.
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