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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Big demand for magic money trees in Thailand. Reliance on tourism backed subsidies for too long?
  2. I'm not sure if you're from the UK or not, but I can assure you there are plenty of foreign hairdressers and barbers there. The list of prohibited professions in Thailand is nothing like the UK. It is discrimination.
  3. I thought this was about prohibited occupations? No one has suggested that work permits are unusual or discriminatory.
  4. No one has mentioned level of skill. Prohibited jobs to foreigners are prohibited no matter what your skill level. And what you have listed isn't discrimination and bias. The UK is nothing like Thailand in this regard.
  5. No. That is your opinion. How about Russia's annexation of The Crimea, or plans for other former Soviet states? Encroaching ok the border of Georgia and so on? How does NATO figure into that?
  6. What do they expect? Even the briefest of glances over Thailand's history when it comes to taking sides is that they don't. They will be ambiguous and then claim to support (and to always have supported) whichever side wins.
  7. With 70% having received their first two jabs (a figure that doesn't seem to be rising much) and 30% having had a booster, depending on what those first two jabs were, it's not much of a reach to suggest that the total number of people actually protected from Omicron lies somewhere between 30-70%. Maybe in the middle? 50%? No wonder they're scared.
  8. I think Crimea was a little more complicated. Although I'm sure it was mostly manufactured by Russia, it did have the feel of a civil war about it, which countries generally don't get involved in unless there are war crimes or genocide.. The invasion of The Ukraine is quite different.
  9. They seem to be sticking to the "covid bad; isolate positives; keep numbers as low as possible" way of seeing things.
  10. What if the vaccines used weren't good enough and have left Thai people very vulnerable to Omicron?
  11. Seems that with an increase in confirmed numbers of 557%* with an increase in serious cases of 74%, it isn't too serious. (*Wondering what the confirmed numbers would be, 1000%? 2000%?)
  12. The difference is that some result in strong and happy families while others lead to miserable and lonely "consumers".
  13. Is she Thai? I thought Thai women were smarter than to fall for diamonds and wanted gold due to the potential of resale as well as appearance..
  14. I wonder what the Russian government have told their troops. That they will be welcomed with open arms, or to expect the local population to fight to the death?
  15. I agree with you, but I think it might be more accurate to say EU/NATO-orientated former Soviet states. They are still in Eastern Europe.
  16. 47,549 actual/probable cases, 166 "from abroad". So 0.35% "from abroad".
  17. 0.80%? Is there such a figure as 0.80? Isn't the zero after the 8 redundant? Is it intended to make it sound worse? "Nought point eight" vs. "nought point eighty"?
  18. How is it for visa runs? I remember the visas in being pretty simple, just pay for a letter and fill out a form (pre-covid).
  19. There's no excuse for verbal or physical harassment, but even men will be treated differently because of their clothing. You cannot complain if you are treated differently (within the law) if you are dressed more provocatively. There are no excuses for harassing, groping, raping etc., anyone, but you can't just do whatever you want and expect no reaction at all. The problem is that women are generally passive in dating and relationships and men are active. So men pursue women because they have to. This can cause problems where men end up pursuing women who they think are more "available" than they actually are. Life is complicated, relationships even more so.
  20. Depends on whether it is harming you. If you find the news makes you feel unhappy, stop consuming it. There is generally no need for it. Most news is purely for entertainment.
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