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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. This is essentially what communism is. A group of people using Marxist ideology to shift power from the current ruling elite to themselves.
  2. Two questions please: 1, Did they get the non-o in Cambodia? 2, If yes to 1, would non-b be as possible?
  3. Vietnam will be open soon with a lot fewer restrictions. Different flavour, but if you want a break in SEA it's not a bad destination. Thailand is lagging behind with their adherence to blaming foreigners for covid.
  4. So this user posted about crypto a while ago and many people said that it sounded like a Ponzi scheme (and rightly so). Now he is posting about the US Dollar being a Ponzi scheme. Really gets the noggin joggin...????
  5. Oh, I wasn't suggesting you stole it. When I said blog post, I meant you maybe had a blog or something. So did you write another version in a different post, or has there been some weird post/comment time travelling going on?
  6. "But foreigners should still be treated as though they are carrying a deadly disease which they intend to deliberately and maliciously spread amongst innocent Thais."
  7. Now, this says posted 9 hours ago, but I'm sure I've read this exact same comment from you before. Is it from a blog post or something? Nothing wrong with that if it is, just curious. (Could be having a bout of Deja vu, of course, but it feels very real.)
  8. Are you saying you believe it to be totally impossible that his condition could be better than it appears and he deliberately performs this (or some elements of it) to increase the likelihood of receiving donations? I gave a personal example of experiencing this. I'm sure other people have experienced it also. You sound a little naïve to not even allow it as a possibility. Obviously if you see him all throughout the day and you know that he lives like this 24/7, that's a somewhat different story.
  9. Haha. Yeah, he only had about three left... What was I going for there? Maybe "some his leg" and "one of his legs" got a bit mixed up. Good spot!
  10. You can tell if someone is a Bitcoin investor, as they are constantly trying to get other people to invest in it too.
  11. I saw a Thai chap sprawled on the centre of a pavement in the centre of Bangkok once, I think he probably had some of his legs missing. I gave him 20 Baht, of course. Walked on a little to see he had his crutches stashed under the stairs of an overpass. I'm not saying these people aren't hard up, but the dragging around on cardboard in the hot sun is quite possible a ruse used deliberately to attract more donations. Plenty of Thai beggars choose to sit in one place out of the sun and many Thai people are generally quite generous to the homeless if they need something to eat.
  12. Today: 16,462 confirmed cases 11,816 probable cases 136 cases from abroad 0.48% from "abroad". OMG. Stop test and go now. Won't somebody please stop this incredible danger. ????
  13. "Since there are no consequences, why are you bothered by there not being any consequences?" Is that what you're asking? I would think it was something like "someone did something bad, so they should face consequences, to discourage them and anybody else from doing it again". Possibly there's also an element of "this person should be held to a higher standard of behaviour due to his position, but it seems like it allowed him to get away with behaving badly".
  14. Very sad to read. Like most of the covid racism in Thailand, not only sad because of the racism, but because of the stupidity involved in anyone thinking this way. (And yes, we know it's not everyone, but it's enough.) There's such a strong feeling of a claim that the covid that is in Thailand already doesn't even register, just the threat from the dirty foreigners "spreading" covid here. You might think I'm joking or exaggerating when I say good covid/bad covid, but it seems to be a reality. And it's a view held by people going right to the top of the political sphere. 14,000 local cases vs. 150 foreign cases (not even necessarily brought in from abroad) is nothing. If anything, it's evidence to let more people in.
  15. "We're worried that you are beginning to relax and think that life might return to normal due to Omicron, so we're here to try and keep you scared with some nonsense."
  16. "Most non-Western cultural attitudes to the elderly explained in a negative and click-baity headline!"
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