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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Perhaps it's all just a misunderstanding and this taxi driver, like all Thai taxi drivers, was being honest and charitable, trying to return someone's lost weapons to them. He just got the wrong person.
  2. Amazing that the guy has the nerve to say this when it proves his responsibility. I guess he thinks it's OK because the breaking was sudden.
  3. it sounds more like the the BMW hitting the motorcycle was the crash.
  4. "Times are hard, so the government needs to subsidise our businesses!" Nice idea, but where does all this free money come from?
  5. The circumstances of the crash. It seems like they just went straight into the water, and not even that deep if the basket was still visible. And that flipped them into the water where they immediately drowned? Then there's the mother's chronic illness and stress, combined with the son's mental problems. Add to that Thai people's casual approach to suicide (onto the next life to get away from current troubles), and it's a distinct possibility. Many disabled people can be 38 years old (or older) and still be completely reliant on others. It's not a stretch at all to imagine a (Thai) mother ending her child's life if she decided to end her own.
  6. Murder suicide? She was sick and thought she would soon be gone, and with no one around to care for the son, better to take him with her? Either way, very sad.
  7. Or maybe don't do any weird livestreams during class and just teach the students?
  8. An interesting question over who to blame. You could consider it a freak accident. The mother was temporarily distracted, the baby crawled off, the father had no idea that she was directly behind his vehicle. Should you check the path of your vehicle before reversing? Probably. Do people inspect under every wheel? Probably not. He could have walked round and seen that the path was clear, hopped up into the cab (I assume it's a stupidly impractical giant truck), played with his phone for a couple of minutes while the AC warmed up, then pulled out. Probably everyone's to blame, or maybe no one. Sometimes these things just happen.
  9. Why, that is most unfortunate... 🤔 (This guy needs to learn how to write in the appropriate tone.)
  10. There are loads of cases of Thais losing their sh*t and going crazy. It's very common. Thai people are very controlled and constrained. It's a society where people are not encouraged to speak out or vent. For this reason, every now and then people lose their sh*t, then things go back to normal.
  11. When the aggression of a man combines with the entitlement of a woman... 🙄
  12. But these are palm oil crops that would be there anyway. They're only opting for biodiesel as the price for palm oil has fallen. Even without the biodiesel, the land would be palm oil trees or some other crop. I doubt there is any way that they would return the land to forest, unless maybe the government bought it from them.
  13. They seem to be stuck in a kind of "they need us more than we need them", passive income obsession.
  14. How could you give prior notification that you are going to misplace your work permit? Visit a fortune teller?
  15. It's pretty simple. I asked you to explain what you meant by "areas of supremacy" so that I could answer your question, and you wouldn't do so. It's on you to explain what you mean if it is unclear, not me. It's fairly obvious you are trolling for this reason, let alone the fact that you even admitted that you were "attempting humour". If you were being genuine, you could have simply asked what I meant by supremacy. Your initial response was clearly not in good faith. You're not "done" as you were never "doing" in the first place. Just a boring old troll.
  16. Obviously, that's why I asked you to explain what the words you were using meant. Still wating for that... 🙄 So you were just trolling after all. Got it.
  17. Well, it's certainly a post.... 😬 However, I couldn't help notice that the topics were: 1, rude 2, criminal 3, criminal 4, rude 5, rude 6, rude 7, dirty I think you could have said the same in much fewer words.
  18. So you were asking for something specific, that I didn't actually say, and you specifically needed six of them, but you didn't even know what you were asking for? That sounds unlikely.
  19. Thank God they were there to offer probably the most vital assistance in this young man's hour of need. I dread to think what this poor boy's final minutes would have been like had a random passer-by not been there to film it!
  20. Smart enough to have a lot of money, but not smart enough to realise that an online relationship isn't real.
  21. Can you define "areas of supremacy", explain why you need to hear six of them, and explain how you think this will help further the debate?
  22. 1, those aren't scams. 2, he wasn't the target. 🙄
  23. So the "mature response" is to allow others to treat you badly whilst being careful not to annoy them? Obviously it's up to you if you want to live this way, and I'm sure you have a great deal of patience and humility, but you must be able to understand that a lot of people don't share this outlook.
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