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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It should absolutely be on CCTV if it happened in or outside the bar.
  2. Why not release the cctv???
  3. Sounds like a re-hash of Cameron's "National Citizen Service". Or, "National Service without the service". https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-launches-national-citizen-service-pilots--2 They probably think that by mentioning "National Service" it will get the old people on board, conjuring images of unruly teens being given what for!
  4. Presumably the land was sold by Tory politicians to their friends at way below the going rate. (With said politicians taking up positions as "consultants" within their friend's companies, "working" one day a week for a couple of hundred grand a year.)
  5. The amount of lies that the press tell about Trump is ridiculous. But the left have power and hate Trump, so nothing is done. Sad.
  6. I think Alex Jones's "They're turning the frogs gay" turned out to be true, but it was something to do with chemicals changing the sex of frogs or something. There was also the Joe Rogan Ivermectin thing, where he took a medical drug desinged for humans to treat covid and the MSM said he was taking medicine designed for horses. The thing that is most amazing is that nobody really cares. Rogan clearly said that he took a drug designed for humans and prescribed by a doctor, the press literally lied about it (presumably because someone told them to), and nobody cares. It's really shocking the amount of lying the MSM gets away with. Not just the scale, but the complete lack of outrage and failure to learn not to trust the press.
  7. There are people who think these are conspiracy theories? I thought they were more "open secrets".
  8. Any source for this? I believe it was known before the vaccines that you could be reinfected, so why would anyone think that a covid vaccine would be anything like other vaccines that provide permanent protection?
  9. That's like saying that you don't believe that the individual teams in a pub trivia game exist. But there they are, split into groups. Sure, cultures/countries don't exist like a physical object, but they exist as an idea. They have a shared identity and unique histories and experiences. Often they have a unique racial/ethnic/religious makeup that separates them (possibly by design).
  10. I disagree with those who say that foreigners don't fit in at all. Although we are of course not Thai, we still exist in Thai society (real or imagined) and therefore have a position within it. I think it varies by the individual, both the foreigner and the Thai, in terms of their socio-economic class (a poor Thai might look up to a rich foreigner), but foreigners are still viewed as typically being at a low position within the social hierarchy in Thai society. I get the impression that Thais don't always feel the need to make the allowances for foreigners that they would make for other Thais, but still often expect that they make them for them. What I mean is, they might not be as polite or deferent to foreigners, but would still be annoyed if the foreigner did not show the expected level of respect to the Thai. So the foreigner is expected to follow the Thai social rules with the Thai, but the Thai might not do so with the foreigner. That's just a general feeling, I could be mistaken.
  11. I wonder if he was ordered to do it so that he would be impeached... 🤔
  12. You're probably confusing depression with simply feeling depressed. Also, lots of well-off people feel like sh*t and lots of poor people are happy. That's just the way life is. It's more about your upbringing and what is going on on the inside than how much material wealth you have.
  13. Let's hope he was rescued before any genital mutilation...
  14. Presumably, they want to know the age difference between you and the 26 year old adult you are with so they can judge you for it. People get a little carried away with this anti age gap stuff. I think people wish they could date a much younger girl, but they can't, so they don't want others too either.
  15. No. That's the opposite. His logic, applied to your example, would be that if tanks and bombs aren't illegal (as tobacco isn't), then why are they wanting guns (vapes) to be illegal? He's saying that if the worse/more harmful thing isn't illegal, why would they make the better/less harmful thing illegal?
  16. If he wrapped it around himself, it could be the case that it was that, rather than the rain simply making it so heavy that it suffocated him. Also a little unrealistic to suggest that it would cut off his air supply without him knowing, unless he wasn't conscious. Possibly some alcohol or drugs involved, then he wrapped himself up making an airtight seal, and passed out.
  17. In an unsecured bag that she wouldn't notice fall off the motorbike...
  18. Sounds like a bit of an overbearing parent, doting on her little prince. "What's wrong my child? Has someone been bullying you? Tell me so I can take action against them!" She probably can't even conceive that he might have provoked someone.
  19. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/explainers/why-does-economic-growth-matter
  20. An interesting video. It seems that, with the younger people they spoke to at least, there seems to be a sense of them wanting to be able to spend their money on themselves. The people who said they couldn't afford to have children seemed to have a fair amount of money, but wanted to spend that money on nice things (and cats). It also might be a factor that they plan to have enough money to support their own retirement, and don't see the need for children to take care of them. I wonder if there is some Western influence at play with the whole "prolonged childhood" thing...
  21. Presumably, if the rice is auctioned, then it will be delivered it to whomever bought it.
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