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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's a massive threat in some areas. In others it's a fantastic boon.
  2. Overtaking or illegal undertaking? Possibly one of these chaps who enjoys travelling at high speed weaving in and out of traffic and only just makes it through, leading to max thrills and max danger.
  3. I think this is the key. Thai people just think completely differently to Western people about these matters. It doesn't even occur to them and they don't even think there is a problem. The idea of preventing something, being proactive, or even reactive is a pretty foreign concept in Thailand. They kind of just work/live to a different standard. To us, it seems incredibly simple. Drive slower, follow the rules of the road, and so on. But Thais often see the world from a very fatalistic viewpoint. Then you can add the fact that Thais are encouraged not to think for themselves, never to question anything, never to criticise anything, never to bother with anything that doesn't affect them, it goes on. This perfect combination means that issues are rarely addressed.
  4. While it does sort of do this, this case is really more about the danger of ignored mental health issues.
  5. Only in Thailand? Women the world over try to destroy a man financially whenever the relationship ends, even if they end it.
  6. That appears to be what the Tories want. Hopefully they will be stopped.
  7. "We send the Ukraine £19 million a week. Let's fund our NHS instead."
  8. Trump didn't cause covid. I doubt Biden would have handled it any better.
  9. It looks like you survived Trump OK. It also looks like you are being dishonest.
  10. Probably exactly this. Possibly those affected feel some sort of inferiority or superiority complex that is triggered by having to rely on foreigners for their existence.
  11. Can't be more dangerous than people like Biden or the Clintons. If he isn't speaking out against them also, then I would trust what he's saying as being true.
  12. Presumably, if it was something like global warming, it would be very gradual, not so sudden that we think, "It's never been like this before!".
  13. It's only because his views are ones that he approves of. If was supporting Trump, he would say he's a stupid idiot.
  14. Potentially scary, but as soon as the technology is there, people will be able to call an expert witness and ask them if it is possible that the footage is AI generated, to which they will presumably say yes. What will be strange is when AI is good enough that it basically makes all video footage questionable. What then?
  15. This seems like a popular scam. Apparently they ask to see some kind of money as they have "never seen it before" and then simply steal it or try to distract you and take a few notes then, as you say, pretend to give it back.
  16. The OP isn't asking that. He's saying it is hotter than usual and that it is unusual to find it so hot at night.
  17. It's impressive, but not exactly scary. It would be scary if people believed it unquestionably. If someone made a video of a politician admitting to a crime and people believed it and the politician lost his job, that would be scary. But that's more the scariness of how stupid some people can be. A little disappointing that for the Seinfeld answer the AI didn't say, "What's the deeeeal with Blitzscalling?".
  18. There's no way Thailand is better now than in 2016. That's insane.
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