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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It was awful and obviously fictional, based on the content. There were also a few tell-tale signs suggest it is AI.
  2. So you agree that he was threatened with arrest to prevent a breach of the peace and not for "being Jewish"?
  3. Are you saying that doing this would retroactively change the reason that the man was threatened with arrest? Because I'm not sure what else this brings to the discussion.
  4. I'm not sure what this has to do with someone being threatened with arrest to prevent a breach of the peace and not because of being Jewish. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Help with what? Preventing a breach of the peace? It really depends on the circumstances.
  6. I'm not patronising you at all. Your comments make it clear that you don't understand the law being discussed, so recommending that you look it up is in no way arrogant or patronising. I know what the truth is, and the Met apologising doesn't affect what actually happened. Nothing. I'm simply telling the truth, and you don't seem to like that. 🤷‍♂️
  7. If they weren't making a profit, what would be their purpose? Some sort of front for another activity?
  8. The casualty rates are irrelevant, as those weren't elements that I was comparing. Things don't need to be exactly the same to be able to compare them. Precisely. And the North weren't trying to liberate the South in Vietnam. I'm not sure how you think you can discuss something you don't even appear to understand. You don't know how to compare things and you don't understand what I wrote.
  9. Who said he was committing a breach of the peace? As I said, look up breach of the peace. You don't know the meaning of the words you are using, so you cannot fully understand what is being discussed.
  10. How is it a crime? The Policeman didn't say it was. Where are you getting this from? It isn't in the article. The Police officer said he would arrest him to prevent a breach of the peace, not because he was Jewish.
  11. Are they still profitable? That's all that really matters.
  12. Not quite: "Officers informed him that his presence, being "quite openly Jewish," could potentially lead to a "breach of peace" amidst the pro-Palestinian march."
  13. Not at all. It's not nonsense at all. Why not look up what breach of the peace is? It sounds like a little research would help you out.
  14. Perhaps it's simply a cultural mismatch. Like the way Thai people work. They tend to work very slowly with lots of breaks. But that can be explained by the weather. It's a hot country and there is an abundance of produce all year round. That doesn't really demand action like most Western countries. It's easy to get confused and think that this should be considered a negative thing, but it's simply how things are. You have to think about why you think something is "normal" and why how someone else behaves seems "weird" or "wrong".
  15. According to the article, he was threatened with arrest to prevent a breach of the peace, not for being Jewish. 🤷‍♂️
  16. The areas I pointed out previously: "The North invaded the South (Russia invaded Ukraine). The North claimed to be liberating the South from the evil capitalists (Russia claimed they wanted to "de-nazify" Ukraine). While, in reality, the communists simply wanted to control the South for their own gain (Russia really just wants control of Ukraine for their own gain)." They are similar, therefore a comparison is possible.
  17. It's possible that anyone who knows is not going to tell. There's been an influx from China and it's been pretty damaging.
  18. What argument have I lost and how did I insult anyone? The chap wasn't threatened with arrest for being Jewish. I looked at what was said, that's why what I said is correct.
  19. That doesn't even make sense. Arrest to prevent a breach of the peace, not for being Jewish. It's excruciatingly clear that you don't. 🙄
  20. The Police officer was concerned there would be a breach of the peace, and threatened arrest for this reason, not because the person was Jewish. I've already explained why this isn't true. 🤷‍♂️
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