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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. What? I answered your questions in good faith, assuming it would allow you to answer the question that you want to try to doge for some reason, and you simply answer with another question. Now you're back to saying that I'm not answering your questions again. I'm not sure how else I can help you to try to understand. If you can only troll, what's the point?
  2. How would I know? I thought I was an 18 year old virgin in your bizarre fantasy? Now I'm an old man bar frequenter? Do you ever consider making sense or being consistent?
  3. If anyone around here needs to behave in a more mature way, it is you.
  4. I haven't dodged any questions. You answering questions with different questions is you dodging questions.
  5. Aren't there supposedly girls often trying to get rescued out of bars though? Some of them must want out. Or do those ones not target the demographic in question?
  6. Lol. I haven't given my opinion on it at all. I'm asking you in order to explain your illogical statement.
  7. Why don't you stop trolling and just answer the very simple question?
  8. As I said, a normal relationship where condoms are the regular method of contraception. Not people who have just started dating and are unsure about exclusivity, trust, sexual health, etc..
  9. Lol. Why not just stop trying to deflect and answer the question?
  10. Try engaging with what I'm saying, instead of trying to look for ways to make ad-homs. If you cannot, you can simply say that you messed up and said something illogical that you didn't mean. Then perhaps we can move on.
  11. No time period. Simply the standard method of contraception in the relationship. I'm not sure how much clearer I can write this... ????
  12. Therefore he knows a good analogy when he sees one??? Seriously??? (N.b. you didn't even make an analogy. ????)
  13. Why would there need to be a time limit? Simply as their regular method of contraception.
  14. Haha. he also said that you made a clever analogy. it's fairly clear how well his judgement can be trusted.
  15. Naïve? I'm simply asking you to explain something you claimed. As their normal method of contraception.
  16. Jesus Christ... ???? So you think someone that uses condoms in a normal relationship is sad also?
  17. Haha. Clearly not. I'm asking you if you think that someone who uses a condom in a normal relationship is sad also. (Since you said that the reason you think someone who has sex with bargirls is sad is the fact that they have to wear a condom.)
  18. He said that it was sad due to wearing a condom, so I asked if normal couples are sad if they wear condoms. It's fairly obvious that this one question highlights how stupid it is to try to suggest that someone is sad for sleeping with bargirls because they have to wear a condom. I am simply challenging what he said as it is fairly ridiculous to suggest that someone is sad for having sex with a bargirl because they have to wear a condom. The fact that he won't answer the question, suggest he realises how illogical what he said is, but doens't want to admit it.
  19. If asking you to explain something you have said that appears to have no logic to it is trolling to you, you must get trolled an awful lot. What point was that? The one you refuse to explain because it's ridiculous?
  20. You've been replying to me more than I have to you. ???? Why not just answer the question? Your logic suggests that someone in a normal relationship who uses condoms is sad, but you don't seem to want to admit that, so presumably, when you said that someone who has sex with a bargirl is sad because they have to wear a condom, it was basically nonsense. Next you'll be saying that someone who is circumcised is "sad" simply because they experience a lot less sensation during sex than someone who is intact... ????
  21. Why is it so difficult? Are people who use condoms in a normal relationship sad or not?
  22. What? I'm simply asking you to explain something you have said. According to you, people who have sex with bargirls are sad because they have to wear condoms. I'm asking if people who wear condoms in a normal relationship are also sad. Which, by the logic of your argument, they are. This then points to how ridiculous the things you have said are.
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