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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. "The important thing to worry about in this story is the danger of White Nationalism." - Starmer, probably...
  2. No. They should follow his lead and ask him for advice in how to fix their countries too.
  3. Yeah, I read a book called The Language Game which claimed that language acquisition doesn't use the "switches" that Chomsky said so much that it's a game of trial and error. I wasn't convinced, to be honest. I quite like Hymes' Communicative Competence. It seems a bit more interesting and relevant to me. It sounds more like a practical help to understanding the process. It's probably this with a combination of "switches" and "language games".
  4. Yeah. I wish he was still young and sharp. I'm sure he would have something interesting to say about AI and how it acquires language skills. Probably something interesting on the legal/moral consequences also.
  5. People probably wanted to listen to him, hence the show. It's about competition.
  6. The same reason this is a valid sentence: Colorless green ideas sleep furiously AI knows the rules, but it doesn't know what makes sense.
  7. Exactly the same for me. It wasn't even gradual or subtle, just straight to "men are all evil, violent abusers of women". That's the problem when you operate a "customer for life" business model. Once you betray your customers, some will stop being your customers, for life.
  8. I think you misread my comment. 😬
  9. Maybe start with the locals and lead by example?
  10. It's understanding the local cultural norms that cause people to act like this in the first palace.
  11. War is big business. They're probably hurting since it's not trendy to kill brown people right now.
  12. Sounds like the Europeans are scared that Trump is going to fix things and make them look bad. Better ramp it up to ensure a deal cannot be made... πŸ™„
  13. It is kind of the luck of the draw, though, as Burma got a pretty bad deal from it. But I think Burma was treated as a big farm.
  14. Not really brave. They know that the likelihood of them being attacked is very low, and they might be able to use their influence to calm men down.
  15. It's easy when your self-esteem is attached to your perception of Thailand, and your mind literally won't allow you find a single thing wrong with the place. Unfortunately, this also means that you have to attack anyone who does make any negative observations.
  16. This is failure? What would the left do? Silence the reporter? Bury the story? Musk admitted what happened and was completely transparent and open. It was a clear win.
  17. DORCO are reasonable. Available in Big C. Not as good as Gillette, but nothing really is. Unfortunately, Gillette went woke.
  18. And these are the good guys while it's Trump who's the fascist! πŸ™„
  19. I think Americans get way more hassle because of left-wing nonsense than anything Trump does. People from outside the US think Trump is doing a great job and can't believe the lunacy that the US citizens have tolerated from the left. The US has gone way down globally in recent years. It's now on its way back up. Your propaganda piece has it back to front, as usual.
  20. What a childish and puerile post. This makes the OP look awful and Musk and Trump look great. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
  21. Check out MUFU. You can find them on Lazada and Shopee. They have several different cameras, depending on how much you want to spend. They have various brackets also, from mounting on a helmet to attaching to the rear-view mirror.
  22. Because they're scared of being called racist... πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  23. Trump's draining the swamp. Do you have a problem with him stopping corruption or protecting vulnerable people? Why?
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