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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If the guy had mental issues, then he isn't really responsible for his actions. Mentally unwell people need help, to simply want to attack them for climbing a building shows a lack of empathy and understanding. What lengths? The issue is immediately obvious and clear.
  2. Don't forget the book that you aren't actually reading... ????
  3. Maybe back in the West, but in Thailand teachers pretty much do as they wish. Ditto the schools themselves.
  4. What kind of a bar? Just a regular bar, or a "bar" in the Thai sense of the word?
  5. Unlike in the West, where a woman would never leave a man who went broke??? ???? Because we all know that you never see a cute girl with a fat ugly man, right? Especially in Thailand... ???? You should have a think about why you desperately "want" other people to believe the things that you think. I mean, you don't simply want to present your point of view and leave it at that. You need other people to think something bad about themselves. Plenty of women are with men who are not attractive. The difference is that in Thailand people are simply more honest about it. Your comments seem to fit into the "you're so mad at people who do something that has literally no impact on your life whatsoever that it brings up other questions about your motives" pattern.
  6. Very well said. Unfortunately, there are some people, even in this very thread, who feel the need to mock and deride people who have these types of relationships. I think what these people forget, is that if they were truly happy, if they were so far above these "poor desperate men", why are they wasting their time insulting them? It says more about them that it does about some men who have found happiness in their very brief stay on this Earth.
  7. I think it's also the fact that men are so brow-beaten and shamed in most Western cultures. Ask anyone why they have a problem with a large age-gap relationship and they generally can't specify any particular reason. They just say "it's disgusting", or they pretend that if the guy is considerably older than the girl then the relationship must be exploiting her. Really, they simply don't like it. It basically comes down to the fact that they have been conditioned not to like it, to expect a man to do as he is told, and that the correct response is to shame and shun until the man does as is expected.
  8. She can't be that responsible if she wants a motorcycle without a licence. Legally and safety-wise, this is obviously not the responsible person's choice. Training, licence, then motorcycle with helmet and no booze.
  9. Indeed. The websites should remove the facility for any places in Thailand. People can then factor that into when they decide where to stay.
  10. If they go every five/10 minutes, and there's 30,000-40,000 people per trip from start to finish, isn't that 30,000-40,000 customers every five minutes during peak and every 10 minutes during off-peak? I would imagine that's still a hefty chunk of change.
  11. Then I guess that proves that people in Biden's age group are not at a higher risk of accelerated cognitive decline then. ???? (It doesn't.)
  12. He could have just kicked her out. What a tragic waste of life.
  13. Can you quote the part of the article that you think supports this? It certainly can't be this: "Women, senior and elders without education have a higher risk of cognitive impairment.", as that doesn't support your claim at all.
  14. But, on this occasion, it is alleged that after he offered her a ride home he convinced her to go into his apartment and then he raped her. That makes it of interest to those investigating the alleged crime. It is valuable to the investigation. If he is innocent, it might even show something that helps his defense. (Although I'm not sure what that might be.)
  15. It was scientific evidence that supported the claim made by the previous poster. Evidence that you asked for. Why did you ask for evidence of something if you never intended to accept that evidence?
  16. We should still be able to get a reasonable idea of what happened from the pasted text. The article lacks coherence. The list of "victims" (the perp is not really a victim) is jumbled and unclear. It refers to the perp before it states who the perp is in a way that suggests it has. Even following the link it is unclear. It doesn't even state who the assailant was. It is merely implies that "Sathaporn" did something bad.
  17. No. Another user said: "People his age deteriorate very quickly. Imagine what he would be like in 4 years. I've said it for a long time, he is not for for the job, and frankly anyone who thinks he is is nuts." To which you replied: "They do? Really, can you back up that generality with some actual evidence. Or are you just another amateur gerontologist?" The "They do?", along with your request for evidence, is clearly referring to the claim about people Biden's age deteriorating quickly. I provided evidence. And now we are here. All this blah-blah is just deflection.
  18. Terrible writing. It's really unclear who did what and takes several goes plus visiting the link to tell what happened.
  19. A worrying point of view. I would imagine that if you think that Trump poses that much of a threat, you aren't particularly concerned about truth, morals or ethics. Which begs the question, what if you're wrong and actually a threat to democracy yourself as a result?
  20. Most AI seems kind of obvious and weird. It also needs someone to check it and repeatedly give hints until it generates the response they want. Being "AI proof" doesn't make it any less worthy of looking down upon.
  21. The post said that Biden is in an age group who would experience a higher rate of cognitive decline. You asked for evidence. I provided the evidence. You then said something incorrect about it. The evidence supports the claim that Biden is in an age group that experiences a higher rate of cognitive decline. Uneducated people being more likely to experience decline, doesn't change that fact. You have either failed to understand the article or what is being discussed. Whichever it is, you are wrong.
  22. I guess with the decline of stamp-collecting as a hobby, people are now turning to gerontology and psychology as pastimes. It's quite interesting the effort people will got to to avoid addressing issues that people bring up. "That's a right-wing talking point, that's a conspiracy theory, you're not an expert a related field." Anything to avoid confronting things they don't like or cannot disagree with.
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