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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. @Bandersnatch posted from the manual that the engine sounds simulator can be switched on and off but I am not so sure it can be truly turned off, only change the sounds. Saw a couple of of FB posters questioning that and all the replies were the usual unplug the speaker/turn the music up replies! @mistral53 , if you get chance.
  2. Guiseley !, a stones throw, literally, from where I was brought up ( Baildon ). This time last year ( well end of August ) was sitting outside The White Cross enjoying a cold beverage with my mate watching the Harley’s on the ride out from the rally. Watching some EV’s also. Anyone spot the feeble attempt to get back on topic ?
  3. Apart from Tesla also available in red I think you got it covered. I saw a red Tesla the other day, it’s a nice colour almost a wine red I would say. But, I don’t drink wine.
  4. Yup, I posted that video last Friday, seems very easy to diy and according to some FB posters the camera can be bought for 1800 baht on AliEx. Aesthetically is the best option but no sound and some reports that the resolution isn’t great at night time. Seems a shame that the camera isn’t being developed further to improve and add sound. Some might say that buying a car for 1 1/2 million baht warrants a decent dash cam with front and rear facing cameras. But of course that needs some trailing wires or hardwire to add to the expense. I prefer the minimalistic approach and would splash out 1800 baht to check it out for myself, plus being a Yorkshireman I recognise it as being the cheapest option ????
  5. Black is stunning but reminds me of my ex wife ………. too high maintenance. So I would go with the Space Grey: It’s a grey/blue that I think is perfect even though I haven’t seen it in person yet.
  6. That’s great thanks. Pressure’s rising ???? Here’s something else that I learned today: The front cup holders have a small button between them and the armrest storage, I wasn’t sure what it was for but with the help of the manual I learned. The drivers side cup holder is adjustable for depth by 40mm, pushing down on the bottom of the cup holder ( or whichever beverage you are drinking ) you can set the height and the button returns the base of cup holder to its original height. ( this was on a Performance model, not sure if applies to Premium ). It’s the little things that make you smile ????
  7. It’s that time again, can already see around Ayutthaya some signs of flooding. The 2 rivers converging at Wat Phanan Choeng are at a high level but a ways off requiring the flood barriers to be lifted, but that can change quickly if water is released up North !! @Crossy, hopefully you have made some alterations since last year ??
  8. I get the impression that the front air con air vents on the Seal can swing like a home air con, not sure if horizontally, vertically or both ?? If that’s true that’s a great idea !! Or has it been around for a while and i just haven’t ventured into the price bracket, that has these luxury options, before ??
  9. Anyone remember what make of tyres on the BYD Seal ? I forgot to look.
  10. Yes, his wife developed cancer and he came here for quite a while for treatment, asked for donations and his subscribers helped him out quickly. Initially I didn’t like the guy but now I watch him occasionally, he certainly gets the latest news quickly …. but doesn’t always get it right.
  11. That could well be true, it might not be stronger but as it brings you to a full stop it gives the impression. Or the regen modes are not as strong on my HEV and one pedal is stronger. I did start off on the lowest regen level ( being a regen noobie ), skipped the mid level and went straight to high, saw a definite increase in strength and then went one pedal, felt an increase in strength but could be as I said above. I might go back to high regen at some point to see if i can determine any change in strength or is it just length of braking. I did try to Google the difference between regen and one pedal but there’s a lot of different explanations , one stated that one pedal only uses 20% of braking power but didn’t relate to any car in particular. My manual gives an explanation but no percentages.
  12. Yes, it is only a theory, on the highway my favourite is leaving a reasonable stopping distance only for someone to slip into the gap as if you created it for them and then braking sharply !! Sometimes I consider driving in the left hand lane as it is empty due to the uneven surface caused by trucks but then a couple of pickups, doing slalom practice, come along pumping out black smoke and I forget the idea.
  13. Yes, the difference imo is one pedal is a stronger regen that brings the car to a full stop and means in theory you should never need to touch the brake.
  14. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that’s not one pedal, it’s 3 levels of regen.
  15. I’m with NatWest hold a healthy balance and make regular transactions, as far as they are aware I am living here and there. Whether this means I am safe from the account closures …… to quote Eff1n2ret ……. who knows?
  16. Yes, if you don’t want to use regen or one pedal then there’s no requirement, just turn them off. But, i think most EV users will use some level of regen as it is generating “ free “ battery energy. A youtuber reckons his battery energy is created 75% by charging and 25% from regen and had some data to back that up. As macahoom says above, on the MG you can change the regen levels to suit your driving, for example: low while highway driving and high around town and coming down a mountain etc My regen/one pedal settings are buried so i just leave it on one pedal. Also if I have to brake harder than usual then i just use the foot brake as normal, one pedal will then continue active when I drive off again. I guess one pedal is basically the typical amount of braking used daily , regen is less so additional physical braking is required.
  17. It’s only what happens with regen to varying degrees depending on the setting you use, although regen doesn’t bring it to a full stop. The motor brakes not the brake pads/rotors in case you were wondering. One pedal is disengaged in cruise control.
  18. As stated earlier I can confirm that the Seal doesn’t come with the video recorder ( built in dash cam ) as included with Atto 3, asked at my local Auto Show. The Show just had the Performance Seal in Velocity Blue, + a Dolphin, disappointing as I wanted to check out the Space Gray colour. I did have a look at the Aion Y Plus and although I don’t care for the looks of the car they put on a good showing. Emphasis on the ability to sleep inside with the front seats laid back flat and an air bed installed. The boot space initially looks standard but lift up the 2 level boot floor and it reveals a very deep space with an emergency spare included. It also has the longest rear legroom of any car I have seen, it’s like a London taxi !!
  19. My HEV has one pedal and indeed if used correctly there’s no need to touch the brakes, it all depends on timing the lift off the accelerator correctly. ( i get it wrong occasionally ) Think of it as a stronger regen setting, I have 3 of those also but as discussed previously they are buried in the info screen ( unlike MG ) so once set you tend to leave it set. Takes a little bit of getting used to and as i have 4 speed bumps before I exit the moobahn i learned about the restricted coasting quickly. As i also mentioned before, the brake lights don’t illuminate, on my car at least, until you have come to a complete stop and in stop/start or slow moving traffic it doesn’t give the car behind much of a head’s up that you have stopped. I use it purely for gas economy, in an EV i would probably just revert to the highest regen.
  20. Thanks for that, saves me asking at the Ayutthaya Autoshow today. I suspect the lack of sound and somewhat questionable resolution has rendered it extinct. No doubt owners will continue to buy the cameras from online sites and diy irrespective of any warranty issues as per Dolphin.
  21. Hopefully battery technology has moved on and safety is improved . My current car has the 12v battery in the boot with the hybrid battery but restricts storage space, under the rear seat is logical as is wasted space ignoring the lack of access and , some might say !, safety issue.
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