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Everything posted by RocketDog

  1. I simply don't sweat small charges like that. Not worth the calories burned thinking about it.
  2. I read that too but don't take anything for granted. Hope for the best but plan for the worst. I don't depend on my SS at all and instead keep assets in several countries, banks vaults, etc. I definitely don't keep most of it in America or USD.
  3. I guess that means you won't be sparing us your maudlin drivel then. Well, I figured it was worth a shot.
  4. Two excellent questions. Through most of my adult life I assumed that I would never collect any social security benefits at all. At 74 I have been drawing it for 7 years, and living here I seldom spend even half of it each month. On the other hand, if the government in America turns Orange this year I thinks all bets on continued SS payments are off. Same for Medicare and Democracy. As far as being able to stay here long term it's a daily crap shoot. The world being the same as we know it over the next 30 years? : Not a snowball's chance in hell of that.
  5. Did that two years ago. Best alternative for those with permanent addresses.
  6. He has a good point. The IRS should stop collecting taxes because so many people cheat on them. Thailand is way ahead of the curve on all this as they have many many laws on the books that they never attempt to enforce.
  7. You have unusual proclivities. Those who 'enjoy' the suffering of others are usually quite unhappy themselves.
  8. Congratulations! You are the first to offer a real drug name. I'm copying the pix to send to my pharmacists. I have a long air trip in April to USA and I need something. Thanks!
  9. So you are a sadist as well as a pretentious busybody. My stomach turns.
  10. Indeed. Thank you Mike. Time to download both forums for reference. I hope they get pinned. Excellent work.
  11. Yep. 2mg Lorezapam. It's great on long flights. Actually it's great for sleeping but it is without question addictive in the long term.
  12. There are metric O-ring assortments sold on Lozada. I've used mine several times. Just try buying them locally. Apparently they are considered space shuttle parts too.
  13. Mike, Cleanup in isle 3 please. Denial is not a river in Egypt.
  14. Of course I do. If you live in Thailand so do you. As I said, direct experience.
  15. Almost everything readily available in Thailand is made in China. That's how I have formed my opinion of chinese product quality. I have no reason to believe that they make cars any better than their other junk. It's called direct experience.
  16. I regret that I could only give you one trophy icon. You nailed it right on the head. I agree with all you said except the last sentence. I'll do my best to never own an EV and with the time I've got left I will probably succeed!
  17. I don't know about their electric cars but I know for sure Chinese batteries suck out loud. As an electronic engineer starting with vacuum tubes I've been waiting all my career for the promised 'perfect battery technology '. I'm retired now and still waiting. FWIW, I want no part of electric cars at this point in their technology curve. I've worked with electronics and computers long enough to cure me of being an early adopter.
  18. Actually cobras (which yours wasn't) are one of most shy snakes here. It is usually much faster and easier to just use a broom to sweep them outside. They don't really want to be there either. But if it makes you feel like a man......
  19. All you need then is another passport. Without one you can't even leave the USA.
  20. Just do it. I had one done at San Paulo hospital in hua hin a few months ago. Procedure was quick and professional.About $600USD.
  21. The cost is insane. I did it once the first time I came here. Never again. Ditto for using a foreign credit card for cash at an ATM. It's legalized rape!
  22. After living in Thailand for 6 years coming from the US I'm quite happy to stay here and I'm going home next month to sell my house and leave nothing there but a mailing address and a bank account. I'll be looking up old friends and telling them goodbye because I don't plan to ever come back there. There's just no appeal to living there anymore and prices are just way too high.
  23. Front load washers must use a rotating seal to keep the water from dumping out. If the seal really works washer is more expensive than a top loading model and more trouble to deal with. If the seal isn't top quality it still wears and fails sooner. Top load washers need no such seal.
  24. The laws may have changed since I submitted the TM 30 several years ago when I was renting a house in chaham. The immigration officer in told me to fill out the form the bottom part of the form myself and submitted and I didn't need any signatures or paperwork from my landlord. So I did that successfully several times and I've now since bought a house so I can use the Blue Book. I suggest going to your immigration office and asking explicitly if you can fill the forms yourself. Good luck and I hope it works out for you.
  25. Unfortunately democracy as we know it in the west is also diminishing, with the possibility of being ravaged and defiled grossly come this November. Perilous times for democracy globally.
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