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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. I flew from Utapao the other week with Flydubai, 2 young foreign lads were checking in with oversized carry on bags quite clearly they knew the weight and size limit. Initially the girl refused to let them fly but gave in in the end not wanting any form of confrontation. My thought was why didn’t she contact a Flydubai rep. to explain to the 2 foreigners there bags were over sized and overweight ?
  2. It depends on the check in staff when there is a limit on carry on baggage, they don’t like confrontation so just ignore the oversize or number of bags. Another whinge when flying, it states clearly on your boarding pass a zone for what order to board in unless you are infirm or travelling with children. Its amazing how many passengers apparently ignore the zonal boarding only to be stopped, they forget there is a seat for everyone. I some times just wait to everyone has nearly boarded to avoid passengers who crowd round the gate waiting to board blocking the way for others.
  3. I agree, I see people on flights attempt to take carry on baggage over the weight limit and size, don’t they ever read the what baggage allowances are or just pushing their luck. Try doing it on an EasyJet ot Ryanair flight, Servisair / Emirates at Newcastle weigh your carry on baggage and on many occasions I have witnessed people being told it’s too heavy/large and they then are frantically trying to put it in their hold baggage. I always get concerned when passengers are putting heavy bags in the overhead lockers, if they accidentally slip from their grasp they could do a passenger a serious injury. When B.A. used to fly from Heathrow their carry on baggage limit was 25kg but the size of the bag limited, try lifting 25 kg into an overhead locker.
  4. Trevor Buzzin was involved in that business was he not ?
  5. I see you only joined in 2021, i would say would you have little or no knowledge about Pattaya, probably don’t even live here or even in Thailand. Stop trolling me, what an ignorant reply you posted.
  6. I know a few bar owners friends, I know what their overheads are but I am not going to divulge them on a public forum.
  7. They are, many bars sell for 60/70 baht a bottle with the same or similar overheads.
  8. I live here, I have done for 10 years, I have eyes, prove me wrong ?
  9. During lock down they could be quite entertaining but now boring, every one to their own but sitting watching scantily dressed hookers getting hammered at 5 o’clock on a Sunday afternoon thousands of miles away. is not my idea of entertainment.
  10. Buzzin has 80k + subscribers on YouTube Dean has 30k + Buzzin must be making decent money. It might all stop as it’s rumoured you might need a Work Permit if you are based in Thailand. Deans gone quiet on the advertising hoarding, who ever looks at them, Dean said hotel is fully booked Nov/Dec but never mentioned the other months, it is cheap but bordered by a busy road and Soi so sleep could be a problem.
  11. The average age of a foreigner coming to Pattaya is 50+, I can never understand nor do I think some bar owners realise they don’t want their ears blasted by Thai music albeit we are in Thailand and at the same wondering why they have no customers.
  12. He has 30k subscribers on YouTube, on his Sunday Live Show Sunday people from abroad buy shots for the bargirls, they end up p**** and cause mayhem, so he is making money there. He also makes income from memberships as well from his YouTube channel. If the government decide YouTubers based in Thailand need a Work Permit things could change and a few Pattaya YouTubers could be in the s*** as they rely on that for their income.
  13. The only real way to judge if a bar is successful is visit it at various times of the day and the year. I am sure not all the takings will be going through the till so an audit of the takings won’t mean a thing.
  14. There is a bar on Soi Bukhao near Soi 21, in the years I have been here it has never has any customers, definitely a laundry bar. I don’t think the 4 new bars in Soi 7 owned by the same person are laundry bars, I think he genuinely thinks he can make a go of it, good luck to him.
  15. In Big C they sell 4 small bottles of Chang for฿134 that’s ฿33 a bottle, yes bars have to make a profit but some sell it for ฿100 plus and even more in go go bars.
  16. I keep saying that about Pattaya, I have lived here for 10 years and have seen a decline in the number of foreigners coming in high season over the years. With the high airfares this is not going to change plus the poor exchange rate, Thailand is no longer a cheap holiday, bar owners open bars with no business plan some open a new one in low season, they then will have few lean months till high season hoping there will be customers, living on hope doesn’t pay the bills.
  17. Nick Dean has just opened his 3rd bar of 4th bar on Soi 7, it has capacity for 200 customers he said, good luck to him, being the ever pessimist I just can’t see where the customers are going to come from.
  18. Can I can transfer the car to her name at the Land Transportation Office,if so what documents would I need ?
  19. My car is in my name, if I passed away suddenly would my Thai partner not wife be able to sell it ?
  20. Has the the fella in Cambodia stepped down recently and appointed his son ?
  21. I think you might that they do want to take to the streets but that’s just what the army junta want them to do then they can take over again.
  22. How many countries in S.E. Asia have democratic elections, Cambodia have just had an election, it was from Democratic !
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