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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. I have a valid visa and re entry permit on that page, what else is there to see in my passport, only visas from other countries and expired visas for Thailand ?
  2. As I have numerous visas I put a paper clip indicating where my visa is, the first thing the IO does is take it out then starts looking at page after page in my passport ?
  3. Ha ha your the keyboard warrior, I bet you were lurking around your keyboard and couldn’t wait to reply.
  4. Always a mister know it all on the forums, all they do is intimidate posters, can’t have much of a life.
  5. Anutin is not the Health minister now, he is the minister of interior.
  6. Nothing will change as Anutin was the Health minister who decriminalised cannabis and is now the Deputy Prime minster.
  7. Judging by the number of outlets there must be a lot sick people who require cannabis for health purposes.
  8. Because the type of women who come to work in Pattaya are more promiscuous and prepared to do anything to earn a few baht to satisfy the mongers who come to Pattaya.
  9. I can agree about Soi 6 but from posts on here what actually goes on in Gentlemens clubs, they are brothels where sex starved older men praying on mostly vulnerable young women forced into prostitution because they don’t have a decent education to find a real job.
  10. Why not, Pattaya is trying to clean its act up but the Gentlemen's Clubs are not doing much to help. Desperate bar owners who can’t make a living from running a normal type bar are opening Gentlemen's Clubs.
  11. The Buzzin Bar in Treetown was only using his name, it was in the ‘wrong’ place as there was no footfall, it might be different once the bars in Made in Thailand open up again, 60 + bars. You can’t push the subscribe button multiple times, if you push it more than once it unsubscribes you.
  12. I think their attitude is open the doors and they will come, Buzzin Trevor has 83000 plus subscribers no idea how that figure was reached and Nick Dean NDTVI has around 35000 even that’s very generous as well. I can’t believe that many people watch blogs about Thailand. It would be interesting to know how many of the subscribers actually ever come to Pattaya.
  13. They be jamming the Go Gos but not the normal type bars.
  14. The buy me a beer/coffee or even donating money is very popular, some are making a good living from it. I used to watch some of the YouTube stuff whilst I was stuck in the U.K.with my Thai partner and son during Covid as there was some good advice on how to go through the procedure of getting a Thailand Pass which I eventually did spending 2 weeks in quarantine in hotel in Naklua. Bar owners have introduced bar girls on their weekly blogs encouraging people thousands of miles away to buy them drinks obviously a good earner for the bar owner. I do find they also give a lot of misinformation out about visa rules and other stuff as well though. I don’t watch any of the bar owner blogs now, no interest of watching bar girls getting p***** or some one walking endlessly around the same Soi’s week in week out or telling me if I go in a certain establishment I will come out with a smile on my face. If the government latch on to the fact bloggers are classed as working they might say they require a Work Permit which will curtail them from making blogs.
  15. I have said to Buzzin Trevor a few times you are doing a great job for the Thai Tourist Authority always talking Pattaya up. Nick Dean is constantly promoting Soi 7 as he is in the process of opening up his 4th bar on the Soi, how he manages to pay the rent on all them during low season is beyond me not unless he has some big backers behind him.
  16. Yep the first baht bus is full of school children, the second was taken years ago I would think, I haven’t seen a baht bus that packed for years. I think you are a bar owner trying to talk Pattaya up like Buzzin Trevor does and Nick Dean on NDTVI, looking at your user name you might be Dan Dan the camera man Nick Deans camera man.
  17. Our son has English and Chinese at school, the teacher doesn’t speak either, I think the kids only learn the spoken words but nothing else. The school has an English teacher who is Thai and on the one occasion I spoke to him his English was very poor.
  18. You live in Pattaya, in my 10 years here I have never seen Pattaya jammed with farangs only Thais.
  19. Then why were the bar owners complaining they couldn’t get bar girls then complaining again when they did they moved on to another bar who were paying a better salary.
  20. Where were you drinking certainty not where I was, in general most farangs leave Pattaya as it’s a Thai thing and getting buckets of cold water thrown over them doesn’t appeal to them.
  21. The shortage of bar girls who are certainly not ladies is down to the fact a lot have jumped on to dating apps, no need to sit in a bar getting p***** and being able to chose their clients.
  22. In my 9 years in Pattaya I have noticed a big decline in foreigners coming for the high season which is now shorter more so down to the fact that Thailand isn’t a cheap holiday now with increase in airfares and the poor exchange rates. Why anyone would want to open a bar here is beyond me not unless they are money laundering.
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