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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Not a money expert but how can you launder money when there is none pass through the till ?
  2. There is a good mark up on beer etc, the majority of the cost of a girlie drink goes to the bar, in most cases the girls are told to try and get as many girlie drinks as possible bought for them, most are just coloured water then there is the bar fine which again the majority goes to the bar. The trick is to order 2 whisky and cokes, when she brings them you take hers, I bet it’s only coke. Employ some half decent looking girls and you could make some decent money.
  3. But 60 ? there isn’t enough customers for the current bars even in high season.
  4. Classic example, Candy Bar on Soi Bukhao, American fella spend a load of money, it was going to be a Go Go Bar, never opened, new owner moved in ripped it to bits appears to be doing ok now. Bar across the road from Candy Bar called TNT, in all my years here it never ever appears to have any customers not surprised as they blast out Thai music constantly.
  5. There must be a demand for bars in Pattaya, they are making 60plus new bars on the old Made in Thailand site and by all accounts they have been let. Soi 7 same foreigner who has 3 bars in Soi 7 has taken over Rosie OGradys and converting it into 2 separate bars,, There must be money to be made from opening a bar ?
  6. VFS are not infallible, I applied myself for my sons first U.K. Passport at. VFS Global in Bangkok, I submitted all the required documentation which they checked. A week later I received an email from the U.K. Passport office, our sons Mother should have signed the form, we are not married. We had to write a letter signed by her verifying the application. The next renewal I used Key Visa meaning I didn’t have to to do 2 trips to Bangkok, one to drop it of and 1 to collect it.
  7. I renewed our our sons U.K. Passport using Key Visa, last year, at the time the U.K. Passport website said there was a 10 week delay It took 16 weeks for the new Passport part of could be explained by the fact I can’t see Key Visa doing a daily run to Bangkok, it would depend on how much business they had to do in Bangkok. The cost was 5000 baht not including the the Passport Fee, I used the Credit/Debit Card for.m, Key Visa will pay the fee and you pay them in baht. The U.K. Passport Office was recently on strike for 5 weeks, so more delays are possible. VFS Global in Bangkok now require a DNA Test for a child’s first UK Passport, they will do the DNA for £200 or you can arrange it yourself.
  8. If they manage to form a government the first thing they should do is to try and change the constitution and get rid of Prayuts lackies in the Senate if that’s possible ?
  9. The only way Bhumjaithai will back Pita as PM is if they back their Cannabis Bill.
  10. Only one party offering free education till university level, it would have been a vote winner if the other parties had included it in their manifesto instead of giving cash handouts.
  11. It ITV ceased operations his shares will be worthless, with his education background I think he will have covered his backside.
  12. If you on holiday do you not check what’s on the days you are there ? I am sure if some can’t go with out alcohol for 24 hours they have an addiction problem.
  13. Makes a change from ‘raiding’ entertainment centres on Walking Street.
  14. Wouldn’t they have deserved it after punching a fella in the head ?
  15. Who have Thailand got to defend itself against, they would be overrun in 5 minutes if some one decided to attack them. Spend the money on education teaching the kids a trade or in higher education.
  16. It might do in other countries, in the U.K. they can come out with a trade, what do they have when they leave the army in Thailand, discipline, that won’t get them a job.
  17. Up until the last day of term in March they were still wearing masks, I assume when he goes back on Monday because of the government’s recommendations they will be wearing them again.
  18. Even most of the staff in shops are not wearing masks now, most of the Thais are wearing masks now because of the air pollution. I don’t want my son to be wearing one all day but unfortunately I have to abide by the school rules, his mask didn’t stop him having fever not Covid last term.
  19. I think it’s a great idea about school uniforms no bickering from the other kids on what type of designer shoes/trainers/clothing etc. Try buying school uniforms in the U.K. a you get much change out of £150 which includes shoes.
  20. My mother suffered from depression, they say it’s hereditary, I often wake up in the morning feeling very depressed. What I do find is alcohol is one of the causes, I never drink more than 2 beers because anymore I know I will wake up feeling very depressed. My remedy is to focus on the day ahead and plan what I am going to do, I went through counselling but it didn’t help.
  21. The benefits were thought be for farmers as an alternative crop but now most of the cannabis is imported i believe leaving farmers out of pocket.
  22. On a ‘normal’ night go round all the entertainment venues in the tourist areas in Pattaya and count how many Thai citizens are drinking in them. I guess nearly zero, the Thai citizens will have stocked up days before and do what they normally do have a party at home.
  23. I was in Vietnam, Da Nang and Hoi An last week, the only people wearing masks were the Chinese tourists.
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