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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. If part of their salary relied on tips like in the States they might be more attentive. in the U.K. most hospitality staff go on training courses when working in hospitality and have a vocational qualification.
  2. According to one report there are over 8000 Thai citizens in Israel ?
  3. Most Thais would never complain, it’s not inbred in them, they would just leave the food pay the bill and leave.
  4. Do people actually think Putin will come, I will put my life savings days he won’t, too much of a security risk for him although he could send one of his stunt doubles.
  5. Russia have loads of oil and gas going cheap and plenty of it.
  6. I thought the Baht Buses were part of a cooperative and all the takings were pooled therefore why does it matter who picks what passengers up ?
  7. It just means people will go out later, most have budgets so will spread it out over the longer hours.
  8. With all the new bars 60 in the old Made in Thailand site and many more including Gentleman’s Clubs I think they are all expecting a bumper holiday season, we shall see ?
  9. The members of the winning party elect the PM normally. In places if the public vote for a leader they are voting for a President.
  10. Probably the seller, create a false selling account then delete it, I always pay COD and if I buy a high value item I open it before the delivery person leaves.
  11. Definitely not a non white thing but people were convinced there were people from other EU countries taking their jobs. Since Brexit there has been more immigration all legal, the problem is the EU workers we depended on to collect the fruit and veg, working in the hospitality industry and Care Sector can’t come anymore with out a lengthy visa process. The U.K. now has produce rotting in the fields or the farmers have cut back on what they grow, restaurants have restricted opening hours due to staff shortages and the Care Home sector has thousands of vacancies.
  12. A colleague ordered a Xiaomi phone from Lazada, when he opened the box there was a bottle of water in the box.
  13. I live in Thailand I go on holiday to Vietnam for a few days, I am not tourist so why would I have to pay the tourist fee when I arrive back in BKK ?
  14. If you think that’s expensive the Robin Hood advertising £90 a head for Christmas Day not including drinks, under 12s half price, need to eat a lot to get £90s worth of food down your neck. It’s not as if they have additional staff costs like they do in the U.K.
  15. I have had enough by then but still reasonably priced.
  16. Time Bar on LK Metro is around 50 baht all day all night.
  17. It will need a few plane loads of tourists to make those bars profitable if that was the intention ?
  18. The Russians saved Thailand/Phuket with the war and people fleeing to avoid conscription. if I remember rightly when Covid stopped all the Tourists due to lockdowns the PM said Thailand doesn’t have to rely on Tourism as it was only a minority of the GDP., Domestic tourism would make the difference up.
  19. Made from coffee beans, Instant coffee is made from real coffee beans. The soluble and volatile contents of the beans are extracted. Then the water is removed so powder or concentrated soluble coffee powder are left over. It's essentially been dehydrated for our convenience – just add water and you have yourself a brew!
  20. Or the sidewalks on Pattaya Klang where numerous parts are still incomplete with missing slabs creating a tripping hazard.
  21. Beach Road 1 way 2nd Road the opposite way unless Beach Road is closed for an event.
  22. Even before the roadworks wasn’t 2nd Road always one way ?
  23. I have a valid ‘Retirement Visa’ renewed in issued in August, I have a multi entry re entry permit, if I had anything dodgy the ‘Retirement Visa’ wouldn’t have been issued at Jomtien, they would have checked my passport for anything ‘dodgy’. Whats in my previous pages in my Passport should be no concern of the I.O.
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