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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. This is the first generation who voted in the last election, I think it will take the next generation to make changes, by that time all the old dinosaurs will have passed away and Pita will still be around.
  2. On a different topic if using the monthly income for an Extension can you withdraw money as soon as you obtain the Extension or do you have to leave a balance similar the the ฿800k ?
  3. How do you know some one who doesn’t have a pot to pee in if they don’t have the ฿800k in the bank here, you are being very presumptuous, even if they don’t they are contributing towards Thailands economy.
  4. Any one with a criminal record irrespective of having Criminal Record Check will find a way, there could be loads living here on overstay. As long as they stay under the radar they will never be found, the Police never ever as far I know have a stop and search policy asking for documents not unless you commit an offence.
  5. Traffic Police no different from the Royal Thai Police, or any other law enforcement agency in Thailand they never enforce the law as written.
  6. And people bragging how they have ฿800k in the bank yellow books and pink ID Cards.
  7. Agreed, this is not an everyday occurrence, it appears allegedly to be a ‘mafia type execution’
  8. It’s a shame the Police don’t commit so much time to traffic offences and road deaths, 1 murder and they are like flies round s*** ! If it was Thais involved in this atrocity it would barely make the headlines or what about Thai woman who murdered 15 with cyanide ?
  9. Too many snouts in the trough to stop that, I think Big Joke was looking into stuff like that and got moved sideways before being removed after a year. He was appointed as the chief of the Immigration Bureau in September 2018 and removed from his post in 2019 for unclear reasons. As chief of the Immigration Bureau, he frequently appeared in news headlines
  10. The real criminals will be living under a false identity here, we all know brown envelopes can help smooth the passage. A few weeks ago it was the Chinese who bought the Police out to set up illegal gambling in Thailand.
  11. Well you keep talking about them if there is, because some one gets murdered an every day occurrence in most countries you want everyone to arrives to have a Police check. if Thailand is so concerned they should introduce the ESTA system used to enter the States or the ETIAS system for people who live in non Eu countries including the U.K. who want to visit an EU country to be introduced in 2024.
  12. People who live in glass castles shouldn’t throw stones. if Thailand is full of scumbags why are you living here ?
  13. You have transport I don’t, my choice and I will continue to use an agent, money well spent, makes my life a lot less stressful, I let the agent take the strain.
  14. This time was a one off due the German murder, it’s normally a trip to the agent then the bank then home. Collect my passport from the agent in 2 days. My time is precious in the later stages in life well worth the money. It saves the journey time, 2 baht buses to get to Jomtien from across the city or if I really want to splash the cash a Bolt taxi. Good for you having a Yellow Book and Pink ID Card not every one has.
  15. And thousands of tourists, plenty of other places to visit in S.E. Asia where no Police checks required. What do you class as a scumbag ?
  16. Your advocating every one who comes to Thailand as a tourist should have a Police Clearance Check, I can’t see that doing much to boost tourism?
  17. How many countries in the world do you need a Police Clearance Check before going on holiday ?
  18. Typical I am all right Jack, life is difficult enough for Thai people but you are only thinking of yourself.
  19. For a start it was less than ฿10k. how I spend my income is my concern, I don’t go through life trying to save money all the time but anything that saves me the time travelling to and thro from Jomtien is fine by me, money well spent. I also used the same agent to get me a Residence Letter and they do my 90 day reporting for free.
  20. So you want to see people go out of business and Thai people having no jobs, agents are a way of life in Thailand, too many of the higher hierarchy on the take making a lucrative living. Why keep the required amount of money in Thailand paying next to nothing interest when you can keep it in your home country getting interest.
  21. They appear to have added more rooms to the Immigration Office and construction was going on for more space. Thailand makes a lot of money from its Immigration laws so it can’t start enforcing to many rules and regulations. I have no idea who makes what when you have the ฿800000 in your account, it’s deposited and removed within minutes but immigration must be taking a big cut allegedly ?
  22. I renewed my Extension of Stay/‘Retirement Visa’ today, I always use an agent even though I have the money in the bank, too lazy, hate going to immigration and it’s the other side of the city. It was a visit to agent office then the bank, rep from agent there as well who took my photo then I had to go to Jomtien and have some one take a photo outside the office showing me standing next to the immigration logo. Lady in the agent office said more checks were in place now due to the murder of the German fella.
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