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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. I would have thought when they reached a safe country they would be detained as they are illegal, it would appear EU countries make no effort to detain them or house them in hotels like the U.K. do.
  2. To arrive in the U.K. they would have to have a visa, normal visitor visa is 6 months, they wouldn’t have been allowed to board a flight with out a valid visa.
  3. I am aware of the difference, Illegal is entering the U.K. with out a visa, legal immigration is entering the U.K. with a visa. Prior to brexit people from the member states could enter the U.K. without a visa, they still had go through Passport Control as we weren’t a member of Schengen.
  4. Not the point pre Brexit there was no fee, with a family it will add to the cost their cost of their holiday. If the UK were still in the UK there would be no fee.
  5. Farage has a lot to answer for as has he was the one quoting this, we now have more immigration than pre brexit. Unfortunately stopping the Freedom of Movement has seen a huge labour shortage in the labour market. Another consequence of brexit is any non Eu citizen visiting an Eu country will have to compete a ETIAS online and pay a €7 fee in 2024.
  6. Apply for a visa is the only legal way in their own country as was stated then apply for Asylum when you get to the U.K if the visa is granted.The people who are crossing the channel are paying substantial amounts of money to the traffickers so can well afford the fares. The majority of visa claims probably would be refused as they couldn’t provide claims they were being persecuted more so the young Albanians even Iranians. The other stumbling blocks would be they are no facilities to apply for a visa in their home country although it can all be done online, if granted they might not be allowed to board an aircraft by their own authorities. My biggest concern from statistics is the majority of boat people are male and between the ages of 25 to 35 years of age. Unfortunately genuine refugees haven’t the facilities to even apply for a visa or funds for a channel crossing.
  7. Around 300 crossed the channel in 2016, last year it was nearly 23000, the government just sat back and let it happen. The old adage closing the gate after the horse has bolted
  8. We have ‘donated’ £240 million to France to help stop the boat crossings which have increased and £140 million to Rwanda where not 1 refugee has been sent albeit they can only take 200. It was supposed to discourage boat crossings but it hasn’t, lawyers and hoteliers are making millions. I don’t see this new law changing anything, it’s unfixable, lots of desperate people out there and the system can’t cope them.
  9. You can cheaper taxis to the airport than Bolt, 1000/1100 baht.
  10. I think most establishments with a few very skimpily dressed girls sitting outside could be classed as brothels. Nick Dean of NDTVI has a few for sale on his live YouTube video on a Sunday night, he calls it the casting couch, so yes there are all flavours.
  11. Gentlemans clubs polite name for a brothei, why are they behind closed doors ? German lives adjacent to me, his wife who runs a club was asking around for girls to work in the club which she said had short time rooms.
  12. No idea, I don’t use it anymore, I don’t do Gentleman’s Clubs, overpriced beer bars.
  13. Prices will never come back to to pre Covid or pre Ukrainian conflict levels, people become accustomed to paying them that includes airfares where if airlines can fill planes at the current prices they won’t reduce them.
  14. I can believe that, they have put yellow boxes at some junctions meaning you don’t enter into the box unless your exit is clear, in general drivers ignore them probably not knowing what they mean, like the red and white pedestrian crossings.
  15. In the past when I have ordered Bolt they send me a message to say they will be with me once they finish their previous drop off, not for the first time they cancelled after I received the message.
  16. You wouldn’t use a Bolt taxi in central pattaya when you can go around for 10 baht would you ?
  17. Nick Dean and Buzzin Trevor are always talking Pattaya up, they do a great job for TAT. bearing in mind the majority of their videos are viewed by people abroad. Deans video on a Sunday night where he has a few bar girls sat selling their wares on what he calls the casting couch with the viewing audience buying them shots, tbh if I was interested I wouldn’t give any of them a second look. These videos were made popular by Covid during lockdown but are now a bore with the same format day in day out, Buzzin walking round Pattaya with a camera. Looking at Deans bars he must be making money, he provides accommodation for the stall, owns a condo worth a few million now looking at renting/buying another whilst renting his current one out. Yes ok to watch during lockdown but now I give them a miss.
  18. I believe a lot of the congestion on Klang is caused by the traffic lights at Big C, 3rd Road and 2hd Road. They are 4 way intersections but the traffic only goes from 1 intersection at a time. There no reason why 2 intersections can’t go when the traffic is flowing in the opposite directions.
  19. Have a look at a YouTube video NDTVi by Nick Dean who has 3 bars in Soi 7, he said Made in Thailand Beer Complex which was demolished is going to be redeveloped. There are going be 50/60: new bars now it’s the landowner who is building them, must have money to burn or knows some thing we don’t ?
  20. Bit late bringing the subject up now as most schools will be closing for the summer recess. Hopefully in the new term in May the mask wearing class will have ceased.
  21. Pattaya has at least 3 major Shopping Malls on Beach Road,I think that’s where the majority of the traffic is heading.
  22. I think the drivers who drive for Bolt thought initially it was a good idea, when Bolt was first introduced there wasn’t as much congestion in Pattaya. From my experience in the last few weeks I have had numerous cancellations some times 3 of one after another. I always know if its more than 5 minutes the driver will cancel, I think they bank their fares and cherry pick the most economical ones. I never have a problem getting one back from the Soi Bukhao area only when ordering one where I live near Arunotai school.
  23. I think as the cars are all private the drivers use their cars for extra income but they are not making as much they thought they would mostly due to the congestion in central Pattaya. We have been stuck in traffic a few times but the driver didn’t ask for more than the agreed fare. One was also a motor bike taxi driver, after being stuck in congestion for nearly an hour he said he was going to dump the car at home and go out on his bike.
  24. Because they have some nearer than you, they can select their pick ups.
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