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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. The Senate was elected by the current government mostly army personnel, whilst not up to date the constitution was changed to allow this, can the Senate block any new legislation ? Ruling parties fill the upper house with their own people like the House of Lords in the U.K. that’s why Labour would like it abolished because like Thailand the personnel are appointed not elected.
  2. Would it not have been cheaper to instal a back up generator instead of solar panels, you don’t how long the power will be for and with a decent size generator it should be sufficient to power everything indefinitely ?
  3. Obviously your understanding of grammar isn’t very good ‘we’ is a plural if it was me I would have said ‘I’, when I say ‘we’ I am referring to Thailand. My issues with cannabis is the way it was removed from the narcotics list with out any discussion, it was an individual trying to make himself popular pre election. You don’t know me so why do you think I am not a bit more travelled and worldly wise than the average back packer ? Looking at the time your post was written you had just come back from the bar, maybe you should wait to you sober up before writing a post which makes more sense instead of trolling me,
  4. We have enough issues with alcohol but at least it’s regulated, Cannabis should be put back on the narcotics list until it’s regulated, currently it’s a free for all. Also Back Packers who use Cannabis in Thailand need to realise that other countries they might be visiting have cannabis on the narcotics list. If they are in Bali say and have a test and it’s positive, they will be locked up.
  5. But the train could be derailed as the opposition who are odds on to win the election oppose the Cannabis Bill in its present form.Whilst they don’t have a problem with using Cannabis for health issues they are opposed to the current free for all.
  6. Prior to the break in the New Year when I received the daily newsletter by email there was a link so I could view a web version by clicking on the link at the bottom of the newsletter., this no longer available ?
  7. The world, unfortunately the reason so many Russians are in Thailand is because of the conflict.
  8. No screaming just commenting how many they are, in some ways the war has been a godsend for Thai tourism but not in the way we wanted.
  9. Strangely enough Thailand has just signed an extradition agreement with Russia, is draft dodging illegal, Russia could in effect ask for Thai Police to arrest them if Russia provided names which when they go to immigration could be arrested theoretically ?
  10. Not in numbers they are now, I have been here 10 years and never seen so many, I was on the beach on Koh Larn and we were surrounded by Russians. The Sun does go for sensationalism that’s why they sell so many, I personally wouldn’t use it for toilet paper.
  11. Thanks for all the answers but the devices mentioned neutral to earth fault would not be detected or a live to the casing of an appliance becoming live ?
  12. I understand it 100%, you don’t agree the money in the system Agents use,
  13. Why are you concerned about the money in the bank, does it affect you personally, if not move on.
  14. He didnt have a clue what I was on about basically, he isn’t going to do anything is he, I have a place in the U.K., I used to rent it out, apart from the Gas Safe Certificate you now have to provide an Electrical Certificate when renting a property.
  15. Not new to Thailand been here 10 years, we have 3 pin sockets, it was only when I removed the cover from one I noticed there was no earth wire.
  16. I have some new appliances with metal cases which only have 2 pins no earth.
  17. I am thinking of some sort of safety device to fit in the consumer unit
  18. There is no earthing in my rented house not even an earth wire at the consumer unit, apart from rewiring the house which is out of the question there is no way the system could be made to accommodate a 3 wire system and instal an earth rod. We have some metallic appliances as well which are only 2 pin, I have noticed Home Pro or Big C no longer sell Extension Leads with 2 pins plugs. We don’t plan on moving is there any safety device that could be fitted in the Consumer Unit currently only MCBs ?
  19. The U.K. Government have handed over another £500 million to the French, probably give it to the smugglers to buy more boats.
  20. Surely the French see the people massing around the beach areas, some days they must be hundreds, I don’t think the. French make much effort to stop them. Hey it might be like Thailand, a few brown envelopes to turn a blind eye ?
  21. I would have thought when they reached a safe country they would be detained as they are illegal, it would appear EU countries make no effort to detain them or house them in hotels like the U.K. do.
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