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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. A previous poster said this a VFS site for Laos but I can’t Laos mentioned ?
  2. This is link for the DFS Global website stating a DNA Test is required, https://visa.vfsglobal.com/lao/en/gbr/hmpo
  3. If you are not married to the Mother she has to sign the application form, I signed our sons and I had to resubmit the application form with his Mothers signature. The other point is if the it’s the child’s first passport VFS Global in Bangkok now require a DNA Test not sure if you have to as you are applying in the U.K. but I doubt it. DNA testing – For first time child cases (first passport for a child) applying for British citizenship and who have been offered by His Majesty’s Passport Office to take their DNA test at a VFS Global Visa Application Centre.
  4. I always thought you retained your passport and the agent cut the corners off ?
  5. It doesn’t matter what country or where they work wether it be a bar in Pattaya or otherwise they get exploited. Some wise up and use their bodies attributes to their advantage though. Fella who shall remain nameless does a lot of YouTube stuff opened a bar in Treetown Pattaya. He said there would be no girls there only staff, that didn’t last long as he had no customers. Opened another bar Soi Pothole now bragging he has 20 girls available.
  6. Who ever decided on the location was not familiar where the entertainment centres were in Pattaya or thought the brand would attract customers.
  7. Stand corrected.
  8. 12000 baht not including fee, Key Visa.
  9. To qualify for benefits the women must have had indefinite leave to remain which takes 5 years, not cheap. A friend of mine married a Thai woman and as soon as she got indefinite leave to remain divorced him, she is still living in the U.K.
  10. Obviously a lot of thick foreigners about who sponsor these women, I would say your statement applies to a minority, it would take a few thousand short/long times to buy a house or a car even with a sponsor/sponsors.. I am not a woke feminist, my opinion is many as I have said women and men are forced into prostitution, yes there are jobs but due to the low salaries they find prostitution can provide a better income.
  11. Amazes me how bar owners promote prostitution always on the look out for ‘staff’ although some have now gone freelance on the dating apps. Some are genuinely looking for security but in general it’s their only way of earning an income degrading themselves with some usually old fat farang for a few minutes for a few baht.
  12. Let’s be honest most Thai women are lured into prostitution as needs must due to the poor education system and low salaries.
  13. I am no expert in the Stock Market but surely if Pita gets disqualified the market could collapse more so if the army politicians take over again ?
  14. No idea, I know nothing about Volunteer Visas etc.
  15. He might no already he will ok to run as PM ?
  16. The Visa is legal if obtained from an Immigration Office.
  17. Why is he asking for advice then ?
  18. Dear me I want to unsubscribe from this topic as it’s getting boring but I want to know what happened about his iPhone
  19. No idea why he doesn’t just go to the shop, what’s he scared of ?
  20. Slightly off t topic, I misplaced my iPhone in Dubai airport, think I left it in security, I tracked it using Find my Phone, emailed Dubai Security with a Google map showing its location, no reply. I sent an email to one of the travel correspondents in the National press in the U.K. Dubai Airport must have read it, I got my phone replaced next time I went through the airport, met with a couple of Arabs in white ‘suits’ presented with the new phone then escorted to the Business Lounge. I got here, phone wouldn’t work, contacted Dubai Airport, next trip there was a replacement phone waiting for me, both iPhones were upgrades from the one I misplaced.
  21. Quote from a bar owner in Soi 7 on YouTube when I mentioned some of the beer prices on New Plaza and Soi Buakhao bars , ‘anyone who is only making 10 baht on a bottle of beer doesn’t deserve to be in business’ ?
  22. Why is that, you go where you can get the best value for money irrespective of your standing in life.
  23. Why ?
  24. No I object to posters referring to others as Cheap Charlies when they don’t know them personally.
  25. And it ticks me off when people call other people Cheap Charlie’s, some people have limited funds and no matter wether they live here or elsewhere have to budget. Try telling people who shop in Aldi or Lidl i the U.K. they are Cheap Charlies.
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