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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel is the home of the basement bar Thermae. So what's Thermae? Thermae is Call Girl Central. Huh? That's right. Walk into Ruamchitt's basement bar and there will be a bar. No music. No wall decorations. No band. No female hostesses. No female bartenders. Just a bunch of wide-eyed guys trying to not look silly as they clutch their bottles of Heineken and loads and loads of pretty women standing about the fringes of the bar. It's a sight.
  2. Not just Soi 6, loads of farang bar managers in Pattaya, some one must be ‘issuing’ work permits to them if it’s a job they are not permitted to do ?
  3. There is hotel on Sukhumvit in Bangkok, there is a club in the basement, the girls stand round the perimeter all decently dressed waiting for offers.
  4. Like anywhere in Thailand are the they regulated, are you insured travelling on a baht bus ?
  5. Bryan Flowers of the Night Wish Group own over 20 bars on Soi 6, it doesn’t leave many for the Police ?
  6. Staff shortages as airlines are struggling recruit new staff after laying them off during Covid, most have found other employment, high oil price and airlines trying to recoup the losses from Covid sums it up. I would imagine airlines will be up to speed with new recruits, the oil price has dropped, will this mean cheaper fares ? No if people are prepared to pay the current prices they won’t drop.
  7. I think there will be more departures than arrivals !
  8. Wouldn’t the Police be better employed stopping all the under age kids with no helmets, licence or insurance ?
  9. Why would you want to helmetless in the first place ?
  10. Great for cars but wouldn’t stop the motor bike riders.
  11. With today’s long range weapons it doesn’t matter how long a border is as proved in the 2nd World War, just bomb the hell out of a country as Britain did to Germany and the USA did to Japan.
  12. Close Beach Road yes, make 2nd Road 2 way, how long would it take to educate people it was 2 way. For me the first people that needs educating are the Police from the top to the bottom so they can seriously enforce the laws on the roads.
  13. When did the Thai government ever think about businesses when it comes to alcohol sales, never !
  14. They escalators in Las Vegas to cross the roads.
  15. Big mistake by foreigners making assumptions about the Thai government I would say going by past experiences.
  16. Close Beach Road except for Baht buses and deliveries, I would also close central Soi Buakha to ensure it’s not used as a rat run.
  17. The airlines are still ‘recovering’ from Covid add into that staff shortages meaning fewer flights then the high oil price which has fallen but now OPEC has cut the output forecast is oil will soon hit $100 again therefore I can’t flight prices coming down not unless the airlines struggle to sell seats. I can see the 45 days being reinstated in October then again we will have a new government so no one knows what the future holds.
  18. Putin will be like a rat trapped in a corner, no saying like a rat what he will do ?
  19. Regular speed traps at one end with the Police waiting further up the road to stop them and pull them in, l bet there would a huge backlog.
  20. Of course, they could tell by their records that giving 45 days wasn’t making money, 30 days then the additional fee to extend it.
  21. You booked a flight knowing the 30 days was going to end on the 31st of March, t was never mentioned it was going to be extended was it ? it’s low season for Europeans now plus the high air fares isn’t exactly encouraging Europeans to come.
  22. Not many people in regular employment get 30 days holiday never mind 45 days not unless they have ‘banked’ their holidays or taking unpaid leave. Are the government are trying to get people on a visa rather than stamp them in, monetary issue ?
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