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Everything posted by Jumbo1968

  1. Pattaya has many events on the beach which thousands attend yet there are no toilets except in the bars !
  2. I live on a Soi of Arunotai near the school, no water splashing here, ideal for Big C on Klang and when the water stops, 10 minutes from Buakhao. Few town houses for rent or sale in the Sois or in Nikon Condo if you want cheap rent, 60 baht in a Bolt taxi to Central.
  3. That was 13 years ago, Truss didn’t help either by nearly collapsing the economy single handily with the Bank of England having to bale us out pushing interest rates up.as a result.
  4. Let the Tories sort out the mess they have created since 2010.
  5. In all my working years I never felt better off or worse off no matter who was in power, money was just removed from your pocket in different ways by who ever was in power.
  6. They sold Draught Guinness in small bottles the same as the cans in Italy when I was working there.
  7. You would only receive it when you become resident in the Philippines.
  8. The State Pension is paid 4 weeks in arrears, mine was due the 10th, I won’t get the 10% till May but I will still receive 13 payments at the new rate.
  9. I bought a pack of 4 of the 0% by mistake when I was in the U.K. last year, very similar can and packaging, it was putrid, I poured them down the sink. I drink draught Guinness in Pattaya, it has recently gone up in price was 199 baht now 209 baht in Cheap Charlie’s. I used to go to the Sports Bar in LK Metro, it was 220 baht but they put it up to 240 baht, a bit excessive I think.I appreciate its cans your looking for but I asked a similar question not so long ago and got similar results.
  10. We used apply a paste when we joined them, no idea what was called. Use a straight through connector and providing they are not touching there shouldn’t be a problem,
  11. Public Holidays 13th and the 14th.
  12. Why do people come to Thailand to ogle women on a pole and pay top dollar for beer that’s the relevance.
  13. If a party wins an overall majority might it be able to the constitution ?
  14. Can anyone change the constitution to get rid the of upper house of the 250 unelected senators who are ‘friends’ of the current PM .
  15. I can’t see it being busy on the 18/19th not unless you drive there to avoid the water.
  16. The online versions are easy enough you can enlarge them, try printing them out, reams and reams of pages.
  17. TBH have you ever tried to read the terms and conditions where the text is so small it’s barely readable a deliberate ploy I believe by the insurance companies so people can’t be bothered taking the time to read them.
  18. Maybe I am getting on in years but I can’t see the attraction of semi naked girls stood out side a bar selling their ‘wares’, well most are playing on their phones. Similarly agogo bars inflated drinks prices to watch a bored girl wriggling on a pole. In days gone by in the U.K. we used have strippers in the clubs generally on a Sunday afternoon, it used to be advertised as one for the boys. Cheap drinks and you didn’t have to pay them to perform either.
  19. I already suggested about her coming to the U.K.,he never said she had actually ever had visited the U.K., so she has no idea what it’s like. My Thai partner has been to the U.K. 3 times, the last visit ended up being stuck in the U.K. for over a year.due covid travel restrictions. She certainly wouldn’t want to live in the U.K. permanently.though. No reason a Spouse Visa can’t be applied for in the U.K. Idont think.
  20. As I said you have the additional costs of English Langauge test, X Ray confirming no TB, Bio metric fingerprinting plus the application fee. Has your girlfriend been to the U.K., if not how do you know she would want to live in the U.K. ? I would suggest coming to the U.K. on a Visitor Visa and sort things out when you are both in the U.K.
  21. What a ridiculous question, don’t you follow the Thai media, the Bhumjaithai Party led by Anutin has less than 2% of vote going by the opinion poles, in the last election legalising cannabis was the only item on his manifesto. If one of the big players in Thailand was involved with cannabis the same as vaping things would be different but none of them are interested.
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