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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. BTW I like the discussion of the price of a single Satoshi instead of a price of a "whole" Bitcoin. So let's hope not that Bitcoin will rise to $100'000 but that Satoshi will rise to $1 :D
  2. I got my account blocked for that, and they did not unblock it even after I called Paypal support and confirmed that it was really me. I had to register a new account with another email address. The support rep told that I have to use Thailand IP addresses only to use Paypal within Thailand. Fun fact: I'm still getting Paypal marketing and informational emails to the old email address of the blocked account.
  3. I'm interested in Pfizer, ping me if you have some for sale.
  4. Bitcoin $35000 Ethereum $2500 this is the last chance to buy before the next bullrun. Forget about shítcoins, stick with BTC and ETH. This is a financial advice, do not do your own research.
  5. you can not buy smaller than 0.00001 BTC as most exchanges will decline that amount, also there is a hardcoded limit of bitcoin node itself - transactions less than 0.00000358 BTC will be rejected by the network.
  6. Better than that, it was myopia -4 dioptries before the surgery, I haven't measured the vision recently but it feels like -1.5 D. I believe that computer is the reason because before COVID I was often hanging outside etc and never felt anything wrong with the vision, but since 2020 I'm mostly sitting in front of the computer all the day and my vision started to noticeably decline somewhere around mid 2020 and is still getting worse.
  7. Relex, best $5k I've ever spent. Unfortunately it does not last forever, especially if you don't care after your eyes as me. My vision started to worsen again after 4 years since the surgery. So do the eye gymnastics and all other stuff recommended and don't use a computer&smartphone for 16 hours daily.
  8. Generally - yes. No, I mean that controllers could just instantly die with no apparent reasons (still I believe it's because of overheating). But it's a very rare fault and its probability is just a little bit higher than a HDD controller fault.
  9. you seem to not understand what I'm talking about. The question is not about online access to your accounts and the strength of your passwords and 2FAs. Imagine that you live in a third world country where everything could be sorted out with a brown envelope, and where foreigners often commit suicide with their hands tied behind the back. And then your name, address, phone number, and the information that you possess an electronic gizmo with a million dollars inside, appears on the Internet, free access for everybody. Your actions? I work with crypto since circa 2010 and I've created one of the very first web managers for bitcoind, hence the question above. I do own some cryptos, and have something to do with the steps involving holding and transferring, however I stopped "logging into exchanges" the very same day when Binance forced the KYC process for "unverified" accounts. ... I'll rephrase my question for IQ70 crowd out there. Imagine that you'd come to the police office and tell "I was put a knife to my neck and was forced to enter my Trezor PIN, please help" - "sorry no understand" Your actions?
  10. I've had a surgery at TRSC in Silom http://www.lasikthai.com/ Expensive but they seem to know what they do.
  11. imagine that you've bought Bitcoin somewhen around 2013 and now they worth 7 digits in USD, also your are published on Facebook. Your actions?
  12. why cloning your email/phone/2FA when you could give them all that stuff yourself?
  13. this. All "SSD health monitoring" software will show you how many sectors died and how many spare sectors left. SSDs do die suddenly, but not because of a single sector failure. Most commonly it's a fried up controller.
  14. Cryptocurrency exchange BTC-Alpha (btc-alpha.com) website dump leaked the dump is available for free (I won't publish links, search in the internets), weights 2 GB and has interesting information about their 362'479 users: email, password, IP address, full name, address, phone number, KYC document number (passport/driving license/etc), date of birth, and other information. If you accept KYC on any website - it's not a matter of "IF", it's a matter of "WHEN" your personal data will be published for everybody to use and abuse.
  15. only 3rd vaccine, not the 1st one. Hence interested in buying.
  16. > Mr.Anastasiia Anton Sopia Elizaveta Tikhomirova LOL these are 4 different people (or 3 if one of the girls has a double name), the hotel personnel just ignorantly wrote 4 (3?) persons into a single name field. > Anton male name > Anastasiia > Sopia (*Sophia) > Elizaveta = different female names. I think one of them could have a double name like "Sophia-Elizaveta" (like e.g. "Anna-Maria") then it's 2 different girls, either - 3 different girls. > Tikhomirova female surname so no surname of the guy, or he has the same surname as the girls (this way he would be "Tikhomirov")
  17. Still interested in "private vaccines" source for Pfizer.
  18. Update: yes, the tax added is a USA-only thing, it has nothing to do with Paypal Thailand. When I bought that item I used an address in USA (because seller could not "ship" internationally, even digital goods). I'm buying another digital item now and if I choose USA address on the checkout page then a tax row appears, but if I choose address in Thailand then the tax row disappears.
  19. I don't really care if there will be any injections at all, I just need a confirmation paper allowing me to travel. No vaccines yet, but I don't want to take any other vaccines except Pfizer as it is the only organization I somewhat trust.
  20. yes, there is a simple check that the field must contain 13 digits, I think Thailand government did not provide Paypal with any way to check the number validity. I've just put 13 zeroes in that field and Paypal accepted it and I have an excuse for the support just in case - the field was not accepting my passport number.
  21. People tend to leave 5 stars if the item just was delivered, or if the hotel had no cockroaches and stains on walls, or if they did not break the leg at the tourist attraction. So I read only negative reviews (1-3 stars) and choose the product/place based on if I could accept the risks described in those negative reviews. If the item has no reviews but looks like the one I need - then I'll buy it and will try to leave a detailed review myself, same with the hotel or tourist attraction.
  22. which is the length of that ID? Does it consist of numbers only or letters too? I wonder if I could just write something like 1234567890 in that field.
  23. ???? same here, I use modified Firefox for general browsing (with multiple profiles, to separate the cache and other stuff like local storage) and <deleted> Chrome (ungoogled-chromium flavour) for a few websites that I have to use and that do not work in Firefox because their hipster developers used a bleeding edge web technologies for the eye-candy. as for the manners - there are just too many people who blindly promote Brave because some talking head in Youtube told them so, not because they understand how Web and browsers work internally.
  24. this also applies to the encryption software as well Bitlocker simply can not be trusted because it is closed source - we can't know which backdoors and intentionally made vulnerabilities are inside it.
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