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Everything posted by fdsa

  1. If anybody is going to a hospital (any) for a booster - please ask if Pfizer vaccines became available for a first shot, not a booster. I've asked everywhere a few weeks ago and was offered only Sino- or Astra- as a first shot. For farang, with work permit, haven't got any vaccine before. Thanks in advance
  2. per annum https://aseannow.com/topic/1239812-id-like-a-4g-mobile-plan-with-high-download-speeds-and-unlimited-data/?do=findComment&comment=17038505
  3. If you will use it just as a bridge and will have a second router for routing then you won't need any special configuration. Also it's a different model than the one I have (AN5506-04-FA), but the configuration process and backdoor accounts might be the same. I'll share my notes for those desperate souls who have this router and need a more advanced configuration. Possible backdoor accounts: USER: f9!6b1e1rhO3es~u!p@e#r$a%d^m*i(n PASS: s)f_U+h|g{u@5h2o1q0b1l Username: f~i!b@e#r$h%o^m*esuperadmin Password: s(f)u_h+g|u Username: fiberhomesuperadmin Password: sfuhgu Username: admin1234 Password: admin1234 How to gain root access: 1) login to web panel using one of backdoor accounts (my router has "f9!6b1e1rhO3es~u!p@e#r$a%d^m*i(n", if all above accounts did not work - you will need to dump the firmware and check file "/fhcfg/umconfig.txt") 2) go to and enable "debug access" 3) telnet to port 23 with "admin" account (check the sticker at the bottom of the router - my one has login "admin", password "098A") 4) run commands "ddd" and then "shell": ddd (yes, three "d" letters) shell 5) telnet to port 26 with "root" account (my router has root password = "GEPON", if it won't work for you then you need to google other possible passwords or to dump the firmware and bruteforce the password hash from file "/etc/passwd") 6) voila - you've got the "real" root access. Now my particular problem - this router does not share traffic between Wi-Fi and LAN interfaces (I wasn't able to connect to PC from the smartphone) To fix: 0) telnet to port 26 as root 1) remount the file system to enable writing mount -o remount,rw /fh/extend 2) delete all default firewall rules iptables -F iptables -X iptables -t nat -F iptables -t nat -X iptables -t mangle -F iptables -t mangle -X 3) allow traffic forwarding sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 iptables -I FORWARD -i wlan1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan1 -j ACCEPT # (your interfaces' names could be different, check "ifconfig" first) 4) check if WiFi devices could connect to LAN devices already. If could not - try to delete LAN interface (eth0 in my example) from the bridge first; but if the previous commands worked - DO NOT DELETE it from the bridge. brctl delif br0 eth0 # manually add every computer connected to LAN ports (in this example = computer 1, and = computer 2): route add -host dev eth0 route add -host dev eth0 5) IMPORTANT: internet provider will fkuc up your settings with TR-069 backdoor over time (which exists in every single router on the market BTW, not only Fiberhome), so you need to disable it: login to web panel, open and disable it and/or clear all fields (but make a note of all settings, just in case) URLs for more RTFMing: - https://gist.github.com/kleo/de3b1610b1879f8e92966ba106f83f97 - https://github.com/bkspc/fiberhomesuperadmin - https://kleo.github.io/pldt-home-fiber-router-hacking - https://kleo.github.io/pldt-home-fiber-router-console-access - https://kleo.github.io/pldt-home-fiber-router-firmware-and-files - https://kleo.github.io/pldt-home-fiber-web-interface-admin-access
  4. Hospitals in our big and "frontier" town (Phuket) offered me only Sinovac and Astrazeneca as a first shot, Pfizer is available only as a second or third shot. i.e. Pfizer+Pfizer combination is extremely rare while Sinovac+Pfizer or Astra+Pfizer is freely available, but I'd like the first one rather than the others.
  5. Sorry for hijacking the thread. Does anyone know for sure where to get a first Pfizer shot?
  6. Their FiberHome AN5506-04-FA is the worst piece of cráp I've ever dealt with. Ping me if you'd be unlucky enough to get the same model. P.S. I wasn't using 3BB services so can't comment on their quality, only used their particular router and it was pain.
  7. I've heard of them, thats exactly why I asked that question. Divide their current prices by their ICO prices and ask yourself - will they really make more x's? As for someone who've stocked BTC at $350 (and 've been using it since BTC was $6), LTC at $4, DASH at $40, ETH at $200, et cetera, it gonna be a long wait.
  8. There are many different models of the same router, which support different network bands. Look for the model intended for Australia, it should work well in Thailand too. For your device - B818-260 or B818-263 should work: B818-260 - has USB port (easier to flash firmware), bands 1/2/3/4/5/7/8/20/26/28/32/38/40/41/42/43/66 B818-263 - does not have USB(will be harder to flash), bands 1/3/5/7/8/20/28/32/38/40/41/42/43 Btw it seems to be Cat12, not Cat19.
  9. please do, I'm really eager to know what makes you think that coins which already yielded 70'000% profit will rise even more.
  10. Unfortunately there are no such plans on all provider's websites and they don't sell these in their branches. And there is no USSD code to switch to this plan. It is some kind of "corporate" or "promotion" SIM which is valid for 1 year only (you could not extend it for 1 more year after it expires) and you could buy it online only. check here: https://www.lazada.co.th/a-lot1632290177/?q=All-Products&langFlag=en&from=wangpu&lang=en&pageTypeId=2
  11. Please find any confirmation for this e.g. a payment receipt. When my friend paid more than 20'000 THB for overstay the whole forum went "NO U LIE IT CANT BE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM IS 20K U CANT BE ASKED TO PAY MORE U LIAR", unfortunately my friend did not save the receipt and if yours did then I'd love to stick that receipt up those forum members' mouths.
  12. My favourite is flashing the left signal and turning right
  13. For Asian credit cards https://www.omise.co/ is very good. I don't know how it works for the rest of the world though.
  14. Duno why the laughing smileys. What could be better than hiding in the virtual reality instead of looking at the real sad reality, and playing games / watching TV shows instead of talking with your family mates? The sheep will really like this tech, so I'm in.
  15. The cryptocurrency bubble has bursted, at last. Hurry up to sell all your coins now until they cost nothing.
  16. Okay now it is officially the end of cryptocurrency era, for real. Sell all your coins until its too late.
  17. and that's why you could find a customer willing to pay 5,000 USD to 50,000 USD for a website and then find a cheap Indian to do the job for you. Huge moneys are made this way. check OP's topics and see how it looked in web.archive.org
  18. When have you seen a zebra shark at the Shark Point for the last time? A reef shark at Bida Nok? My personal experience: found fishing traps made of steel wire (which are impossible to cut as I usually do with traps made of rope) straight at Racha Yai and Racha Noi shores, just about about 20-30m distance from the island border, not 500m away as a common rumour says about "permitted distance for fishermen". Also found huge fish traps straight on the top of King Cruiser.
  19. Well I've found your website and I could tell that you are really lucky that you've discovered one little secret. I'd like to share this secret with fellow forum members: - every single product cost as much as people are willing to pay for it. For a success you just need to find a customer with lots of moneys who could easily throw it away and doesn't care at all, or a customer who doesn't have even a little understanding about a honest price of your product/service. And for the real success you should also have an overconfidence and impudence, to easily say that your competitors are worse than you when they are clearly not, and that your product is the best of its kind when it's clearly not.
  20. When I arrived at 10:00 the gate was already closed and the security guard said "already finish, come tomorrow" ok nvm, I don't need this vaccine that much.
  21. unfortunately it's very opposite: my friends divers report that the overall fish population around Phuket, Racha and Phi Phi islands severily decreased since the beginning of COVID, most likely because fishermen were taking every opportunity to earn at least something.
  22. I think you've got confused with definitions. I'm not talking about 2.5inch SATA drives but about "m.2" ones. The interface is called "m.2" and it's the same for all 3 types of drives, but the technology inside is different, as well as drives' speed and thus their price. m.2 NVMe > faster than m.2 AHCI > faster than m.2 SATA
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